weight loss while pregnant

I know this topic can be controversial but please no rude comments.....

Here's the DL

I want to know if it is okay to lose weight while pregnant, I know it's possible(consume less calories) but I am wondering if anyone else has lost a significant amount of weight and still had a healthy baby. Baby #3 will be here June 2013 and baby #2 was born June 2012, yes shocking! I want to lose weight because I know it is not healthy to be so heavy while pregnant and well also because i don't want to be so huge any more :(. I use to eat fast food 5 days per week some time 2 meals a day. I've kicked that and haven't have fastfood in 2 weeks. Also I eat alot of processed and pre made food. I have started to try to eat clean and was wondering if 1500 calories per day would be healthy while pregnant. I am hoping to be no more than 180lbs when I have my baby.

Here are my stats:

age- 23 years
height - 5'2
weight- 198 lbs
BMI 36.2 - Beyond Obese


  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Ask your doctor...
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    I think this is something you need to talk to your doctor about.
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Ask your doctor...

    Definitely this!! You should get your doctor's guidance on this.
  • Midnight_Sunshine
    Midnight_Sunshine Posts: 369 Member
    You need to talk to your OBGYN

    They usually advise against making dramatic lifestyle changes while pregnant like starting a diet or starting to exercise.

    But if you have already been eating clean and working out then they will usually say it is okay to continue to do so, at a moderate rate...depending on trimester of course.

    But just ask at your next appointment

    and congrats!
  • Goosiesnougs
    I do not think that calorie consumption is enough..........But yes, ask the OB.....And congrats!
  • kimmvpt
    kimmvpt Posts: 9 Member
    You need to talk to DR..If you change your eating from crap to clean eating you will lose weight but still get what you need while pregnant. If its processed don't put in your body or if you can't pronounce the ingredients than don’t put in body. You should keep to 2000 cal while pregant lots greens and low cal meats. Walking is good. Good luck
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    You need to talk to your OBGYN

    They usually advise against making dramatic lifestyle changes while pregnant like starting a diet or starting to exercise.

    But if you have already been eating clean and working out then they will usually say it is okay to continue to do so, at a moderate rate...depending on trimester of course.

    But just ask at your next appointment

    and congrats!

    I agree with everyone else...ask your doctor.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I would ask your doctor. I know that losing weight while pregnant is acceptable if you are overweight. I am just not sure about the 1500 calorie thing..... my sister always comes out a few lbs less after pregnancy and didnt get yelled at :)
  • itsmyvwbeetle
    itsmyvwbeetle Posts: 272 Member
    Definitely ask your doctor. I had gestational diabetes and the diabetic diet I was put on caused me to lose around 25 pounds. The doctor was fine with that loss since it was a healthy, monitored loss (baby was 9 1/2 pounds).
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I had a friend who was always underweight, and she consumed less than 1000 calories a day during all 4 of her pregnancies. The babies were fine. She suffered the consequences though. The baby will take what it needs from you regardless of what you're eating. But becoming even more overweight could actually be dangerous for the baby, increasing your chances for diabetes and other health conditions. You should talk to your doctor and have him/her refer you to a qualified nutritionist.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
  • andreamelo1
    andreamelo1 Posts: 161 Member
    you probably already asked your doctor and he said NO which means a preggo should never loose weight just remember you are not starving nutrients from yourself but from your child can lead to tons of prob including but not limited to low birth weight & down syndrome please reconsider
  • khara626
    khara626 Posts: 8 Member
    1500 calories is NOT enough to fuel your body and the baby's growth. Try instead to focus on managing weight gain during pregnancy. It is NEVER healthy for your baby for you to try to lose weight during pregnancy. If you're obese, then your doctor should be able to reccomend a healthier plan for you, as you don't need to gain AS MUCH weight as a "normal" weight person during pregnancy. I started walking (at a pretty relaxed pace) during my pregnancy, which helped me to be in the habit of exercising when I had my daughter and made it easier to lose weight afterwards. I lost a total of 50+ pounds after I had her, which is about 2x as much as I gained during the pregnancy.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    You absolutely need to talk to your doctor, only he/she can determine if it is okay for you to try and lose (or maintain) while pregnant. In some cases, they will actually recommend it, but I can promise they will tell you that 1500 calories is too low. No judgements here, I thought about it when I got pregnant too. The thought of having to gain weight for most women is scary. But, I gained 40 pounds, had my daughter 2 months ago, and already lost 35 of them. If you gain healthy a amount without using the whole pregnancy excuse and gaining a crazy amount of weight, the weight you gain isn't fat and typically comes off quickly, especially if you breastfeed~! Good luck!
  • lishaalexis
    lishaalexis Posts: 195 Member
    Please just ask your doctor. If you are really concerned bring it up over and over, they will eventually get the message.
  • ladyonaquest
    ladyonaquest Posts: 605 Member
    With my 2nd daughter, I lost 35 lbs while pregnant, I weight 212lbs prior to getting pregnant and then the day of delivery I weight 177 !!! I was sick the entire pregnancy. I threw up every single day. My doctor was very concerned but she was growing appropriately. We tried everything to help my sickness, nothing worked. She's healthy and is my most athletic child, now 16 years old. With my son, I gained 70 pounds while pregnant and my doctor was very concerned about gestational diabetes, I was put on a diet and lost about 20 lbs prior to delivery! Talk to your doctor. From what I've heard, if you are over weight, you can restrict your calories some to lose a little while pregnant.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I didn't deliberately lose weight while I was pregnant, but it did happen both times. I was eating better/healthier and as the baby was gaining, my body was losing. It wasn't obvious until after I gave birth though - when I dropped the pregnancy weight plus about 15 more in the first 4 weeks post partum

    (ie - I was 190 when I got pregnant, and 4 weeks after she was born, I was at 175, and that was with no special effort on my part - just eating smarter)

    If you just concentrate on making healthy food choices, and ignore that old 'eating for 2' nonsense, you will be pleasantly surprised.
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    Personally I would not cut calories, I would continue to eat good foods and away from processed foods, maybe light walking to be active. Basically just be healthy, you may lose weight just by making these changes anyway but I would not restict calories. Just my opinion. Congrats btw :-)
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    First off, congrats!!!

    When I found out I was pregnant in May, my Obgyn told that under no circumstances was I to try and lose weight. I was pissed! I had just lost a significant amount of weight, and I was worried that unless I dropped more pounds, I would have pregnancy complications and a c section. She explained that the idea of losing was cutting an amount of calories from your daily eating to shed excess pounds. When you have a child, eating less than maintaining takes away nutrients that your child needs, leaving the both of you malnourished. No matter what the size, your child feeds off a constant stream of nutrients from your daily diet. She/he cannot eat your extra fat cells! Purposely losing weight while pregnant is dangerous and my Dr. said could result in a miscarriage. On the other hand, she told me that for my size, it was completely fine to do my best to maintain my weight as long as possible. I could continue to work out as hard as I want, (that ended once my stomach started hiding my toes!), eat clean, and only add 300 extra calories a day to my normal diet. You can limit yourself, but I personally believe losing could be bad for your and the baby's health.I would say for your size and relative bmi, you could gain some and not suffer too much. If you had preclampsia or gestational diabetes, that might be a different story. Now, not saying you have to listen to me, just giving my input.

    I personally have gained six pounds, am six months pregnant, and I feel great. I have done my best to avoid too many processed foods and work out every day. I can no longer do any heavy stuff, so mostly I just walk and do some hardcore housecleaning. I have done pretty well about not giving into all my cravings, but sometimes I just need a damn donut! Best of luck to you and I hope everything goes well!