Bloating that won't go away...

I've been having crazy bloating for the last few weeks. Making my belly look HUGE. I even thought I was pregnant at one point because it was so big, hard and round. :( I'm eating healthy and sticking to my daily calorie goal as well as exercising-- Mostly doing abdominal/core exercises because of the belly. As far go, I am not irregular. I have no idea what could be causing this. Of course I see it as all fat, but sometimes it is rock hard and sticking way out and it's just humiliating. I'm working my butt off and I actually am losing weight, but my belly is not shrinking. It's huge. Anyone know what the deal is? Trying this before trying the doctor. :P Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated.


  • Candysland2013
    If u are doing a lot of ab workouts then it could be ur body retaining water and muscles healing... Don't stress yet
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I would say this is def something for doc to look at. Good luck.
  • PurpleHAES
    Are you taking regular dumps?
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    If u are doing a lot of ab workouts then it could be ur body retaining water and muscles healing... Don't stress yet
    ^^This...when you work a muscle out it retains water and increases in size temporarily but I would go see your doc and get checked.

    Also, I have the same problem if I don't drink at least 8 glasses of water a day and I pretty much do not eat any processed carbs or flour based carbs like pasta (yes even the wheat) and bread and sugar...I think I have some sort of gluten intolerance, but IDK.

    My brother just left and while he was here we ate at my mothers. I did not keep track of what I was eating and ate a lot of carbs and gained 5 inches on my waist. He left Sunday morning and by yesterday (Tuesday) I had lost 4.5 inches by drink a s#$t load of water and eating pretty much only protein and veggies.
  • cajungirltx
    cajungirltx Posts: 147 Member
    I actually went through this a couple of days and my doctor told me if it didn't go away, he'd put me in the hospital.

    You definitely need to get it checked out. If it is something, there is so much new meds today to help all sorts of conditions.At the time I was bloated, I was eating alot of popcorn on a diet and I personally think that was it. Cut out all carbonated drinks until you see a doctor.

    Keep us posted.

  • EquestrianLark135
    EquestrianLark135 Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks everyone! I have been drinking a lot of water but don't always reach 8 glasses every day. I didn't think about the retaining water/muscles healing. The bloating isn't just ugly, it's also uncomfortable and it gets crampy after I eat and also after I exercise. :/ I'll make a doc appt and let you guys know. Thanks again!
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Drink more water, less salt, more protein. It COULD be pre menstrual bloating :)
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    Gluten and enriched flour does it to me. I can white bread or pizza crust and blow up in hours. Dairy does it some people too. Those two things will gas/bloat you up quickly if you are intolerant. I don't know you're fiber intake, but increasing that will help move things along in the other area.
  • AverageAngel
    AverageAngel Posts: 123 Member
    I had that when I tried apple cider vinegar. it was torturous. Hope you feel better.
  • EquestrianLark135
    EquestrianLark135 Posts: 98 Member
    Went to the doctor on Friday, then had an ultrasound today. They think it could be my gall bladder, but I'll know in a couple days.
    Lotsa water... less salt, flour, dough-y stuff... more protein. Got it.
  • Kristineevans1
    Kristineevans1 Posts: 64 Member
    Hey, I get this too I have ibs I totally understand your pain and frustration, this affects my confidence hugely I find cutting gluten and low in dairy has helped though I still bloat up sometimes for no reason, I'm intrigued what your doc says cause my therapist says it's just something I'm going to have to live with, I know she's no a gp but there we go !
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    If you have increased your fibre make sure you drink more than enough water. You need the extra water to help things move along.

    Try taking probiotics. They have helped me when I had the same problem.

    Try and see if it connected at all to what you are eating. Look at your tracker and see. Is it after consuming dairy? A lot of grains/breads/pasta/etc> It could be caused due ot what you are eating.
  • michellesimons1
    I have the same problem. I have been to several doctors and many many tests for years until I gave up on the doctors. I live with it and I hate it, it's been going on for 2 years now I've lost weight but my stomach looks huge to me. I run 5-10 miles a day do crunches, push ups, free weights etc.... Very frustrating it used to be off and on and now it's on constantly, more so as the day goes on as I eat. So if you figure anything out PLEASE let me know. It's so frustrating I'm usually very confident and have always been in shape so it's quite humiliating for me. If I was eating like crap and not exercising I'd understand but that' not the case. I have also tried gluten free, dairy free, and different diets eliminating certain foods that could cause allergic reactions with no luck.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Are you eating lots of carbs in your diet, They could be bloating you? Maybe a wheat intolerance?

    You can get them checks done at your doctors?

    Probototics helps with bloating

    Drinks lots of water to flush it away, Eat lots of veggies and fruit
  • RaineyLaney
    RaineyLaney Posts: 605 Member
    I've been having crazy bloating for the last few weeks. Making my belly look HUGE. I even thought I was pregnant at one point because it was so big, hard and round. :( I'm eating healthy and sticking to my daily calorie goal as well as exercising-- Mostly doing abdominal/core exercises because of the belly. As far go, I am not irregular. I have no idea what could be causing this. Of course I see it as all fat, but sometimes it is rock hard and sticking way out and it's just humiliating. I'm working my butt off and I actually am losing weight, but my belly is not shrinking. It's huge. Anyone know what the deal is? Trying this before trying the doctor. :P Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated.

    belly look HUGE. I even thought I was pregnant at one point because it was so big, hard and round. :(

    Go see a doctor, you may have a tumor, not a food issue at all. My stomach was like that and come to find out I had a tumor the size of a basket ball on the top of my uterus.
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    This happens to me all the time too. I've always been like that, I've never had the blessing of being able to go to the toilet regularly, anyway during the last year it's gotten even worse. I've tried drinking LOTS of water (up to 3 litres a day), drinking hot tea and coffee, eating fiber yogurts, bananas (they usually work for me), I've even tried laxatives and some fiber drinks I got at the pharmacy but guess what? Almost nothing happened. I get through this once and then it all happens all over again. It's happening right now, today was my weigh in day but I can't weight myself because I am so full and I'm sure I'd lose at least 1 kg if I could go to the toilet. I don't know if there's something wrong in my diet but I've tried everything so I'm confused and my tummy hurts :(
  • blessybuva
    blessybuva Posts: 44 Member
    do you consume alot of dairy? its what keeps me bloated all the damn time. the only days my stomach isnt as big as a mountain is when I stay away from the cheese, milk etc.