need help to break my yo-yo dieting cycle!!!!!!!

I need help and support. I am about 200lbs and want to lose 50 lbs. I am a part time working mother with 3 amazing kids and a very supportive husband. My cycle is i get determined, do loads of exercise eat well lose about 7-8 lbs over 3-4 weeks. Then my cycle starts, lose motivation as in its not happening fast enough, am also a very emotional eater start being careless about what i eat, over eat feel worse eat more and dont go near any exercise . I have been doing this cycle for about 2 years. Any emotional upset and all will power goes out the window and i run for chocolate and crisps to cope.

I know this cycle is making me deeply unhappy and the ripple effect on my family is present. I am not the person i use to be as i am not fully present in my own life. This makes me soooo sad as i want to be the wife and mom my family deserve.

I would so love to break this cycle and need anyones help who is in a similar position.
I have some major family celebrations next year and would love to be my goal of 150pds.
I want to be me again......:smile:


  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    first of all HUGS. Secondly, i will be your support. Maybe you can look for healthier snacks at those emotional times? Instead of grabbing a chocolate bar, eat chocolate covered nuts or nutella on crackers. Also pick an exercise you like to do, that could be part of the problem. If you dont enjoy it, you wont do it. Walking is easy. Even with 3 kids, you could walk around the block or up the street. (I have 3 kids too) You can even count walking around the grocery store a few times..... something is better than nothing.
  • yeah thanks as i know i can do this i suppose its small steps
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    When you diet do you eat very low calorie? If you do then it may be the reason you can't stick to your plan. Find out your TDEE and eat 15-20% maximum below that. You won't be hungry and end up bingeing or quitting this way. Works for me and many others.
  • i am doing the 1200 cal a day. What is TDEE???
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Check out the Eat More to Weigh Less (EM2WL) group:

    It's helped me break my yo-yo cycle of about 15 years.

    Basically you need to learn to stop starving your body, only for it to fight back and make you overeat and regain the weight. Lose the weight slowly by creating a small calorie deficit either by eating less or exercising more or a little of both.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    i am doing the 1200 cal a day. What is TDEE???

    1200 will not break your yo-yo cycle. Sure you'll lose weight but as you've said from previous experience you'll lose motivation after a while, at which point the weight will start to return. You need a lifestyle change that is something you can sustain FOREVER.

    TDEE is you Total Daily Energy Expenditure, i.e. the number of calories your body uses in a day. It is maintenance so eating at TDEE you will not gain or lose weight.
  • Brian_VA
    Brian_VA Posts: 125
    Sugar is a powerful influence on our eating. My suggestion would be to try cutting it out from your diet. This includes white breads, rice, white potatos, crackers, etc. that convert to sugar as soon as you eat them. These foods make you feel hungry, and drive you to eat more even when your stomach is full and your body has no need for more. And it's not your fault! Sugar engages powerful hormones that trigger your desire to eat. Can willpower overcome these powerful urges? For some, yes; for some, no; for others only for a while. But by refusing the first bite, you don't have to. Everyone has the power to not eat that first chip. It is only your mind you are dealing with, not the hormones involved in resisting the second. By cutting out these foods you will regain the power of self control you lack. it's amazing when you eat something delicious - like a marinated grilled chicken breast with salad and seasoned broccoli, get full, and walk away feeling satisfied! And not want to eat more.

    You can still eat fruit in moderation, unlimited green / non starchy veggies, and 100% whole wheat / grain products in moderation. Those that follow these rules comment on drastically reduced hunger pangs, feeling fuller longer, and not being on the roller coaster with their eating.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Say no to the yo-yo. You need something you can stick with long-term like what I'm doing. On days I work out I eat 2300 calories and I've dropped 60 pounds (started at 240) It can be done! I'm revealing all my secrets for my friends on Facebook too so you can follow me there.
  • hiya

    I am the same - we are very similar weight also - feel free to add me as a friend for support ;-)

    i eat 1712 which is 20% of my TDEE to see how this will work for me also

  • The first step to stop this cycle is to stop depriving yourself of foods you enjoy and not to overdo exercise. If you push yourself too hard or restrict your diet too much, it will only make it easier to give up. Keep a sustainable diet and exercise, as they say, it's a lifestyle, not just a diet. Losing 7-8lbs in 3-4 weeks is really fast. Find out what your TDEE is and subtracting 20% from there would be a good starting point. Another aspect people tend to ignore is the psychological side, the key is to believe in yourself and know that you CAN get to your goal. Good luck!
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I would recomend reading this
    It really helped me put things in perspective and get going

    next stop DIETING!!! and start living a healthy life.
    try to eat healthy fresh whole foods instead of packet ( if you don't already) try making ready meal favourites yourself and freezing portions ( make more than you need and freezer the extras everytime you cook) soon you will have a freezer full of healthy ready meals
    have healthy snacks that you like - if you dont like it you wont eat it
    plan your meals
    never go shopping without a shopping list and stick to it. don't buy unhealthy food and dont just pop to the shops to get XXX - you ( if you are anything like me come back with or without the XXX you went in for but also with loads of junk.

    never shop hungry

    and don't reward yourself with food (as the quote goes) you are not a dog! find non food rewards

    be kind to yourself!
    don't stress if you wobble on the healthy wagon just reassess re-stabilise and get back on ASAP
    your human and sometimes life gets in the way and sometimes we have cake. use that as an excuse to squeeze in an extra run/ walk/ exercise circuit or trip to the park with your kids.

    never (this is my ddownfall) say to yourself oh well I had hat chocolate bar so there's no point in carrying on today i'll start again tomorrow -
    start again right now - every failure is an opportunity to get stronger

    also remeber - you CAN do this and You DESERVE this!

    good luck and i look forward to hearing about your progress
  • WOW, thanks everyone i feel a whole lot of support out there, just sharing it has made me feel better! and loads of good advice. I think i put myself under too much pressure and cave if i slip so maybe recognising mt triggers will be a start.
    Never knew about TDEE so will check it out. And i am a poor planner so need to organise shopping better. Both my husband and i cook so we know how to do healthy meals.
    I need to start beliving i can do it....WATCH THIS SPACE
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    this might help
    no nonsense tough love ( with a whole load of commonsense!)
  • melissarina
    melissarina Posts: 113 Member
    this might help
    no nonsense tough love ( with a whole load of commonsense!)

    I love that article - thanks for posting :)
  • buckleten
    buckleten Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, I am on a 1200 calorie diet, but if I want something really bad, like cake or chocolate, I allow myself then aim to work off that number of calories after. This makes me feel that I haven't ruined everything which in the past was the trigger for a big binge! Hope that helps a bit :-)
  • Flor9
    Flor9 Posts: 8
    I know what you're talking about, I've been that way all my life and still am. I think the worse you feel about yourself and your weight, the more you tend to overeat. Ironic, huh? Well, I'm trying to work out more, call a friend if I feel like eating crap, go out, something that takes my mind off that. And I try to think about the way I looked when I was eating better, how much more confident I was, I was enjoying my life instead of being sad and depressed. The biggest enemy is your mind, trust me, I know that when you put your mind to something, you can accomplish it! I'm not saying it won't be hard, of course it will be. But it's a choice you have to make everyday. Take it step by step, start by doing something better today, don't worry about the future. And just focus on what you're doing and developing tools to help you stop that vicious cycle. Hope I can help, and I'm here if you need anything! Good luck!