First day of kindergarten

Hello all,

I stumbled upon the 'introduce yourself' topic to do just that. I feel like it's the first day of school and I need to make friends so I can be cool like my big brother (I don't actually have a brother this is just how it feels).

So what has brought me here you ask? (Or... I metaphorically ask to lead into the 'describe myself' part.) Well since you (I) asked, it's been a long road filled with with some successes and a lot of failures. I am 5'4", 28 years old, and at my highest weight I was 197lbs. Through a work weight loss challenge I managed to drop down to 159. Then I went back up to 169 and I hovered there for a while. After I settled down and started dating some one seriously we got lazy and comfortable and I've climbed back up to 182. Then my best friend got married and I dropped down to 175. Now I'm back up to 188. You can see the general pattern.

I'm 5'4" and my baby sister (who does exist) is getting married next year in the Dominican Republic. I am the maid of honor and I don't want to be the whale I was as my friend's maid of honor. I'd like to really conquer why it is I can't seem to commit to weight loss.

Bottom line I need some help. I need some support. I need people who are doing this as well.

Also, I'm really good at holding my breath for a long time, building sand castles, and I rock at hide and seek.

Please be my friend :)


  • stacy_1971
    stacy_1971 Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome. I've been with MFP for a week and have found most people to be very outgoing, friendly, and helpful. I hope you find that to be the same.

    We have similar stats. I'm 5 foot 3 & 3/4 inches tall and started with MFP at 180.5 pounds. I started out with the intention of getting thin, but have since read some posts that have changed my perspective. Now, I would like to be fit, healthy, and strong. I'm 41, and I've always kind of been a weakling. Well, I'm tired of that!

    Anyway, enough about me. This is your first day, so enjoy! :smile:
  • Crosbinium
    Crosbinium Posts: 415 Member
    Hi there (waves from across the internet),

    Feel free to add me. I have been here on MFP since July and on this round of my weight loss journey since I got my fitbit in June. I am a daily logger and motivator.
  • diva_bishop
    diva_bishop Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks girls! I feel less like a loser :D

    Let's shed some pounds shall we?
  • specialkrich
    specialkrich Posts: 2 Member
    I am in the same boat. I am 5'5..185 the lowest Ive been was 175. The highest 240 within 5 years. Going back to school and working a stressful job has caused me to neglect my fitness and proper eating habits. I would like encouragment and support as well. My goal weight is 160 and dress size 10. Right now my 12 pants are tight and my 14 pants are feeling okay. I need some pointers too. :frown:
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Please feel free to add me, I suck at holding my breath and playing hide and seek but I rock at space hopper races!
  • JohnMessmer

    I have little patience for failure, people don't plan to fail; they fail to plan, if your diary is open to your friends and if you are going to commit to logging every day then send me a friend request. If you are going to grab your snack time cookie and go and hide for days at a time, then save the request.

    I am not the "it's ok there is always tomorrow" kind of friend, I am the "what the heck were you thinking, do you not want to lose weight" kind, so if you are looking for cheerleaders and not sincere critical support then you will be unfriending me rather quickly. Likewise if you log every third day or insist on eating 400 calories to lose weight then I will be unfriending you, as I simply do not wish to devote my time and energy into trying to change someone's way of thinking.

    I want like minded friends who want to succeed and realize that if they were able to use self restraint and make the correct decisions then they would not be here in the first place. I will support, encourage, and try to be the best friend I can be, all I ask is that you do the same.

    Have a great Thanksgiving!
  • smilli09

    Nice to meet you all! I'm totally new to this as well, looking to shed around 40lb. I put on a fair amount of weight while on the contraceptive implant and when I've tried to lose weight in the past and it hasn't worked, it's just left me really demotivated :/

    It's nice to know there's a forum like this to help keep us all motivated! My goal dress size is a UK 10/12 down from a 16/18

    Feel free to add me, at the end of the day we are all in this together :D x
  • KathleenC1979
    This is day 2 for me. I started using MFP to try to track the foods I am eating. I am doing a TurboFire Beachbody workout challenge group starting Monday 11/26 and all I keep hearing about is how important it is to plan and track your meals. So, I am trying to get in the habit of that. I am sure I will slip up and skip a workout or eat a snack cake here and there but I think that's OK. We're all only human and we will make mistakes. it's hard to break old habits. Feel free to add me if you're looking for honest support. I am not here to judge. I am here to get fit and healthy for myself and my kids. I may or may not track my food tomorrow. Part of me wants to see what it is, and the other part is afraid to see what it is. I am not doing any physical activity this week (other than a light walk or taking the stairs at work, but I'm not tracking those.) Happy Holidays to all!