New reasons for weight loss.

claysaround Posts: 1
edited January 4 in Introduce Yourself
A couple years ago, a physician friend of mine and I were talking about the general state of the medical world. She said it is in the wind - not a reality yet - but being talked about.......that if your physician suggests you do something for your health- lose weight, stop smoking, etc. and you don't do it.......there will come a time that when health problems occur as a result of not following your doctors advice, the insurance companys will refuse to pay for your treatment. That piece of news was a real attention getter for me. Since that time I've lost 70ish pounds with 20 to go. I plan on stopping smoking in a week with the help of a medication.
I thought that might beinteresting information to have if you are beginning to waiver on your decision to lose weight. I know it sure made my ears perk up.


  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,251 Member
    I live in UK, and it has been common, but controversial, practice to refuse some operations because of lifestyle choices,

    Such as you are very fat and eat or smoke, drink too much and will not change your choices

    So why should we taxpayers fund a procedure that may not be required if you changed your chosen lifestyle?

    A notable recipient of this policy was George Best, a world class premier footballer, he had one liver transplant, was refused another because he never stopped drinking to excess, private patient I believe, squiilionare, pictured with Miss World on a bed with zillion pound notes, guess you can imagine it
  • Erin1712
    Erin1712 Posts: 21 Member
    It makes sense. There is a consequence to your actions.
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