Looking weird at the gym.

Long story short. I go to a small franchise gym that only has Equipment. I usually only stretch then hop on a Bike/Treadmill etc.. Last time when I lost weight I added in strength training and the results were 50% better. But, when I try to do anymore then sit-ups and push-ups people tend to stare or I think I am doing something wrong and look ridiculous. I need a routine where I don't look ridiculous, that works my arms back and Ab's. (my legs are very solid cardio slims them down) I've been looking up routines online or in Fitness magazines and bringing them with me but, that makes me feel 100 times worse, trying to navigate through a papers.


  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    No offense, but why do you care if people look over? Are you doing them wrong or they just *kitten*? If your form is wrong, perhaps ask them how to correct your form. If they are just being jerks, ignore them, keep working hard and they probably will stop looking over. Seriously, why do you care who is looking?
  • TammyLynne71
    TammyLynne71 Posts: 184 Member
    Does your gym has any trainers that will show you the proper way to use the equipment? They should do that free of charge.
  • Zerita1
    Zerita1 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't think people are staring at you i think you just feel self-conscious. Don't worry about what people think just focus on you and your workout. I used to feel the same way but as I got more comfortable in the gym I stopped worrying about other and starting thinking about me. I see a lot of people in the gym with magazines and journals their tracking their progress.
  • Arlala555
    Arlala555 Posts: 61 Member
    Bump! I want some positive help here! uurrhgg!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    girl, nobody's looking at you :laugh:

    people might be looking in your directions, which happens quite often in gyms as people zone out between sets, but they more than likely aren't looking at you. most people are there to get their exercise on, not watch other people exercise.

    with that said, there are creeper dudes that hang out in gyms. i just ignore them. the only time i've ever explicitly seen people stare at me in the gym is when i'm doing snatches or split jerks, because let's face it, you dont see those being done and most people are trying to figure out WTF is going on.

    just do your sit ups and push ups
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    There are a lot of programs out there for beginners. Strong lifts, SS, NROLFW. Personally, I was worried about what I looked like when I first started lifting heavy too, but now I only care if I'm making gains. People can stair if they want!
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    If you're doing your strength work and are positive people aren't looking at you due to bad form/technique then I'd just block them out and focus on your own workout. If you're noticing people looking at you while you're lifting weights you aren't fully focusing on your lift.

    I only joined a gym for the first time 6 1/2 months ago and at first was concerned with people watching what I do but quickly put that into the back of my mind and gave full focus to what I was doing.
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    If they have time to stare at you, they aren't working out hard enough. I'd probably ask a creeper if I was doing the lift wrong or something. There should definitely be someone there to show you proper form. Don't let the rude people mess with your workout.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Long story short. I go to a small franchise gym that only has Equipment. I usually only stretch then hop on a Bike/Treadmill etc.. Last time when I lost weight I added in strength training and the results were 50% better. But, when I try to do anymore then sit-ups and push-ups people tend to stare or I think I am doing something wrong and look ridiculous. I need a routine where I don't look ridiculous, that works my arms back and Ab's. (my legs are very solid cardio slims them down) I've been looking up routines online or in Fitness magazines and bringing them with me but, that makes me feel 100 times worse, trying to navigate through a papers.

    Don't worry about it!

    Maybe they are looking at you...because they are amazed at what you are doing! Yesterday I could not stop looking at a lady over in the weights area doing bent over rows with a barbell...

    And another day, I didn't even KNOW until she said something, but some lady was watching ME do assisted pull ups?! She was envious that I could do them...hard to believe it, but that is what she said. So I showed her how to do them :D

    90% of the time I take a little notebook in the weights area to log what I am doing...or as a "cheat sheet" to remember the different exercises on the cable cross machine. Heck...the TRAINER has a little cheat sheet in his pocket when he does orientations ( i've seen him on more than one occasion)
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    I would try to change your mental perspective. I go in with a Bluetooth headset on my right ear, my iPad in one hand, a towel over my shoulder, and my HTC One X smartphone in my other hand. I go running on the treadmill watching Netflix tethered to my phone for internet. I haven't really cared to look around me to see if anyone looks at me weird. I'm doing what I want to do. I suggest you do what you want to do, and not care about how the others look at you in the gym. Changing your mental perspective, may also introduce new ideas about how to perceive yourself. It's worth it.
  • Arlala555
    Arlala555 Posts: 61 Member
    Well in the past year alone, I have been called flamboyant in the locker room by an older lady cause I wasn't changing in a bathroom stall like her. (because I just walk in change and walk right back out) and a girl(very thin) just a few years younger than me was pouting to her mother on a treadmill near me about working out and her older sister pointed at me and said "keep going you don't want to look like her." I was even asked once by another member why I try to struggle with ab exercises when there is equipment for that. I just nicely explained that some of them are to large and some just plain suck! So yeah people are staring. When I went to a larger gym, people stared too but they had more variety of machines where I could get a full ab workout.

    i was thinking I would use the gym for cardio and do the rest at home. I have tons of dvd sets. But then I feel horrible about paying for a membership and getting the full benefit.
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    If they are just floor exercises where you feel self concious then save them to do at home before you go or when you come back.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Is there a friend who might be interested in going with you? I go with my roommate, and she's helped me figure out how to use the equipment. Plus it's easier to brush of the snarky comments from other clients when you have a friend to laugh them off with.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Well in the past year alone, I have been called flamboyant in the locker room by an older lady cause I wasn't changing in a bathroom stall like her. (because I just walk in change and walk right back out) and a girl(very thin) just a few years younger than me was pouting to her mother on a treadmill near me about working out and her older sister pointed at me and said "keep going you don't want to look like her." I was even asked once by another member why I try to struggle with ab exercises when there is equipment for that. I just nicely explained that some of them are to large and some just plain suck! So yeah people are staring. When I went to a larger gym, people stared too but they had more variety of machines where I could get a full ab workout.

    i was thinking I would use the gym for cardio and do the rest at home. I have tons of dvd sets. But then I feel horrible about paying for a membership and getting the full benefit.

    Obviously, the older lady has body issues, and is "bothered" because you don't...

    the anorexic girl is using YOU to show what she doesn't want to be like ( even though you are closer to a healthy weight, I assume)?! Just roll your eyes and offer to crush her :D

    as for the issues with the machines, I feel ya! The trainer told me that they are made for someone who is about 5'8" tall...I am 5'2" on a good day ( actually, the trainer LAUGHED a few weeks ago when he was helping me with squats. He pulled the bar up to where he *thought* it should be, looked at me and realized it was eye level, and laughed. I always joke about being "3 feet tall"). You could always inform the person that A) machines are not made for people your height and B) it is ALWAYS better to do the exercises without a machine because you have to use stabilizing muscles to keep your form correct.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    look up a few exercises, remember them, (no notes) and try them..........if you have trouble, ask for help, or guidance, if you dont know how to use a machine.........ask.

    i had someone ask me how to move the seat on a machine last night, told her how to get it lined up right and set it for herself, then off on my way........no harm no foul.

    just dont ask someone when they are mid-rep..........that will not go over well.

    everyone looks at everyone in the gym, just ignore them, and worry about you.
  • JeffinRaleigh
    If tuning out is not a possibility, is there another gym that would work for you? Honestly I see all types at my local YMCA and everyone seems to play nicely and keep to themselves.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    If you stop looking and listening to what others are doing and saying you might not notice. It's your workout, who cares what they're doing?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Maybe they are curious about what you are doing because they are wondering if they should try that too. Or maybe they think what you are doing is interesting.

    There are all kinds of reasons why people at the gym look at other people. I do different things and I'm sure that at any one time a person could see me and judge what I am doing and different people for opposite reasons. One person may think I am lifting excessively heavy. Another person might think I am not lifting heavy enough. Someone else may think I am struggling at something that should be easier. One person may wonder why I choose to do a certain exercise and think another is better (another person may feel the exact opposite of that). It's my time to work out for me. I don't care what they think. And if they are judging, that's their issue, not mine.

    Other times people watch me because they are curious, they think it's cool when a small person lifts heavy (and gets them rethinking what they are capable of). I've seen people watch me and then try some of the things I did. I've turned to people and asked if I was in their way because I thought that's why they were looking and they said they were just watching what I was doing. I've seen other people stand beside a weight machine and peek out at me (maybe they didn't know I saw them).

    And sometimes I watch other people as well. I am curious about what they are doing and I watch their form for more info to help me, I watch how heavy they lift for ideas and comparisons. I watch them, so that I can coordinate my workout around them and not throw them off. Sometimes I am lifting heavy and I stare straight ahead and people think I'm looking at them, I'm not, I'm just really working hard.

    Sometimes I feel a little self-conscious when I am working hard and struggling a little. But, I am there for my fitness. So, when I feel that way I remind myself that none of this matters. Soon I will be done and out in the world and I won't remember these people at the gym and they won't remember me (not that they even care what I do) and I will be fit and that's worth it.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    If tuning out is not a possibility, is there another gym that would work for you? Honestly I see all types at my local YMCA and everyone seems to play nicely and keep to themselves.

    THIS^^ my "gym" is the fitness center at the local YMCA.

    I could care less if someone is gawking at me. I will admit, I DO stare on occasion, but it is so I can get ideas of what to do in my own workout.

    I made a (nice) comment to a lady on the leg press, and she ended up teaching me how to use it!

    a lady made a nice comment to me after seeing me on the assisted pull-up machine, and I taught HER how to use it :)

    I saw one of the fitness monitors doing barbell pull overs one day during HIS workout, and he was happy to "coach" me to do them the next day.

    Just last week, an older guy I see all the time walked by and complimented me on my bicep definition.

    The front desk guy greets me by name now, and the trainer who works during the time I go in doesn't know me by name, but he knows my schedule to a T. He also is happy to help me as long as he doesn't have a PT client. We actually have some cool conversations several times a week.
  • lutterby
    lutterby Posts: 61 Member
    Take a different tack, and just believe you do look weird at the gym and people are acknowledging your difference.

    When Im at the gym, I rarely make eye contact, I put on my headphones and tune out to everybody else... yes I know I prob look weird, Im the only one in a skirt, I huff and puff loudly, and sweat buckets, but I set goals to achieve for my gym session and thats why Im there and unless I hit my targets for the session Im not leaving.

    I used to be quite intimidated by the 'stunning' looking people at the gym, now Im a bit 'meh'.
    My sister was a fully fledged lycra wearing gym junkie, so she had deterred me from stepping into a gym. I liked outdoors running and swimming, so going into a gym for the first time 12 years ago was off-putting for me.
    So I started by trying classes.
    I remember going to my first yoga class wearing long shorts and a tshirt and one of the regulars in her 'yoga' outfit asked me if I knew the class was yoga and not the weights room, then started to explain how strenuous some of the poses were. I looked at her and smiled and said glad I wore a cotton tshirt as it should soak up the sweat better... The look of horror on her face was classic, but I was not going to be judged and deterred by her. (Admittedly after her comment about the weight room led to me venturing in there too)

    Arlala, you have paid your fees, you have every right to be there, dont let anyone's comments stop you.

    BTW, a rowing machine is great for upper body workouts and doubles as a cardio workout too. Ask the staff if you dont know how to use it as technique is the key to not hurting yourself
    A couple of workouts I do here is a run and row where you run on a treadmill for 5-10 mins then row hard for 5-10min and repeat. Another is row and pushups row as hard as you can for 2 min, then recover with 10 pushups beside the rower and repeat.