I want to quit !!!

I am not losing any weight! in fact i gained 2 kilo's on the first four days of my diet!!!
I promised my self not to do any of the YO-YO diets am used to, i said i will stick to eating normally but will watch whagt i eat and exercise and take long walks.
I did that... i still do... i never go hungry but i do not over eat ... i do not eat 3 hours before bed.. i do not eat chocolates, chips, pepsi, fried food except of some french fries every now and then... and if i go to a restaurant i share my dish with my fiance since he is trying to lose weight as well.... i rarely take any juice, i take 2 sugars in my tea.
not much rice or bread, rarely pasta,,, not by intention but thats what i find infront of me since i do not get to eat at home alot.
i do jillians 30 days shred, its almost a month now,,, not a pound shed... i started the first day weighing 75.9 .... i was 78.1 the fourth day of it!! not over eating no period nothing!!!!

I FEEL like just dropping out since am getting FATTER any way!
So sad!


  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    are you actually tracking your food ? if not, then you need to .. buy a food scale and weigh it and track it ..
    and you said you been at it for a month but only talked about weighing once on the 4th day ..
    you would be best to weigh once a week (weight can fluctuate for many reasons)

    weigh once a week, in the same spot, at the same time (best if no clothes and after peeing 1st thing in the morning)
    and again the most important, weigh and track all food eaten/drank

    ETA: I skimmed over your other post.. you said you track but its usually a low number ..
    please make your to eat enough .. you don't have to give up all the good stuff, just eat it in moderation

    alot of people swear by "not eating under your bmr" and eating 10 - 20% below your TDEE
    you can find calculators online for the above
  • Rawanmakki
    i do... i weigh weekly same time same place first thing in the morning ( well... second thing! ) i track my food i do not go over 1200 ... i did not weigh in MFP because it did not change much .. i dropped to 76.4 which is still higher that my start weight and i gained up to 77.1 again couple of days later then back to 76.4! yeah
  • moounir
    moounir Posts: 41 Member

    I can understand you but if you are not loosing weight it means that you are doing something wrong. Better to know what than to quit.

    Below 1200 is not the best solution. It's my opinion because below this limit your body will be on starvation. You know that your body is programmed to protect you and to keep you alive. So when he see that you are not eating a lot so then he reduce the way he is using the nutrient to store them. So my first advice will be to ask you to eat a little bit more. 1300 to 1400 cals.

    Then choose food with less fat because the objective is to loose fat and not to loose muscles. So check the ingredients and try to have something with carbs and lot of proteins.

    Exercice is important. But if you don't have a specific tool to measure how much you are comsumming as cals (A HRM for example) don't log this information. Some person are wrong and they eat more than they have to.

    Eating not too much calories will also modify your way to create hormons and some of them are related to motivation. You feel tired so you want to give up.

    Another solution. You are doing so much workouts that you are creating muscles. Muscle is heavier than fat. So my other advice will be to measure your neck, hip and waist and log this information on MFP. Then you can check every month if this changes.

    Hope this will help you and keep you motivated.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Try to eat more. Don't have your weight loss goal too aggressive if you don't have a ton to lose. Are you eating your exercise calories back? You should be.

    WHen you begin a new exercise routine you will retain water. Are your muscles sore? They are retaining water and that's a cause for weight gain. Keep doing the exercise and stay off the scale.
  • Lindseyelizabeth87
    Lindseyelizabeth87 Posts: 151 Member
    It's going to take more than a few days.

    Use this site to educate yourself, and take heed of all the people saying that less than 1200 is a no-no, starvation mode will pack on the pounds for sure.

    Aside from that, if you want honest advice from people on where you're going wrong- Make your diary public.

    Everything else has already been said by the posters above.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member

    I can understand you but if you are not loosing weight it means that you are doing something wrong. Better to know what than to quit.

    This x10

    Then choose food with less fat because the objective is to loose fat and not to loose muscles. So check the ingredients and try to have something with carbs and lot of proteins.

    Dietary fat does not equal body fat. Fat is high cal so low fat diets help keep calorie intake down, but high fat/low fat diets themselves don't affect body fat levels.

    Eat a healthy range to match your macros. You need this to be something you can stick with for the rest of your life so you can both be healthy and not gain the weight back.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    get a complete physical and have your thyroid checked
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    are you keeping track of your body measurements as well as your weight?

    if your measurements are changing but you aren't seeing it on the scale yet then you're doing OK since weight loss isn't linear. although it's very unlikely that you are creating muscle with 30 DS, it's very possible that it's causing you to retain some water in your muscles. how's your sodium and potassium intake?

    also the timing of your meals and whether or not you eat rice and pasta isn't going to make a difference since it's about your total amount of calories. so make sure you are eating enough to feed your body (by not eating below your BMR) bu till below your TDEE. you might have to tweak this number and reduce your expectations about how much you want to lose in a week.

    also how close are you to a healthy weight? the closer you are to a healthy weight the harder it will be to lose weight.
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    First - not sure if you're in the US (cause you used "kilos" but if you celebrate Thanksgiving do not worry about this today!

    Second - it takes time - it's not magic - there is water weight, your body is adjusting to a whole different regimen.

    Do not judge just by weight - I'll bet there have been positive changes you have not been mentioning - you are more than a number.

    Make sure you are eating enough - just because MFP auto-calculates 1200 calories doesn't mean that is the best thing for you -

    Sometimes I see a loss when I have eaten more, believe it or not - I know for me I cannot do 1200 - I am at 1800 calories and for me that works much better - as long as you are exercising and eating good foods (are you getting enough protein and fiber?) you will see a difference.

    Good luck, and don't be so hard on yourself! It will happen but you just have to stick with it and think about what will be sustainable for you. Even if you could lose all the weight living on 900 calories a day would you really want to do that the rest of your life?
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I am not going to lie I didn't read past the subject line because I feel this is a stupid post. Whhhhhhhaaaaaaa losing weight sucks it isn't going the way i want so now I want to quit. NEWSFLASH the only person that can make you WANT to say is you.

    My suggestion: Quit, and when you get tired of being fat and unhealthy come back and complain about how you wish you never left.
  • Rawanmakki
    I am not going to lie I didn't read past the subject line because I feel this is a stupid post. Whhhhhhhaaaaaaa losing weight sucks it isn't going the way i want so now I want to quit. NEWSFLASH the only person that can make you WANT to say is you.

    My suggestion: Quit, and when you get tired of being fat and unhealthy come back and complain about how you wish you never left.

    hahaha thanks alot! thats the same feeling i had when i woke up this morning.. i do not want to wake up a month from now regretting that i did not continue....

    and am not saying its hard, am saying it is not happening... usually i lose weight easier but now its not happeneing , so will start a more controlled diet.

    Thank you everyone for all you said i really:flowerforyou: appreciate it.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member

    I can understand you but if you are not loosing weight it means that you are doing something wrong. Better to know what than to quit.

    Below 1200 is not the best solution. It's my opinion because below this limit your body will be on starvation. You know that your body is programmed to protect you and to keep you alive. So when he see that you are not eating a lot so then he reduce the way he is using the nutrient to store them. So my first advice will be to ask you to eat a little bit more. 1300 to 1400 cals.

    Then choose food with less fat because the objective is to loose fat and not to loose muscles. So check the ingredients and try to have something with carbs and lot of proteins.

    Exercice is important. But if you don't have a specific tool to measure how much you are comsumming as cals (A HRM for example) don't log this information. Some person are wrong and they eat more than they have to.

    Eating not too much calories will also modify your way to create hormons and some of them are related to motivation. You feel tired so you want to give up.

    Another solution. You are doing so much workouts that you are creating muscles. Muscle is heavier than fat. So my other advice will be to measure your neck, hip and waist and log this information on MFP. Then you can check every month if this changes.

    Hope this will help you and keep you motivated.

    ^ Great advice. You motivated me! Thank you for sharing. :flowerforyou: