Why Are Men So Obsessed w/ Looks!!!!

I met this guy face-to-face on a business trip in October. He could tell I was from out of town and he made a little joke about it and I laughed. We chatted for a few minutes and he asked for my contact information and suggested we do lunch while I’m in town. Unfortunately, I was leaving town that day. So that was a no go.

Well, he called that evening and left a nice message. I listened to it twice. It was nice. It felt good to meet someone and be approached so respectfully and his message was sweet.

Fast forward a couple of weeks… We talk off and on. He calls but he is always on the go. Never at home but in transit somewhere. I was suspicious – who calls someone only when they are out and about. I subtly clarified with him that he was single at the onset – he said he was. He told me he was making plans to visit to take me on an official date since we couldn’t do lunch. He asks that we exchange pictures (even though we saw each other in person when we met). FYI, these pictures were fully clothed (for those of you whose minds are in the gutter).

After we exchanged pictures….

He falls of the planet. Doesn’t text back. Doesn’t call. Doesn’t come to visit the next day…

Men suck. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal to some but when you never meet anyone with an ounce of decency, it's sucks when it doesn't go anywhere.


  • shy1980

    Dont worry about that it could be anything, he may be ill, busy or just a vain xxxxx thats why he hasnt made contact.
    there are some pretty nasty men out there and again there are some amazing guys, you just havent met the right one yet. If hes silly enough to think every woman has to be a particular shape than hes not worth ur time .You deserve better.

    Keep smiling x
  • bananapancakebella
    I'm really sorry this happened. This guy might just be an *kitten* and it has nothing to do with the picture you sent or the way you look. He already met you in person! If your looks were a problem to him he wouldnt have asked for your phone number.