Belly Fat

Does anyone else find that their belly/hip area seems to be going down the slowest? I just did a check of my body fat and in a month and a half I have lost 2 inches on my neck and 4 on my waist, but only 1.5 on my hips. I've lost more on my neck then my hips.

Not much I can do other then keep working at it, but I was wondering if anyone else experienced this?


  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Yep. My bust seems to have decreased a lot, but my mommy-tummy is still as there as ever.

    We will overcome!
  • Denise1224
    Denise1224 Posts: 150 Member
    Yes! I think the "trouble spots" for losing weight are the mid section butt and thighs it seems... it all takes time though ... Stick with it try not to get frustrated you'll make it! :-)
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    My belly is the slowest. From all I've learned on here I will need to cut out more fat and sugar for this to change. The whole abs are made in the kitchen tends to be my downfall :)
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I am finding the belly weight to be troublesome. My upper body looks fit, and my face looks thinner, even my thighs...but my belly is still jelly...and I do believe there are some muscles under there hoping to come out one day.
  • jilllemar
    Ok so glad its not just me, I thought I was just measuring wrong or plain crazy.

    And I am not having a problem with thighs, 1.5 inch on one, 2 inches on another. Its just those hips. Buuut reading that it can be related to the TYPES of foods kind of set off little aha hells in my head. While I've cut the calories and am exercising, I am not eating the fruits and veggies that I should.

    Guess more changes to be made.

    And yes, that bust was the very first thing to go down, and A LOT! But I feel so much better that I can appreciate the progress I have made, even if I wish it was a little more.
  • Bernadettetoo
    Belly fat/flab is the hardest thing to get rid of. We can do this by encouraging each other! Friend request sent. :bigsmile:
  • misshaylynn
    misshaylynn Posts: 32 Member
    I am finding the belly weight to be troublesome. My upper body looks fit, and my face looks thinner, even my thighs...but my belly is still jelly...and I do believe there are some muscles under there hoping to come out one day.

    you and me both sister! It's so annoying lol, stay motivated! We can do it!!!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    This is pre-determined by genetics.
  • ilovescarymovies
    ilovescarymovies Posts: 202 Member
    my arms, boobs, butt, and legs are going down but my belly is still huge. i look 6 months pregnant you are not alone
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    This is pre-determined by genetics.


    Some people get flat tummies and then have it all left on their thighs. But in general, your neck, shoulders, chest, and back are going to lean up before your belly/thighs/hip. For women, anyway.
  • ebutler1986
    You really can't lose belly/back fat by counting calories alone. Cut the fat in your diet. Your abs are under there. You were created with them. They are just under the fat! As soon as we melt it off, our abs will shine through :)
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    Im smaller ALL over but my belly is just as round as ever lol I've reach my goal size but now one of my main goals is to lose my gut :-/
  • cbferriss
    I look like I"ve melted and the runoff has pooled around my middle. Damn You Gravity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You really can't lose belly/back fat by counting calories alone. Cut the fat in your diet. Your abs are under there. You were created with them. They are just under the fat! As soon as we melt it off, our abs will shine through :)

    Cutting fat out of your diet will not make you lose fat in one place on your belly...:sad: You need good fat in your diet, and bodyfat is genetically spread....
  • jilllemar
    I look like I"ve melted and the runoff has pooled around my middle. Damn You Gravity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL so true!!! I've wondered if this is also part of the problem, sagging skin settling in that area. But I need to make some changes, I am a size 18 waist, thigh, and bust and a size 22/24 hip.
  • newfette81
    pants look horrible on my now because of my belly. Since my heaviest (before I started tracking here) I've lost almost 40 pounds and I'm still wearing the same pants. Mind you they were a little snug in the beginnging but every part of my legs and hips have gotten smaller.. just the belly fat doesn't want to go anywhere... Shirts are just as bad.. too big in the shoulders so that the belly fits :(

    its so upsetting and frustrating knowing that you've lost that much weight and you still haven't gone down a size in clothes. but I keep moving and keep counting.. I know it can't stay this way forever right???
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    my trouble area is definitely my belly. After 2 years I had to finally admit that it's the mass amount of carbs I consume, and now I'm starting to see a change. It really is true that abs are made in the kitchen
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    This is pre-determined by genetics.


    Some people get flat tummies and then have it all left on their thighs. But in general, your neck, shoulders, chest, and back are going to lean up before your belly/thighs/hip. For women, anyway.

    Yup. Flat tummy, thunder thighs. :grumble:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Im smaller ALL over but my belly is just as round as ever lol I've reach my goal size but now one of my main goals is to lose my gut :-/

    ^^^ Please look at her pic and tell her that her tummy is FINE. :tongue:
  • ZoobityBop
    I've had that problem too, it's good to do some isolation exercises, that's helped the most for me. The Diet Solution Program gave some great workouts, it was a godsend for me. I recommend you read about it here: