New to the site...Getting real honest...

Hi everyone...

My name is Nichole, I am 38, married with 5 great kids, and I am a fulltime student working toward my education degree.
My weight has been my nemesis for a LONG time now...Currently, I am at 400+?! I am not exact at the scale battery is dead and I have honeslty been scared to replace it...I mean lets face it...when your praying for 400 you know life has gotten a LITTLE outta control...

Basically, I am this really amazing, talented person that is being choked alive in a body of fat...

The sad thing is that even now...signing up for this site...I wanted to lie about my food anyone would know other than me...HOW CRAZY IS THAT!! I mean if I cant get real with myself how the heck is this ever going to work for me.
So after an hr of posting and deleting and finally cutting through all the I am...

My hope is to find others that I can share this journey with...people who are in the trenches..people who understand the challenges...people who get it...Im a fat mom that is pissed off that I let myself and life get me this out of control and I want some of that control back...

So if you are interested in becoming friends I welcome any and all...we gotta stick together right..?!
Good luck to all!



  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Welcome to the site Nichole :smile:
    Glad you decided to post this instead of hitting the Delete button.
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Hope you are getting ready to concur the world on this site. I will tell you with some strong determination and the will to succeed you will go far. I have done well by logging all my food. It helps to do it before you eat it (you will be surprise how many calories are in things) I check,check and recheck the calorie content because they are not always accurate on the site. I am not a big exercise person (very hard to fit it in most days) . I work out abit with my WII (too much fun) I started by calorie level at 1200 but after a few weeks I discovered that it was far to low so I brought it up to 1430 and I lose 1 pound a week almost like clockwork. I hit the wall a couple times and did not lose for the week then the following week it got its MoJo back and off it came. I can tell you that I do budget for a treat ( I love Yoplait delights chocolate raspberry) There is a really good web site hungry tons of recipes for some yummy food (one of my favs is chicken cordon blu ) I really began to have more energy at about 20 pounds off. It is funny because the body changes slowly but its cool to discover all the new things that you have (or to be more exact the things you don’t have) like one less roll on your tummy or hey I forgot I have dimples in my cheeks J Again you can do it just hang in there an be patient. The person you want to see is there you just have to find her but remember to enjoy all woman that you are each and every day.
  • keeno67
    keeno67 Posts: 20 Member
    I would just like to say thank you for posting and sharing a little bit of yourself.....:smile: Your accomplishments in life are admirable and I am more than willing to be of help in anyway I can. Invest some time getting comfortable around here and I think you'll be quite pleased with what you find and be on your way to accomplishing your weight loss goals.....:smile:
  • lovelypink13
    Im glad your taking the step to a new life. My mother is at around 350 pounds at 36 yrs of age and I am here to try to get my weight back so that I can encourage her to do the same. I hope you reach your goals and just know were all here to support you.
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Hi Nichole and welcome to the site. You are going to fall in love with it here! :love: I second the previous post in saying it really, REALLY helps to log your food before you eat it. It holds me more accountable and takes the guessing work out of "what am I going to eat" which can lead to bad choices, binge eating (my problem) and on and on.

    If you are looking for some true inspiration go and check out this thread....

    Tam has been such an inspiration to me. She's lost 135 pounds and kept it off. She hit goal weight and found out she was pregnant on the same day and she's since had the baby and looks amazing.

    You can do this sweetie! Just take it one day at a time and do NOT beat yourself up for the "bad" days. Each day is a fresh slate with new choices to be made. :flowerforyou:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I'm glad I found you! I will support you! I like you am a mother but only of 2. I have given myself up to taken care of my family and others around me. Dec 28 2009 I finally again decided that enough was enough I want me back. The two things I promised myself was that I would log every day no matter what good or bad. I would drink my water every day. Baby steps. Don't take on to much at once. Get great at logging, drinking your water and making good food choices. Then add in exercise when you can. But don't overwhelm yourself taking on to much at once. Be honest with yourself that is all that matters. It isn't helping yourself unless you are. I believe in you. Meal planning helps tons because you are planning ahead. Get a food scale to weigh and measure your food. It is about portions and moderation.Surround yourself with a amazing support group! Take your measurements to as it will show you where you are at and how many inches you have lost. Don't be scared to get on the scale! You will not see that number forever because you are changing to become the new healthier you! That is what it is today but not what it will be tomorrow! Don't beat yourself up it is what it is and you are here to change it! You can do this and you will do it! There is no turning back now. Are you ready? :heart:
    :drinker: Here is to the new healthier you!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Welcome. It's all about balance and getting proper nutrition as well as exercise. Find something you really like to do and get active with it. I also believe the first step is just logging everything you eat. After you look at that, you can find ways to cut calories. I switched to sugar-free creamer in my coffee and limited myself to 2 cups a day. I switched to 1 % milk with only 100 cals as opposed to the 2 % which gave me 130. I "fry" everything in olive oil flavored Pam. I switched to "sandwich thins" instead of bread. Instead of having a whole slice of cheese, I have 1/2. When buttering my bread, I use 1/2 a tbs instead of a whole. I also only use 1/2 a serving of peanut better on my toast. I switched to Wishbone Ranch vinegrette instead of Light Ranch dressing for my salad. You'd be surprised at how much these small changes make a difference in your total calorie count for the day. I am eating more at breakfast and lunch than I ever have before. As a consequence, I'm able to eat a lighter dinner and don't go crazy at night. Another amazing thing happened as I got into this. I was killing myself with diet and exercise and nothing was happening. My doctor, who I love more than anyone, started talking to me about Vitamin D deficiency. She took a blood level and found that it was far too low. She put me on some high powered supplements and my weight normalized almost completely overnight. Apparently this is a big problem with most adults. We don't get as much as we need because we don't spend much time outside and most of us only have 2 servings of dairy per day. She now has me on a multi-vitamin, Calcium with D added, as well as 1000 IU of Vitamin D every day. After years of struggle and feeling so low and thinking I could never lose weight, my doc found the key for me. I lost all my extra weight and I feel more energetic and younger than I have in years. I am currently training for my first ever 5 K run (at age 43). If you'd told me a year ago I'd be doing this, I'd tell you you're crazy. Here I am, mom to 2 grown kids, and I'm in better shape than I've been in since high school. :)
  • Lululuv
    Lululuv Posts: 37 Member
    Congrats on taking the step. I know you can do it...Geez if you can keep track of five children, go to school full time you can definitely do this!