Looking for motivation friends pleeease!!

Hi there,

I joined about 2 weeks ago, had one really great week where I lost 2lbs....this week NONE!! Really upset about that but trying to just pick myself up and carry on. Thought I was doing really well, but have just gone back on BC pill so this could have something to do with it. Grrrrrr.

So I'm looking for some friends who can help kick my butt and get me moving more and of course I'll do the same for you - not easy with a 5 month old baby but I'll give it my best shot! Also with Xmas coming up soon we need all the help I can get!

Cakey x


  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Hi there,

    I joined about 2 weeks ago, had one really great week where I lost 2lbs....this week NONE!! Really upset about that but trying to just pick myself up and carry on. Thought I was doing really well, but have just gone back on BC pill so this could have something to do with it. Grrrrrr.

    So I'm looking for some friends who can help kick my butt and get me moving more and of course I'll do the same for you - not easy with a 5 month old baby but I'll give it my best shot! Also with Xmas coming up soon we need all the help I can get!

    Cakey x

    Don't get discouraged, it could be anything. Maybe you ate too much salt this week? You exercised a lot more? Didn't drink enough water? Or you did nothing different and your body is being difficult ;) Anyway, just keep up the good work and you'll lose weight for sure :)

    Feel free to add me :)

    Ginny, 24.
  • CakeyBakey
    CakeyBakey Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Ginny,

    Def think a bit of water retention is to blame here, and looking back over my diary I can see quite a lot of salt and definitely not enough water. Will try drinking more this week and doing a couple of extra workouts.

    Thanks for the add!

    C x
  • Lconsla
    Lconsla Posts: 226 Member
    I had the exact same problem! first week was great, second week sucked. I learned that I wasnt eating anywhere near enough calories although i was eating 3 meals a day. And water, I'm so not a water drinker but i've been forcing myself and this week the scale is moving....FAST! I still drink diet pepsi though, i know i know, but damn it tates good and i'm addicted to the bubbles. I'm sending you a FR!
  • CakeyBakey
    CakeyBakey Posts: 18 Member
    Hello! It's hard to judge what my correct calorie intake should be isn't it? I'm on 1320 per day, consider myself lightly active, I'm a stay at home mum at the moment, try to walk at least half an hour a day and use my Wii Fit at least three times a week. I was doing Weightwatchers before but I got sick of their crap website and even crapper Android App! Think my brilliant first week was down to jolting my system and perhaps it's got used to it now. It's not an exact art is it?! Guess it takes some figuring out until you get it right!
  • laurajean120
    laurajean120 Posts: 23 Member
    feel free to add me looking for new friends to help me lose the weight.They say if u lose weight one week u have a harder time the next week. cause your body is getting use to all the changes that u r making.
  • Don't look at the scale too much, it is difficult to see small measurements (my weight can fluctuate 4 or 5 lbs in a day!). Just keep doing what you are doing, reduce portion sizes, replace snacks with a couple of pieces of fruit. Drink plenty of water throughout the day (can help keep you feeling full).

    And another thing, have a good breakfast, that helps to keep you going so when it comes to dinner time you do not have a huge meal.

    When you first start losing weight your body doesn't know what is going on, it thinks 'there must be a problem, keep hold of the weight as long as you can' with regular healthier eating, it realises it can survive fine and will shed the weight...

    I know it is frustrating, but when you see the results in your clothes being too big...it's worth it...(only problem is you have to spend the money buying a new wardrobe haha)

    Keep going..
  • Hello

    I only joined a week ago - feel free to add me! I have my first weigh in tomorrow, a little bit nervous about the results but I have been very well behaved this week, so we'll see....

    Water retention is definately a big factor for me - sometimes when it's TOM my weight can fluctuate by 6lbs! Don't be disheartened and just keep going - maybe you'll have double weight loss next week.

    Anna :)
  • wimeezer
    wimeezer Posts: 404 Member
    Welcome to mfp-you'll find lots of support and help here.

    It's frustrating when the scale doesn't respond. But don't let the scale be your only reference point. suggest taking measurements and pictures every couple of weeks or so. As your body composition changes the scale may not reflect it but the tape will.

    Two weeks after I started lifting I gained two lbs. I'd have been very enjoyed if I hadn't measured earlier in the week and know I'd lost 5 inches since the previous month. I now measure weekly, along with weigh in.

    Remember....YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Hi,

    I joined this past summer, but have pretty much been MIA since july because of my traveling to another country. I am still there and even though it's hard to track foods because brands, restaurants, etc is completely different I decided to pick it back up and try to estimate as much as I can to reach my goals. I know how discouraging some weeks can be, but 2 lbs for one week (and 1 lb each week) is amazing. Also keep in mind with water weight our weights can fluctuate (up to about 3 lbs) within a day itself. So keep positive and the key is to never give up, you can definitely feel free to add me. I also have an inspirational fitness blog I started on tumblr so if you interested in following that, feel free!

    Good job so far!

  • I need friends and motivation. Been on here for a while but never really got into it. Have used "Lose It" on my iPod, but I got bored with it. Started up this Tuesday on MFP and have it on my smartphone too. I'm a former HS and college athlete who needs to get my *kitten* in gear. Coming up on 40 in Feb 2013 and would like to drop some major poundage! Need all the help I can get. Friend me please!
  • morgan_pope
    morgan_pope Posts: 30 Member
    From all that I have read/experienced, Wk1 is a great weigh-in....Wk2 almost always sucks. Part of the Wk1 weigh-in is water weight (:sad: ) and on Wk2 your body says "what the h**l? I thought last week was a 1-off! :noway: ". Just keep at it and push through to Wk3 and Wk4 and you will see better weigh-ins.

    Drinking water definitely helps with weigh loss. I only recently got in a pattern/habit to drink all of my water, but I noticed that after a couple of days consistently drinking all of my water, I suddenly dropped weight and I have thereafter had a fairly consistent weight loss. If you eat a lot of processed foods (like me), you might want to consider exceeding your water goal to compensate for the higher sodium diet. Seems to be working for me.

    Feel free to friend me. I log everyday, faithfully, and will cheer you on! :smile:
  • CakeyBakey
    CakeyBakey Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for your posts! I've just found this, which seems to have a pretty good success rate. Going to give it a go as there seem to be lots of happy, lighter people who have tried it!

    It involves upping my calories - EEEK - but it might just move things along....
