This made me very sad and ANGRY!

PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
The news of the New Jersey woman who wants to weigh 1,000 pounds is making its way around the globe. When I read it, it just made me very sad.

Donna Simpson, a 42-year old mother who now weighs approximately 601 pounds, has her sights set on seeing the scale hit four digits. She previously earned the Guinness Book of Records title for being the world's biggest mother when she gave birth in 2007.

Simpson said her strategy to add weight includes reducing her activity as much as possible and consuming more food.

What is heart-breaking is that Simpson is mindful enough to have a plan to gain 400 pounds but doesn't seem to factor in how that impacts her young daughter and 14-year old son. Although she says that "running after my daughter keeps [her] weight down," she already relies on a motorized scooter when shopping.

What will happen when she is completely bedridden due to her size and the inevitable medical complications that come with less and less activity and more and more weight? What will happen to the children left with that legacy if her mother does not survive her own pursuit of the 1,000 title? What are these children learning too early about misplaced ambition, well-being, self-care, and just staying alive?

It also saddens me that someone who clearly has drive would use it in such a self-destructive manner. Reading her quotes, so full of disillusionment, feels the same as watching addicts suddenly run away from the treatment facility on "Ceberity Rehab" or seeing a famous athlete accused of countless infidelities deny, deny and deny some more.

Her habit -- or action item on her plan, as she may now see it -- reportedly includes spending
$815 a week on groceries and consuming as much as 70 pieces of sushi at a time.

It's unfathomable, even to those of us who have had times when our own sense of portion size and food spending has been far out of the healthy range.

But before we get too judgmental, consider that Simpson is clearly being enabled by the public. According to Daily Mail, she currently earns some income by running a site where male viewers pay to watch her eat and wash herself.

It seems that something radical is called for to help this woman who is now getting the attention I fear she seeks. I just hope that there is someone out there who can get through to her and soon. Not just an intervention for her, but for the small, vulnerable child
and teenager caught in the middle of all this sadness and unhealthiness.

Here's the original link:


  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    I find this more disgusting than sad. To be OK with ruining your own life it one thing but, ruining your childrens life is another. This woman has some serious issues and he kids should be taken away from her. She is not giving her childen any kind of life. Just terrible.
  • CinthyNair
    CinthyNair Posts: 261
    sick :angry: :grumble: :explode:
  • rkascak
    rkascak Posts: 224 Member
    :noway: WOW! i cannot believe this! this in insane. How can someone WANT to wiegh that much. Its wrong. I dont even know how to say how horrible this is.....
  • bebhinn
    bebhinn Posts: 198
    Apalling. No other words right now.
  • She also has a website and is looking for donations to help pay for her grocery bills!!!!!!
  • kels0724
    kels0724 Posts: 136
    This IS soooo terrible! I can only pray, like you said, that someone goes in and helps her turn this around! she needs the help to turn all her motives to the other end, as in become determined to LOSE 400 pounds, not gain!! I sure hope someone will help this woman before it affects her kids even more!
  • youngs
    youngs Posts: 250 Member
    WHY??? just why would a person want to do this...She by no means is thinking of the life she is putting her children through..This is so sad and think about it if she gets that big..the poor children will be the one to have the burden placed on them by having to wait on her hand and foot..Some may disagree with me..she is an adult and can make her choices but I dont belive that the children should have to watch her at killing herself by doing this to her body...This is just a sad situation..and for the life of me I can not figure out why she would be proud to do that..I am discusted at myself for letting my body get to the point it was at..
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member

    Here's a video of her speaking that explains her mental mindset, it's quite easy to see she's not well and is disilusioned on why men are wanting to see her on the site she goes on.

    I agree, the children would be better placed in a home of a healthier person.

    One thing at the end of the video she says is "I don't buy into the idea of overweight diseases", she clearly is not thinking like a well person.

    very sad for the children, sad for the mother since she seems to not fully understand what is lose even to make this attempt.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    well I have no idea why anyone in the world would want to accomplish such a goal...ummmm *at a loss for wordS*
  • mctex
    mctex Posts: 4
    I think Guinness should refuse to record such statistics. They don't have records for "most alcoholic drinks consumed" or "most lines of cocaine snorted" or "most unprotected sex" or any other self-destructive behaviors, do they? I don't know why this should be any different...

    And as for the kids... I'm guessing there's no record for child abuse.

    I just read on Wikipedia that they don't allow for a "heaviest cat" record, to avoid pet abuse.

    Someone should start a petition to Guinness against this woman...
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    WHY??? just why would a person want to do this...She by no means is thinking of the life she is putting her children through..This is so sad and think about it if she gets that big..the poor children will be the one to have the burden placed on them by having to wait on her hand and foot..Some may disagree with me..she is an adult and can make her choices but I dont belive that the children should have to watch her at killing herself by doing this to her body...This is just a sad situation..and for the life of me I can not figure out why she would be proud to do that..I am discusted at myself for letting my body get to the point it was at..

    why?? That's exactly what I was wondering myself! Then I saw the article where Oprah, Dr. Phil, ET, a book deal, a reality show and on it goes... gave interest with all in the nearly 5 digit figures.

    Now we know part of the why. She feel the attention from men on the website when she is 'scantily' clad (their words) and her weight 'jiggles' (also their words) is what men want to see and she feels it is positive attention not being made fun of.

    Her self image is sadly skewed and well, I don't know, the whole thing is beyond sad for all of them. The small child who will learn unhealthy eating habits, the older child for the need to have to then care for the mother and young child and also learn anger, resentment and bad habits and a unhealthy way of getting attention/making money.
  • iamalexa
    iamalexa Posts: 53
    Sorry but honestly this kinda **** should be illegal or something! I woul cry if my mom looked like that. And who wants to be known for being 1000 pounds. If she even gets there. Whos to say her health dont give out due to all the junk she is putting into her mouth!!

    Good golley, im appalud!
  • kcandjoe
    kcandjoe Posts: 8
    sick, sick, sick!!! I bet she will be on TV. The media loves sick people.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    She also has a website and is looking for donations to help pay for her grocery bills!!!!!!

    This is the most disgusting thing about it, besides the fact that she'll probably die before she reaches her "goal" I feel bad for the children that she brought into this world and is now doing to leave probably much ealrier than necessary. And what a horrible lesson to teach her children. While there are other starving in the world she's asking for our hard earned money to feed her.... she's 600 pounds are you freaking kidding me! I was extremely poor growing up and know what it truly feels like to be hungry. Shame on her and her selfish mind.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I think Guinness should refuse to record such statistics. They don't have records for "most alcoholic drinks consumed" or "most lines of cocaine snorted" or "most unprotected sex" or any other self-destructive behaviors, do they? I don't know why this should be any different...

    And as for the kids... I'm guessing there's no record for child abuse.

    I just read on Wikipedia that they don't allow for a "heaviest cat" record, to avoid pet abuse.

    Someone should start a petition to Guinness against this woman...

    THANK YOU if someone were to start a petition I'd sign!
  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    Absolutely digusting! Not a person that weighs that much but what she is doing. I agree with the person who said the kids should be yanked out of the home. Kids today have enough crap to worry about and add something like this onto it. :sick:
  • chicynth
    chicynth Posts: 48 Member
    Is that legal?! I mean, child abuse comes in many different forms!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    after a certain weight doesnt it become hard to walk? the heck does she chase after her kids?...the father maybe? and i dunno if theres someone else in the house hold taking care of the kids it might be a good thing for them to see....cause once u see a person get so dang big and unhealthy lookin even as a kid u realize....I NEVER WANT TO BE LIKE THAT!
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    It's not a good thing for anyone to see!!!! These kids are watching their mother kill herself! Maybe they will say " I never want to be like that" but, I'm sure they alraedy decided that before she hit 600lbs. The kids should not be in that unhealthy for them!
  • bby_baer
    bby_baer Posts: 39
    I just saw this on TV earlier tonight and was completely disgusted with the whole story. First and foremost...SHE IS A MOTHER!!! She is being completely selfish and clearly NOT thinking about her daughter at all. The fact that she could grow up without a mother because she did something this stupid! Also, look at what she is teaching her...ALL the WRONG things obviously! I only feed sad for her daughter. As far as this wanna be 1000 pound lady goes...she just needs a smack upside her head for what she is doing to her daughter. Just like smoking, if you wanna poison your own body then you have every right to do so as long as it doesn't effect anyone else, especially children who are pretty much voiceless. But when you smoke in the house, in the car, etc. and they are forced to inhale those toxins into their body as well, that is NOT right. Same thing goes for this chick, if she didn't have any kids then I'd say no matter how 'wrong' that is, it's her body and her life. But she does have a kid and the lack of personal care, health, and nutrition is effecting that little girl who at this point has no choice in the matter.
    I'm just going to leave my 2 cents at that because this is just so wrong in so many ways, I'd be typing for hours!
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