Weekend Horrors!

My usual weekend is pretty amazing when I'm not on a diet. I start off on a Friday with a Chinese (generally chips, fried rice and curry sauce). On a Saturday, I head out for the night and drink a few vodka and cokes before going to the chipper, and getting chips and a burger, or garlic cheese fries. Then on a Sunday with a small hangover, I order Dominos Medium Thin Base Pepperoni pizza and chicken wings.
Basically, I'm an eating machine! And I'm absolutely in love with junk food.
So it's now Friday, and I always find this the hardest part of a diet. i genuinely feel unhappy because I can't eat junk food. It makes me miserable. I really need a substitute to keep me happy. Now, baring in mind, I'm on Anna Richardson's Body Blitz diet, and so I can't eat:
Carbs after 6pm

Anyone have a suggestion for something nice to occupy my junky brain? Or even nice snacks??


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    Why are you on such a restrictive diet? Is there a medical reason? If not, why do that to yourself? Why not just eat what you like in moderation, watch your caloric intake and exercise? In that case, you COULD have a vodka and diet coke, just maybe one of them, a slice of pizza, some Chinese food during the weekend and still lose weight as long as you are under your calorie goal overall.......I just don't get these "diet" things.
  • Mrsbradpig
    It's actually not as restrictive as it sounds. It basically means you HAVE to eat healthy!
    And, for me, I can't eat in moderation and if I'm given any choice, I'll always pick the fatty salty unhealthy option, so for me personally, I need strict rules, or I will just eat crap.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    Why not cook yourself a healthy version of your fav Chinese or Indian food?
  • Mrsbradpig
    That's a good idea Jain! I've just had a lovely steak, and that fits in the rules, so now I feel ok, panic over! Hahaha! Hunger brings out the panic in me!