Bad night

♥dawnwestbury♥ Posts: 104
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I was fine til tonight.....went WAY over on everything!!!!! Ugh, I guess thats gonna happen sometimes!! Not often I hope!!! I better just go to to bed when nothing else needs to be done....staying up watching makes me pig out :-(

Not cool!!


  • IKnowICan
    IKnowICan Posts: 86
    LOL I know what you mean....I keep having to work out 70 - 90 minutes a night to work off my little cheating lately. It's not helping either:noway: :noway: My scale just added another 3 lbs on from eating Whipped Frosting for Lunch the last 2 days. . . OMG. Somebody Stop Me:laugh: :happy: :tongue:

    Tomorrow I will stay within my Limits, Tomorrow I will stay within my Limits, Tomorrow I will stay within my Limits, Tomorrow I will stay within my Limits ......
  • I hate those days! Instead of getting down on yourself, try to use it as motivation to work out a little harder for your next workout. Don't dwell on it and let it mess you up. I used to do that and now I just have to tell myself that tomorrow is another day. Good luck.
  • angbee
    angbee Posts: 7
    Just shows your only human , sometimes we need to have what our body craves or we reach blow out and sometimes the day has been so yuk we just turn to food lol. Hope you are better today and you can do this. Keep smiling and look forward Ang xx:smile:
  • mfegan
    mfegan Posts: 6
    I know how you feel! I just had a 10 day vacation of bad nights and now I'm really trying to get back on track!
  • Yes usually I just let it take over n it snow balls!!!! But I'm on track today so that's good!! Hey at least I logged all the crap food haha!!

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