Daily Weighing and the Holidays

With holidays on the horizon, and as a daily weigher myself, I want to know, daily weighers, are you going to step on the scale the day after a big holiday meal? Why or why not?

I plan to weigh myself the day after if I can locate a scale. I realize I'll weigh more, but I'm interested in knowing how much more, and I know it will only be a short-term fluctuation set back. How about you? Obviously, this topic is directed at people who are going to eat more than usual or more rich foods than usual during the holidays.


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm a daily weigher because the daily fluctuations fascinate me. :tongue: And because I know the true story of my progress lies in the tape measure, and how my pants fit.

    So yeah, I would weigh myself the day after Thanksgiving, just like any other morning, but I'm not going to be home. I could use my mom's scale, but since I go by my own for consistency's sake, there'd really be no point. So I'll skip it. :bigsmile:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    No reason not to weigh in and log it.
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    I'm going to weigh in (and log what I've eaten)....reluctantly.
  • mochalishious
    mochalishious Posts: 97 Member
    I am going to weigh in on Friday like I do every week. I will track my food & I will also get a 30 min work out in. It is what it is. I already have the mind frame I will gain b/c I plan on enjoying every drop & than some...lol
  • alaskaang
    alaskaang Posts: 493 Member
    I will also weigh and log just the same as every day. I like to see the daily fluctuations and understand how a day of indulgence will affect me. When you have a chart of daily weight going back weeks, months or in my case years, it makes it easy not to sweat the small stuff or stress over one day. So yes, I will most likely be up on Friday and Saturday (have to finish off the leftovers), I know that I will go back down over the following week.

    And the silver lining, even though I haven't focussed on my weight consistently, compared to the day from prior years:

    I am 13 down from last year, 25 down from 2010 and 36 down from 2009.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Since I'm in Canada, the next holiday meal for me is Christmas! But I definitely will weigh myself before I go to bed and see how many pounds I "gained". Like someone said before me, it really is just interesting to see the number!
  • heyshell79
    heyshell79 Posts: 65 Member
    I won't weigh myself. I will eat, I'll try to keep things in control and my portions small, but I'm only human. I'll wait a week, and when I'm back on track start weighing myself again.