A Non Traditional Thanksgiving Feast

For my MFP friends, this does match my food diary yesterday! LOL A high calorie day for sure. Today is back to business. All the tools you learn in the weight loss phase comes into play for maintenance and the rest of your life. None of the skills you learn are wasted efforts. Even once you get to your goal, you don't stay in the same spot. Life happens, you enjoy celebrations and feasts, and at some point the party is over. You get back to business. You don't get discouraged. You know what to do. A scale is not needed. Your clothes get slightly tight, it's not a big deal, just do what you know how to do; calories and work out, it's a slow process, be patient, nothing else matters. If it's something you want, just do it.

Randy and I enjoyed a nice non traditional Thanksgiving on our back deck. We hiked the canyon in the background and came home to a simple yet delicious feast. We enjoyed every bite with no regrets. We are thankful for a wonderful long marriage and even though our house is not perfect we are Thankful for the beauty around us. We are thankful for the food and the food choices we have. Many in the world do not have any of this. Most of us in this country are blessed, more than we can probably imagine.



  • GCustom
    GCustom Posts: 3 Member

    Great photo and food spread, congrats on a good day!
  • Wow! That look beautiful! Life is good!
  • jenifujita
    jenifujita Posts: 4 Member
  • CanadaLiz
    CanadaLiz Posts: 42 Member
    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday because it is time to be thankful of all that you have and try to live in the moment without wishing for something else. My Thanksgiving will be Saturday since people didn't have Friday off of work here in Denmark. Everyone brings a dish, and learns about the type of food that is served in the US. It is a perfect evening and I am looking very much forward to it. Glad that you had a nice time with your lovely husband. Sounds perfect!! I am jealous of the sun in California. I definitely miss that.
    xxxooooo Lara
  • supercatie18
    supercatie18 Posts: 82 Member
    Love this. There are way too many posts today about people over-eating or concerned about post-Thanksgiving weight gain, this picture is a perfect reminder to just enjoy life!
  • lunglady
    lunglady Posts: 526 Member
    That looks sooooooo pretty.
  • Wow Your picture looks like an ad for come visit California.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Wow Your picture looks like an ad for come visit California.

    LOL California is pretty. But there are many other pretty places. :)
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    Nice picture! It looks like an ad!!!!!
    KJLIII Posts: 225 Member
    It really IS a beautiful picture. And you're right, we ARE very blessed...

    Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, even if it was a non-traditional one.

    Thanks for sharing what your day looked like. :flowerforyou: