Hi I'm new here

Hi im new here. really finding my fitness pal helpful in keeping track of my food and exercise intake. It helps me to keep motivated to think if I keep going I will lose weight. To anyone thats started their journey to lose weight and is struggling stick at it. I used to have headaches and feel so tired every day, it was so bad i convinced myself i had a brain tumour, however a week in and I havent had one headache. Exercise is vital in my opinion to lose weight at a healthy rate and once you give it a chance and get into it the endorphins kick in and you will feel great :-) Anyway just wanted to introduce myself, the first 4 days i lost 2 and a half pounds and I feel great. Iv been overweight/obese all my life and this is the first time I have ever found weight loss so easy, I hope it keeps up, the one thing that might be different is, I am now doing this for my health rather than for some man, my looks or anything else. It is a great boost to your confidence to take back control of your life. Dont let food control you. we are all stronger than that. good luck everyone :-)


  • Ilikeyoursleeves
    Ilikeyoursleeves Posts: 37 Member
    Welcome, I'm new too. Add me if you want. : )
  • I'm new as well. Good luck to you! We can do this.:smile:
  • I just started 2 weeks ago and love this site and the app is great!! Add me if you like, anyone!!
  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    Congratulations on taking control of your life – I have a pretty good group of friends – we have fun, and you're certainly welcome to add :)
  • Hulk0511
    Hulk0511 Posts: 407 Member
    Welcome all of you and Congrats on taking that first step!!! Feel free to add me and everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving
  • TamAD48
    TamAD48 Posts: 387
    Welcome to MFP, this is a great site with lots of wonderful people. Feel free to add me, I'm on here daily
  • LCSoulkat
    LCSoulkat Posts: 89 Member
    Welcome to the family.

    You're absolutely right about coming here to MFP and making a difference for ourselves.
    It's amazing to see that you too had the same symptoms as I did, with the almost daily headaches and feeling of tiredness.....I too started thinking that maybe there was something wrong in the sense of tumors in the brain...(we all think the worst)....but after a lil more than 2 months here and started weight training, I am feeling so much better now....so kudos to you and wish you great benefits here.

    Never give up as this is a long term lifestyle change....
  • deansherry
    deansherry Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, and welcome to myfitnesspal. I read your post and it reminded me of my thoughts when I first started. I've been doing MFP for about 8 weeks now and have lost 22 pounds as of this morning. I normally weigh in on Monday mornings but decided to weigh in again today since I needed extra motivation to get me through the Thanksgiving meal without blowing my diet too badly. I can honestly say MFP is the easiest weight loss tool I have ever used, and I'm 53 years old. About 6 years ago I had gastric bypass surgery and lost about 90 pounds, reaching my goal weight in about 8 months. However, over the years the weight crept back on and I ended up gaining about 50 pounds of that back. My daughter introduced me to MFP and I was skeptical at first, telling her I would join but I would probably cheat on my food diary just to make her think I was staying under my calories. But I haven't cheated the first time. In fact, once I got going after about a month, counting the calories became second nature to me and I didn't feel deprived at all. I agree with you in that exercise is very important, nothing too crazy, just simply walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes 3-4 times/week has worked for me. MFP is a great tool and a tremendous motivator because I had no idea the number of calories I was taking in on a daily basis until I was forced to account for every single one. I think of the calories as money, and if I'm tempted to eat something that is high calorie but not very filling, I ask myself if I can afford it or will it blow my budget for that day and I won't be able to purchase something else later on when I'm hungry. That works for me. Anyway, congratulations on the beginning of your journey. MFP does work if you give it a good chance, and you will come to realize that it truly is a good "pal". Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Hi, I was the same with the headaches, never used to get them as bad as I was a month or two ago but now they have eased off! Feeling more and more motivated after reading through the forum! Looking forward to losing some weight and hopefully making new friends in the process! Good luck :)