Any Lapbanders out there? I need to get motivated again.

I have just signed up today through work. Our school district is motivating us to live a healthier lifestyle. I had the lapband procedure done 2 years ago and have lost weight, but have gained 10 pounds back due to stress, graduating grad school this summer, getting recently married, etc. Basically the stress of life. I just hope I can find support out there for those who have a band too and need help getting getting back on track.


  • marisenac
    Hi papegirl, I got my lap band about 4 years ago and never have lost as much weight as I wanted to. I am a kinder teacher and love my job but the stress is almost overwhelming and it isn't from the kids. Our district is pushing healthier lifestyles as well. One of my friends came on this and loves it so I thought I would give it a try. Just started...
    Good luck to you!!
  • susan45013
    susan45013 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi I just recently joined on here also. I got my lapband just 2 weeks ago. I too am looking for support. I wish you much luck!!
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    There's a group called gastric bypass/lapband. Come join us!
  • papegirl72
    Good luck to you too. I was successful in losing 75 pounds but due to stress of grad school which I just finished in August and a year without a fill, I have gained 10 pounds back. We are here to support you. I am loving this app and website so far. It really has kept me motivated. I am here for you!
  • papegirl72
    I am here for you Susan...we can do this!
  • InShape1978
    Hello Lapbanders
    I was considering lapband and found out it wasn't all that successful in the long run.
    I started doing a food diary. Yes, counting calories and it worked. I was almost 250 lbs and today I'm in the 170's
    It's simple eat what you want write down the calories and when you hit your daily number of calories stop eating that day.
    I was doubtful at first then I got empowered after the pounds kept coming off.
    So don't give up and don't get down. Loosing weight isn't all that hard. It's all in your mind. Beleive it! Achieve it!
  • colliegirl69
    colliegirl69 Posts: 1 Member
    I've had my lapband since 03/13/2009. I lost over 100lbs in the first year. I have slowly put weight back on gained approximately 30lbs. Just got a fill and getting back on track.
  • chriscummings63
    I, too am a bandster. I had my surgery in 2007 and quickly lost almost 90 pounds. I stopped losing at that point (needed a fill but didn't get one). However, I kept it off for almost two years. Then my port tubes broke and I gained almost 50! Received another fill and lost about 20. Had them remove the fill and am now trying to go it alone, with just the restriction I have remaining to help. I went up but now am going down again. Slowly, but steadily. I'm still up 27 pounds from my lowest, so reaching that number again is my temporary goal. Beyond that, ideally another 30? I don't regret the band because I have lost and kept off about 55 pounds. And the restriction I have still helps me. I never felt satisfied when I was "tight" and often found myself drawn to soft foods to feel satiated. Now I am eating more than a bandster should (for optimum weight loss) but I am losing and making changes in my choices, so I'm happy.

    Joining this site been huge for me and it definitely helps me stay on track. Always looking for motivational friends! (And to be one in return!).

    Christine (Chris)
  • chriscummings63
    Just saw my "0 pounds lost" ticker and chuckling at how unmotivational it is! my weight is still up from when I first joined. (Edit, changed ticker to how much remaining.)
  • trenai77
    trenai77 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Everyone. I had the lapband done in March of this year. I am still struggling with how to eat with this thing and it seems like I am hungry all the time. I have been steadily loosing at least two pounds every month but it seems like I could or should be alot farther ahead in my weight loss journey. Would love to get some tips and motivation from anyone on here that has had the procedure and knows that it is not a cake walk. Oh by the way, my name is Regina and I'm from Houston. Go TEXANS, LOL:)
  • tandi04
    tandi04 Posts: 2 Member
    I have had lapband for almost a year now and have lost 85 lbs so far im trying to lose a 100 by Christmas thats my 1 year mark. Anyone who wants to add me can. :)
  • jbrainz69
    jbrainz69 Posts: 10 Member
    I had my lapband done on 10-03-12 and have lost 26 lbs so far! I to was hoping to lose faster but in all reality it is a normal range to lose I have had three fills so far. I have a 14cc band and currently have 8cc in it! I think I need another 1-2cc but i am exercising 3-4 times per week and I notice that I'm losing inches more than weight. Is anyone else experiencing this?
  • the_bainbridges
    I have had my lapband since 2009. I lost 41kg in 8 months in the beginning and fell pregnant with our daughter (was thrilled as we tried for her for 3 years with fertility treatment). I gained 40kg during my pregnancy and was back to where I started! Lost 29kg and fell pregnant with my son! Go figure!

    I have lost 19lbs according to fertility friend in 4 months with slight restriction but I had a fill yesterday so feeling it now. Havent eaten much at all today due to clear liquid diet for post fill :) My band is a 10cc and I currently have 5.8cc with extreme restriction now.

    Trenai have you considered more restriction in your band? I also find that protein is great for a longer full feeling.
  • Mairalove94
    How is Lapland? How does it work? Does it cost a lot? I DNt know much about it but I would like to know!