A topic on NOT weighing in

So my first BIG goal was to get back into the 100's (that also puts me at just about my half way point). At this morning's weigh in I came in at 201.4 (starting at roughly 240) . I'm thinking of challenging myself to NOT weigh myself again until Christmas - take a month away from scale obsessing and seeing if I can surprise myself in the end. My only fear is with the holidays upon us I may not be making the BEST of choices while surrounded by all the home baked goodness this time of year brings - and with the rainy season here, I find myself a little less motivated to keep up my runs and walks. Strength training indoors is great and I may be starting p90x here pretty soon (any feedback on that program by the way?) and if I'm not weighing in I won't see if my weight is headed the wrong direction. What do y'all think?


  • Boolietta
    Boolietta Posts: 12 Member
    Sounds like you're doing great already! I used to weigh in once a week or more and, although I was generally happy with those results, it's not really the number on the scale that rules me, more how I'm feeling, how my clothes hang, my fitness levels etc. So now I weigh in about once a month. I feel this actually gives me a better idea of my loss - I'm in this for the long haul and we all know that there will be fluctuations from week to week (especially for women) & this gives me a good idea of the bigegr picture. I worry about people who obsessively weigh in weekly or daily and then beat themselves up over half a pound.

    You will KNOW if you've been making good food choices and getting enough excercise. So, if you are motivated by something other than just a number on the scale, there is no reason that this wont work for you - just be sure to keep tracking and dont let yourself get lazy. Good luck hitting the 100s - your'e so close!
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    I got annoyed by the scale in mid Oct and said I wasn't weighing in until my birthday (Feb 8th). You have to know yourself to know if that will work for you. I still consistantly workout and eat healthy. The hardest part at this point is that I have lost a few pant sizes and I am DYING to know how much weight I lost. However, im not weighing.
  • Nukkers
    Nukkers Posts: 139 Member
    I think it could definitely be a good idea. Especially if you give too much power to the scale. I was obsessively weighing and letting it ruin my whole day when I wasn't the weight I thought I should be. Now I weight less often and am much happier! I also try to focus more on my body fat % than the number on the scale. Good luck!
  • lookingforwards
    I think it's a great idea... often you appreciate the difference in your body more in how you feel and when you look in the mirror instead of a scale telling you how you should feel.
    I'm planning on starting this on the 1st of december and not weighing myself until New Years... hopefully I get a nice surprise!
    Good luck!
  • puddy29
    well me personally i wiegh in once a week and i do this to keep motivated. when i see the scale move even one pound it keeps me on track and focus to keep pushing and to keep doing what i'm doing but like someone said you have to do what works for you. i've tried to say that i wounldn't weigh myself but it never works i need that to know that all the hard work is paying off and that's how i get satisfaction. you doing an excellent job so far keep up the great work.
  • sheri555
    :) I am notorious for constantly weighing myself. I can see how some people would think that it's not about the number on the scale, but more about health and how you feel. I guess for me seeing that number drop is just one of those things that really helps to keep me going. Plus it's also helpful for me to see how what I am putting in my body can affect that number. I don't let it ruin my day if I see a number that I don't like, I just try to use it as a tool to gauge where I am at. Everyone is different! If you want to try something different to challenge yourself, I say go for it!!!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    For me the scale is an excellent reminder either to keep on doing what I'm doing, or to stop doing the bad things I'm doing.

    So far, over time at least, it's fairly consistently related to calories in vs calories out.

    I find it a lot easier to not feel bad about eating much if I don't have a that number, which I've worked so hard to get down, going up.
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    I find it easier to bury my head in the sand if I don't WI regularly and gradually I start letting things slip, thinking it doesn't matter for just "one day" but of course all of those days add up and before you know it you've gained several pounds.

    I can imagine it works for some but not for me.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    When I started in July, I only weighed in every 2-3 weeks. I always was able to record a nice big loss, which was great. Until one day last month when I had no change from 2 weeks prior. Then I weighed the next week and still no change. Both times I suspected water weight and I was right, it all came off and then some the next time. But that experience is why I bought a scale finally (had been going to my mother's to weigh) and weighing daily. I was really freaked out thinking I'd hit a plateau. I'm comfortable at this point with the daily fluctuations.
  • _Wits_
    _Wits_ Posts: 1,286 Member
    I personally do a heck of a lot better when I weigh monthly.

    The body can hold on to weight and water retention for a week or two, and then a week after that boom...3 lbs could be gone.

    The scale isn't a great indicator of success. Do your clothes fit better? Do you feel lighter? Test your brain and make the right choices food wise and know at the end of the day, you won't need the scale to tell you that you have done well...you're body will show you.

    I'm on a "no weigh" promise through to Christmas as well.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Haven't weighed in in 2 weeks and I'm still waiting until December 1st. I notice my mid section getting leaner and my pants fit more comfortably so I'm hoping the scale shows me some results!
  • inkywitch
    i cannot weigh myself - the numbers freak me out way too much, my head explodes. I go by how my clothes fit, so weighing in 1x a week sounds like it would be a great idea for you. In my world, any victory will be an NSV, until I've lost at least 25 lbs and can weigh myself without going into full-on psycho binge mode...lol...
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    For me whether you weigh yourself everyday, every week or once a month is no where is near as important as logging what you eat and exercise everyday and come in under your daily target (on average). If you are obsessive about logging and coming in under your targets then only good things can happen for you.