Any 250+lb try C25K?

Just wondering if anyone who is substantially overweight just bit the bullet and did or tried the Couch to 5K program? I'm considering it. I have a treadmill and will start on there, but I'm so tired of being fat.

My husband left me after making me so horribly miserable that I gained 100lbs over the last 7 years.... and I figure this is a great time in my life to stop being lazy and worn out and just take up running. When I do run in spurts on my treadmill, I do not have much issue except I can only do it for about 20 seconds before not being able to breath. I us my HRM too to stay in zone.

Just wondering if anyone as big as me had success, had to modify, had trouble, couldn't do it, etc??


  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    OMG haha, totally forgot my ticker looked like that. Now that's pretty funny!!
  • hey,, im not 250+ but I am 222 and I am currently on the 3rd week, it does kick your butt, but you will be surprised at how much better you feel while doing it. Feel free to add me as a friend, I know it takes a lot of support to get started!
  • Lindseyelizabeth87
    Lindseyelizabeth87 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm not in the weight zone you mentioned, I started closer to 200lbs.
    Regardless, when I started the C25K I couldn't run for 30 seconds without feeling like I was going to die.
    I'm currently starting Week 6, though it's been about 8 weeks.

    My thoughts are, even if you struggle with a few of the weeks, you can always do them twice. You don't have to move up the times until you are ready. It's not going to hurt to re-do a week, it's all still burning calories!

    One thing I try to be wary of is my knees though, and you should do. Walking for for the first little bit, until you shed at least a few lbs, is a good idea. The last thing you want is an injury that throws you off completely!

    Overall though, the C25K is really great. You will constantly surprise yourself, and it feels really good doing things you never thought you could. :) I think you seem really determined and will have great results!
  • stellarcanicula
    stellarcanicula Posts: 50 Member
    I do C25K I started around 260. Day one was awful. I couldn't believe they were asking me to run for ONE AND A HALF chest was hurting, i couldnt breathe, my lungs and my face burned....but I kept going and I finished the whole 30 minutes. I cried when it was over.

    Im in the middle of week 7 now, and am able to run 20 mins non stop. I'm still working up to 25 mins. It really is an incredible program. If you asked me 4 months ago if I could ever be a runner, I woulda said NEVER. And now I'm a runner. I enjoy running, I feel good when I run. I look forward to running.

    Do it. You won't regret it.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I didn't start at that weight, but I have sensitive knees, so I have to be careful of them. I'm repeating weeks as I feel necessary - I had to do week 1 for 3 weeks before I was ready to move on to week 2.

    I'm on week 4 now, and plan to do week 4 for the third time, next week. ;)

    Listen to your body. Expect soreness, but outright pain shouldn't be ignored. Sometimes just slowing down, waiting 2 days between runs instead of 1 day, simple changes can make it easier on your body until it gets used to it.
  • stellarcanicula
    stellarcanicula Posts: 50 Member
    I'm not in the weight zone you mentioned, I started closer to 200lbs.
    Regardless, when I started the C25K I couldn't run for 30 seconds without feeling like I was going to die.
    I'm currently starting Week 6, though it's been about 8 weeks.

    My thoughts are, even if you struggle with a few of the weeks, you can always do them twice. You don't have to move up the times until you are ready. It's not going to hurt to re-do a week, it's all still burning calories!

    One thing I try to be wary of is my knees though, and you should do. Walking for for the first little bit, until you shed at least a few lbs, is a good idea. The last thing you want is an injury that throws you off completely!

    Overall though, the C25K is really great. You will constantly surprise yourself, and it feels really good doing things you never thought you could. :) I think you seem really determined and will have great results!

    Yes, they said all the things I forgot to say. I started having problems with my knee after the first week and had to buy a knee brace. I was unstoppable after that. And I have repeated weeks more than once. It's taken me about 12 weeks to get to week 7 of the program. Slow and steady my friend, slow and steady.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    I started around 300 lbs. three months ago and now I run up to an hour. Yesterday I ran 50 minutes and my longest run so far was 6.02 miles by GPS watch.

    I've also lost 62 pounds in that time and I think that my running, along with a balanced diet, logged every day on MFP, is the main reason.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Don't worry about keeping your HR in the "zone". IMHO, the whole zone thing was dreamed up by someone to make HRM's sound fancier than they are. Give it your all and go for the burn! I never run in the zone and really don't think I'd even be running with my HR that low.
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks everyone. I actually downloaded the ease into 5K app. It has 3 days per week, so I take it that I should do every other day? I have been walking 20-40 minutes ont he treadmill 3x's a week and I'm down 20 lbs. Eating 1200 cals per day with no problem and no longing for more.

    My ex had done the ease into 5K and went from gross to slim, started running real 5K's, and then packed up, took off, and got a hot girlfriend. So I'm motivated just for the fact that they are probably sitting around laughing about how ridiculous and fat I am.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    Not over 250, but I started at 225 and finished at about 215!
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    i have a very weak left knee.Around 2 years ago,i dislocated my knee and got one ruputured ligament .Since then it has been my Achilles heel but yea i do run twice a week. i started running at around 280 lbs and i am 259 lbs right now.Nothing can match the rush you get from a good run.i just ran 4.16 miles yesterday in 52 minutes :).I am slow but i will get there
  • I'm in that weight range and I am on week 4 at the moment! Its not easy but its doable and I am so pleased with myself that I run (though I run at the same speed my husband walks :laugh: ). Doesn't matter though as long as I am doing it. I know I will get better as I go along so I just keep at it.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    I started it at 230 (after clearing it with my Doc) and I've had no issues bar the obvious sweating, turning red and looking like a traction engine puffing along :) but hell, I am doing it and after 3 weeks, it's starting to become 2nd nature and I love it.

    There are some amazing ladies on here who are 300lbs+ and still regularly run 5ks (who I suspect would out-run me ANY day) Have a search through the forums, their accounts are amazingly inspiring.

    Best of luck!!

    Edit: I had a search and found the thread:
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 272 Member
    I was still well north of 250 pounds when I started, and completed, C25K. It wasn't easy but it can be done especially if you don't worry about or focus on speed, that can come later.

    I'm running my first ever proper 5k race this coming Sunday, that wouldn't be happening without C25K.
  • coltonsmumma
    coltonsmumma Posts: 80 Member
    Also my doc says that I HAVE to get healthier. I have the starting out of cholesterol building around my heart, which is happening because I have Lyme disease, and also becoming riddled with osteo-arthritis from lack of moving. I've really done a number on myself and need to fix this body. Plus I need to get hot so I can flaunt my bod.
  • I was 254 when I started running in April. Now, November 53 pounds lost I owe it all to starting the C25K journey. My body has totally reshaped, I am running races and in fact getting ready to run right now!

    Take it SLOW. Even if you think you can do more cardiovascularly, your joints and muscles have to get used to it, especially when carrying around that kind of weight. Take the breaks they say. Don't expect perfection. It's about progress.

    You are still lapping everyone on the couch.
  • tinytasha7
    tinytasha7 Posts: 86 Member
    Also my doc says that I HAVE to get healthier. I have the starting out of cholesterol building around my heart, which is happening because I have Lyme disease, and also becoming riddled with osteo-arthritis from lack of moving. I've really done a number on myself and need to fix this body. Plus I need to get hot so I can flaunt my bod.

    I have had good results with my cholesterol by eating oatmeal every day. 1/4 c uncooked, usually made with water in the microwave with a small container of 0 calorie flavored yogurt. I also have osteoarthritis, and it's a pain. Not sure what caused mine, but it's there.

    I'd like to know more about these programs. I've never heard of them before. Where can I find more info?
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm on week 4. I take it a "week" per month, and I am gonna do a color run in May 2013. I am 285 now but was over 300 when I started c25k. I'm probably gonna do a Jingle Bell run on Dec 1st but I will have to walk the majority of it, I'm soooo not ready to run 3.1 miles yet. But by May I wanna jog the whole thing!
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    Some great posts on here, might even try C25K myself!

    Best of luck with everything, it'll start off tough but I guarantee you won't regret it :smile:
  • sammielealea
    sammielealea Posts: 245 Member
    I think that your body can do anything that you train it to do, no matter your shape or size. I also think, though, that you need to make sure that you listen to your body, resting and nurishing it when it needs it. My best piece of advise for anyone getting into running for the first time is to make sure you get fitted for the right shoes for you to prevent injury. Happy running :)
    PS. Don't worry about your ex, do it for yourself! He doesn't deserve you ;)