Swearing off ALL sodas...now before 2013



  • loveisthmovement16
    It's suuuuuuuuuper hard to quit drinking soda. I'm addicted to the caffeine and sugar, and I've noticed I'm suuuuper irritable if I don't have soda.
    Except I work in a restaurant where we get it free. Which makes it even harder. But I've done it for a total of 2 months! :)
    Good luck, I'm definitely trying to give it up as well!
    It's just empty calories your body does NOT need. And in diet soda, aspartame is so so so bad for you.
  • loveisthmovement16
    I drink water with Mio or Crystal Light or something like that instead. I need the flavor.
  • boatsie77
    boatsie77 Posts: 480 Member
    Gave up soda (decaf diet cola) about 6 months ago--had 2 since then but by choice, not thru obsessive craving. Recommend if you've decided to wean off of your soda, buy some discount store 'cheapie' knockoff of your favorite brand--it might be a bit easier to cut back and quit those than 'the real thing'...worked for me.
  • RubyRed8067
    Well, I"ve been reducing for a while now...so hopefully this transition won't be too harsh. I am going to get those carbonated waters from walmart though. That will help tremendously.
  • MogwaisGrandma
    MogwaisGrandma Posts: 196 Member
    I have been trying to come of it for a while and fail badly every time. As I am typing I have a can of Coca Cola Zero sat to the side of me ( I won't mention the 20 litres, yes 20, I have in the boot of my car just purchased for the festive season)
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Excellent choice!! Aside from plain old club soda, I have not had a soft drink in months! In fact, I have consumed less soda over the past 18 months than I used to drink on an average weekend in my before MFP days!
    My wife still buys it from time to time for her consumption. When she does, I take the bottle put it on our kitchen counter and say "F#$k You!" to it each morning.
    Sounds bat shiat crazy but it makes me feel in control of my life that I can walk by something that I NEEDED to have.

    So congrats!!!
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    Wishes I could quit diet soda - 2013 is the year I do, 6 weeks to taper off from the stuff.
  • lightyeare
    if you need the flavor tried to brew your own ice tea. but some lemon in it. add honey or agave nectar to sweeten it. whenever we get the fancy to have a soda, which is pretty rare these days, we try to reach for Sierra Mist. it has good, old fashioned SUGAR in it but at least all the ingredients you can pronounce.
  • cwilson26
    cwilson26 Posts: 30 Member
    I was a Mt Dew junkie...I gave it up cold turkey on Jan 1, 2011. It took about 5 months before I took a sip of my husband's and it was so disgusting that I spit it out! But, I didn't trust myself to do even that before 5 months had gone by. I have given up all soda and can't even drink diet, it is all nasty as far as I am concerned. But, I have become addicted to sweet iced tea in its place. I gave it up cold turkey two and a half months ago and still crave it. That one is going to take a while.

    Good luck, it is not an easy thing to do, but you will be happy that you did it! And, then when you are logging your calories, you will not have to log any for drinks, you can save them all for food!
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    iv been trying to do this... kind of manage fine for ages, then end up having a can of fanta or coke... usually with alcohol.. damn stuff! ... but for the most part i gave them up beginning of oct when i had a tooth removed and the dentist said it was because of fizzy drinks and sweets :|

    it gets surprisingly easy... they smell so horrible and sweet and yuck when you havent had one in a few weeks..
  • AEFidgets
    I'm addicted to Mt Dew, I can ignore all other sodas but not that. Might try going cold turkey, right after I finish off this fridge pack.....
  • lisamariebennett
    lisamariebennett Posts: 32 Member
    I gave up sodas 7 weeks ago when I started MFP. Since then, I've had about 4, and ended up only drinking half of them.

    I gave them up because I was going back and forth between diet and regular - and the regular has SO many calories. I also gave them up because of the carbonation - when you get older, it's not good for your bones.

    I also am trying to get rid of some of the chemicals I'm putting in my body - so I'm making iced teas and sweetening them with Stevia instead of Splenda.

    I just woke up one morning and decided I was done with the sodas and being so bad to my body. This is the longest I've stuck to anything in over 5 years.

    The first week was pretty hard. So were any mornings after that in which I woke up tired. (little ones waking up at night)

    You can do it. It's all about mind over matter!
  • swingsintherain
    swingsintherain Posts: 121 Member
    I pretty much gave it up during sophomore year of college (now in grad school...) when I realized I was getting it at every meal pretty much (because eating in a cafeteria felt kind of like eating out, and what does one drink when eating out?)

    I still have it occasionally, but rarely. And my grandma always looks at me oddly if we're out to eat and I just ask for water, but she's getting used to it (I had to be very assertive about it the first few times this happened).

    And really? I'd rather spend the calories on chocolate.
  • spaz4me2
    spaz4me2 Posts: 44 Member
    I hate diet soda...because I actually love it. I quit again two weeks ago...still have 4-5 my beloved diet mountain dew and 1 coke zero in the back fridge just in case it's an exceptionally back PMS month! I hope to be strong enough to send them with hubby to work in a few weeks and call that addiction over :-)
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I drink water with Mio or Crystal Light or something like that instead...
    ...which is just as full of chemicals and artificial sweeteners as diet soda is. When switching from soda to the 0-cal diet powder drink mixes, about all you're trading is the carbonation. You're still taking in artificial/chemical additives.

    Note: I don't intend to preach against the evils of artificial sweeteners. I drink diet soda myself and have no intentions of giving it up. It hasn't impeded my weight loss, I don't drink multiple cans every day, but when I want a soda, I drink one. The above was simply to state that some people act all sanctimonious because they've given up diet soda because of all the "nasty" artificial sweeteners and stuff, yet they're chugging Crystal Light or water doused with Mio by the gallon. It's like giving up beer and drinking martinis instead, yet claiming that you gave up drinking.
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    I think for me it is the carbonation that I like. I'm going to try switching to Perrier. I like Sanpellegrino too, but Perrier has no calories.
  • cedarghost
    cedarghost Posts: 621 Member
    Pretty much willpower. I started quitting a few months back. I drank at least 112 ounces every day. Just decided to switch to water when I started keeping track of calories.
    That being said, I still have a soda or two a week. Usually 12 ounce ones instead of 20 ounces. I hear people say, "Oh, it tastes so nasty and too sweet!" Lol. Not for me. It still tastes friggin' great. even better when I haven't had one for a week! But now I make sure it fits into my calories and honestly, I don't crave them all the time now. They are an occasional treat.
  • smoothgrl
    smoothgrl Posts: 17 Member
    Been there done that several times. What helped me was Klarbrunn sparkling water, because I, too, craved the fizzy. Raspberry and lemon are my favorites and I get them from Walmart... 1.98 for a six pack of 20oz bottles... MUCH cheaper than my old diet mountain dew! Good luck (and yes- that could be a HUGE part of your tummy issues). It also caused me some lumps- scary!
  • CamillaBeaumont
    CamillaBeaumont Posts: 56 Member
    I was addicted to Diet Coke. I only allowed myself one can per day but would crave it, couldn't wait to get home in the afternoon to drink one and if I went out then I let myself have more (b/c if you drink it in a restaurant it doesn't count!). I gave it up about a year ago, and for the first few months I would still have it if I was eating out but stopped buying it for the house and then slowly phased that out too. Don't miss it at all now, just drink water in its place, but it was really hard to give up.
  • athryn
    athryn Posts: 59
    Quitting soft drinks was harder than quitting smoking, I think it took me about 10 years total, I've been soda free since ... I think 2 or three years now, after getting a SodaStream,

    The thing that I craved was the carbonation, so I switched from soda to carbonated water, and that seemed to really be what I was able to do to kick the habit. Now, I only drink carbonated/still water, and (unsweetened) tea.