How will you cope with Thanksgiving?



  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I will go for a 6 or 7 miles run and then eat whatever the hell I want because Thanksgiving comes but once a year and I'll be damned if I'm missing on sharing some amazing food with me friends.
  • roberts1013
    roberts1013 Posts: 103 Member
    I plan to EAT!! I also plan to enjoy every single bite with ZERO guilt!
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    I know that saying its only one day is a cop out since you will have leftovers to deal with and it ends up becoming several days. I also know that logging what I eat does not magically help me to lose weight. So, I will try to have some control without ruining the holiday experience but I will also triple my cardio workouts over this long weekend as well.
  • stockholmhasago
    I'll eat what I normally eat, but just try for a smaller portion.
    Except for pie. Because god damnit, it's a slice of pie.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    Way too late for that. That needed to start a month ago.

    However, now is the perfect time to start panicking for Christmas food.

    h good! Thanks.

    And why won't my italics show up?
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    I'm in charge of the food, so I've bought more vegetables than usual this year. I don't need gravy on my turkey, or butter on my corn. I don't have to have tons of mac-n-cheese, etc. I'll just have some turkey without any skin on it, steamed corn, steamed broccoli with vinegar, cole slaw, a dinner roll, and a piece of apple pie without any topping for dessert. At least that's my plan, lord help me. ;)
  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    If by cope you mean eat everything that is put in front of me. Yes I will be coping. Holiday and birthdays are free eat days for me. I mean it is only one day why not enjoy it right?
  • xXkmpXx
    Lucky for me I will be alone on Thanksgiving... none of my family lives anywhere close. SO I will be eating clean as usual :)
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Enjoying the day with family & food. Out of town with family so, no food scale, will have to guess on amounts when I log but it's Thanksgiving so I don't really care.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You cope with cancer, you cope with illness, you cope with depression or a death in the family.....You do not freaking have to "cope" with a holiday that focus on food....:sad: :mad: :explode:
    Eat until you are not hungry anymore and be thankfull for what you have....It's not that hard.....:sick:
  • centexhusker
    centexhusker Posts: 115 Member
    Thanksgiving day strategy:
    1 - Put in a good solid hour on the treadmill burning about 600-650 cals eat my regular breakfast (oatmeal,blueberries)
    2 - Thanksgiving Meal (Lunch) - Already programmed into my diary approximately 1100 cals (Includes turkey, ham, cranberry sauce, fruit salad, candied hams, mash potatoes, salad, green beens, and pumpkin pie)
    3- Afternoon/Evening - Watch alot of football.
    4- Dinner - Salad or something light
    5- Sunset - Take the dog for a 20-30 minute walk.
    Hopefully I will be under or near! I've been making good progress hate to break the momentum :)
  • emfischer90
    emfischer90 Posts: 42 Member
    1. work out in the morning- burn 600 calories
    2. drink tons of water- to stay full
    3. fill at least half of every plate with healthy veggies
    4. enjoy
  • BeSophisticate
    I also refuse to diet. I figure, if I can't cope with Thanksgiving while I'm trying to lose weight, how will I cope with it for the rest of my life while I'm trying to maintain? The bottom line is, you have to figure out how to live normally without spazzing out on people because they won't cook nothing but white meat turkey and steamed broccoli for the ENTIRE FAMILY just because YOU are on a diet. Your diet, your problem.

    Having said that, I don't want to be left feeling sick, so I'm limiting myself to the food that looks really, really good to me (i.e. no eating something just because it's there), and scaling back on the portions I serve myself (One can always go back for more if it wasn't enough the first time around, right?).


    Edit: I'm also not logging. The only dish I'm bringing is cheesecake. Other people will be preparing everything else. It's virtually impossible to get even a close estimate, so why torture myself?
  • meggwtw
    meggwtw Posts: 95 Member
    This is the first year I've been on a diet during the holidays, but I'll be keeping myself accountable with my food diary. If I splurge, oh well, I'll make up for it the next day. We'll see what happens.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    'cope'??:noway: That makes the holiday sound so despressing!

    It's a free day for me. Eating and drinking whatever I want, no logging! Friday I'm back into beast mode!
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I will cope with thanksgiving by eating until I am sick.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Mind over matter.

    Get a workout in a couple of times over the weekend, enjoy the food and the company and the laughter and the leaves and the smells and the love and the... EVERYTHING.

    I don't see what's so hard about it?
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    cope? hmm my perspective might be different since I'm looking forward to it.

    R.I.P.P.E.D. class the morning of turkey day. gonna get an awesome workout done and then go eat whatever I want. It's gonna be a free day but I won't go overboard
  • Bernadettetoo
    What approach have you decided to take to all the delicious food offered for the Thanksgiving holiday? Making your personal choices ahead of time can help you deal with the day your own way. Do you have any ideas to share with all of us here on MFP? Do you plan to log in and count your calories on Thanksgiving, or will you take a day off? Have you decided to avoid certain foods? Will you give yourself special permission for certain things? Will you work out longer the day before or after to make up a calorie overage? Will you opt out of the meal altogether? Please share your ideas for coping with all that gorgeous food!

    Whatever you decide, happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you! I will not eat sugar and will stay within carb limit. I will also make sure I exercise to burn off what I have taken in! :smile:
  • SabrinaLily
    Actually, I'm a weirdo. I hate Thanksgiving food mostly because I hate veggies (which is part of the reason I'm fat, lol). However, as far as portions go, I just bought a portable digital pocket scale from Amazon for under $10 with free shipping. It hasn't arrived yet but I definately plan on using it in the future for those times I'm eating out.