Any ladies out there struggling with PCOS?



  • carrief10
    carrief10 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you all for your posts! It really helps knowing that I'm not alone in this!!!
  • yancymichele
    yancymichele Posts: 66 Member
  • Steellotus
    Steellotus Posts: 25 Member
    struggling with PCOS as pre diabetes as well. I had gestational diabetes while pregnant (wasn't able to conceive on my own due to annovulation, was able to get pregnant from Clomid) and I really struggled with breastfeeding. I was 170 before getting pregnant and only put on 17 lbs because my diet was so closely monitored, and I was thrilled because 4 weeks post partum I was back down to 170! It didn't last though, and by 4 months post partum I was back up to 180 and hovering there.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have PCOS, and OMG is it hard to lose weight!! BUT I've lost just over 100 pounds.

    Things that have helped:
    Water and lots of it
    Focusing on protein/fiber

    I've taken the metformin, but the brand (glucophage) is actually more helpful with my symptoms.
  • lamibe
    lamibe Posts: 6 Member
    Hello ladies!

    I'm new here and I'm sooooo excited to see that there are fellow PCOS people out here communicating. I was diagnosed a few years ago during the process of trying to conceive (still trying) and have lost about ten pounds, but really need to get it together and get another 20 or 30 off. I'm currently taking metformin and am slowly starting to make diet changes, but I struggle because most of the foods that I like are carbs or dairy based. Ugh...

    I need to get my body healthy for two reasons though... #1 for health. I have only had three menstrual cycles in the past seven years and that is definitely not a good thing. I need to get my hormones in balance before it starts wreaking havoc in other areas of my health. #2 to be able to have a baby. We recently conceived after about four years of trying on and off with difference fertility med and lost the baby at 11 weeks (one week after they took me off of metformin). I could definitely use the expertise of people who have been there and done that! :-)
  • motivatedshi
    motivatedshi Posts: 75 Member
    Hi! I just joined MFP a few days ago, and I have PCOS too. I was diagnosed with it 4 years ago, and have been trying to conceive since then ( hubbby and I have never used Birth Control ever!). I was put on metformin, but honestly I dont feel like it helps much, and I have a horrible time trying to loose weight, the fat just doesnt want to leave! I have gained an additional 40 ounds in the last four years, and its really time for me to do something SERIOUS about it! I was able to get pregnant on clomid 3 years ago, but misscarried at 8 weeks, and ever since then I tried Clomid again and Femara but nothing! Im hoping I can loose 50 pounds in the next 6-8 months and help control the symptoms of PCOS. Currently I am 5 foot 6 inched and weight 250 pounds. I would love to be 200 pounds and try to do Clomid again, we will see how it goes!
  • adenajoy
    adenajoy Posts: 15 Member
    I have PCOS and it SUCKS.

    But I know that my body wants to eat a paleo diet in order to be healthy. It's amazing how my body just starts working when I stop eating sugar for a few weeks and eat higher protein higher fat (not Atkins levels but reasonable.) So I'm working on that now!

    Would love to connect with other PCOS ladies for support!
  • mydarkdesirex
    mydarkdesirex Posts: 5 Member
    I got diagnosed with PCOS last year, I'm 22 and have been overweight all my life.

    I've lost a total of 11 kilos so far, with help from my forum ditch the diet who has taught me to eat healthier and just good carbs at the right times. I've got a long way to go but the girls on the forum are amazing support.

    I got prescribed metformin but I have a huge trouble with swallowing medication, do people recommend medication though?
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    1) for those that have had trouble with Met- ask for EXTENDED RELEASE. It is SO much better! The side effects are none compared to standard met. SM is AWFUL!

    2) I went undiagnosed until Feb 2012 and then I was told I have PCOS. My testosterone and sugar are out of whack but my ovaries dont show PCOS. I was put on 1700mg SM but the side effects were awful and i tried every which way to take it- at night, with food, etc. I called my RE last month and asked for ER and he put me on 1500MG and it is so much better! I actually took it ALL last cycle for the first time since Feb.
  • SereneRose
    SereneRose Posts: 499 Member
    I've had pcos since puberty began and diagnosed last year as insulin resistant and yes it can be very hard to lose weight and conventional diets won't always work, the only time I see a consistent loss weekly is when I follow a ketogenic diet and keep my carb intake below 20g and fats/protein high. Carbs for me are the enemy as I love potato and pasta but cutting them works and hope to incorporate them back on nearer my goal as attempts note only result in me bloating and a 2 week set back.

    Tried metformin and didn't see any benefit and only have me stomach ache so I came off it.
    So far this week I've lost 3.8lbs normally that would take me weeks so yes low carbs in my honest opinion is the way to go also increase cardio and lift heavy, I follow Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme it works.

    Add me as a friend if you'd like more support.
    Good luck :)
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I echo what a lot of people have said already in this thread.

    Bottom line - PCOS doesn't have to stop you. It makes it hard, but it doesn't make it impossible.

    Use your successes as a stick to batter it with!
  • Laffinhippiegurl
    Laffinhippiegurl Posts: 41 Member
    I too have struggled loosing weight with PCOS until the last two months. The only thing I've changed is reducing my wheat intake. I know everywhere you turn, everyone's telling you about healthy whole grains, but I read 'The Wheat Belly' book and it made me wonder. So, I've reduced - not eliminated - my wheat intake and have dropped 14 lbs with very little effort. I'm also not as hungry.

    I'm not saying this is for everyone, but its what worked for me. Previously, I had hired a personal trainer and would work out - hard - 5+ times a week. I ate really healthy as well and the scales just wouldn't buged.

    With reducing my wheat intake and either walking or working on my eliptical 3 times a week, I've managed to drop the weight. I still have a way to go, but this is whats working for me. At least right now.

    Check out 'The Wheat Belly' book and maybe it will be something that works for you. (in a nut shell, it talks about how wheat has been so genetically modified that it has actually become a toxin to our bodys)

    I heard about this also. I have gone almost completely wheat free and it's amazing how much better I feel. I have migraines. Since I've cut out the wheat, I've had 2 in 2 months. AMAZING!
  • Laffinhippiegurl
    Laffinhippiegurl Posts: 41 Member
    I also have PCOS. I was diagnosed about 5 years ago. I have been overweight all my life. I have one pregnancy, one daughter and have been told on several occasions, she is my miracle baby. It's a bit easier for me because we aren't trying to have any others. I wish you all luck!!!

    I have a wonderful GYN who has put me on metaformin and taken me off it because the benefits didn't outweigh the side effects. She works with me to control the PCOS..right now birth control and watching my diet is helping.

    I made the choice to lose the change my life. I am much happier for it.

    BTW, the Wheat Belly Cookbook comes out at Christmas. I can't wait to get it. :bigsmile:

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!