Should I feel guilty?

I should be eating 1200 cals a day, today I ate 1419..however I also burnt 1442 cals off in the gym which gave me an end of the day net of -80 (Gym was crazy I know..I had a really bad day so decided to burn off some stress and ended up just staying there for nearly 3 was my way of releasing some upset and anger!)
anyway so obviously I burnt a lot but my concern is what I was all fine until the evening!! Breakfast was protein cookies and pancakes, lunch turkey sausage with loads of veggies..I had 2 egg whites and an apple as snacks throughout the day...the bad side came with dinner. By the time I had finished working out I was staaaaaaaarving but knew I had no food in the house so i went to the grocery store and ended up buying an Hplc chocolate protein bar that has 380 cals in it! I also got a "low fat" blueberry yogurt (80cals) and a pot of berries. But then I walk out the grocey store..past the healthstore and see they're doing a deal on Atkins bars...yep a chocolate decadence bar for just $1. I caved in..and also bought that (another 252 cals)...I've been SO strict with my diet recently and was craving candy soooooo bad so thought I'd get my "sweet tooth" kick throgh protein bars but ended up eating 632cals worth of them! Although my "net" is actually a minus number..I still feel terrible like I ate too much. And for breakfast my friend had made these apple/cinnamon healthy cookies and protein pancakes so my breakfast was 373 cals but again it was all "protein" stuff..the only veggies I really had all day was at lunch...what do people think of my little situation? Can i put it as a slip up and just try and forget about it?


  • khadijak17
    khadijak17 Posts: 393 Member
    i really don't think you should be feeling guilty, you worked out and earned your calories to eat all that stuff!! whats to feel guilty about? its not like you sat on your sofa pigging out, your net cals are still below so all's good its best to eat your excercise cals back anyway and if stopped your hunger and craving then fair enough.
    I really wouldn't worry about it :) x
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    You worked out a lot and your body needed fuel. You didn't go out and get fast food or pig out on junk so there's not really a problem here that I can see. The only issue I can see is you feeling guilty for going over on your cals. You only went up to 1419 which really isn't that bad and is actually quite low. I'm concerned that you think this is such a bad thing.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    No wonder you are hungry! I think you've made a mistake with your calculations if you're aiming for net calories in minus figures. Are you using the MFP allowance and adding in your exercise?

    I don't think you should be feeling guilty anyway, but you haven't eaten over your goal, you've eaten way under :).
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    You should eat more on a regular basis.

    If you are under eating regularly its little wonder you are craving sweets.
  • millicent108
    millicent108 Posts: 8 Member
    Classify it as a 'maintenance day" and move on, get back on track. Spread your meals out to three meals and a must have snacks between breakfast and lunch. You put your body into stravation mode and burned muscle instead of fat.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    I really dislike seeing the word guilt...this is verging on eating disordered thinking, sorry I have been there done that, food is fuel and until you get your mind sorted out about your attitude to food, then guilt, feeling fat, feeling like you are a failure, are going to be a constant companion (I am a recovering anorexic/bulimic, 21 year journey for me)...I can positively say I no longer feel guilt when I over indulge, if I do (it does not happen anymore) does not put on weight because one ate one protein bar extra or even 500 - 1000 calories extra one time...the constant overeating is what does the harm...I think flexibility in one's aims to get slim and fit and maintain is necessary...cheating and guilt and all that are not part of my vocabulary...I eat more calories or have an extra meal or eat more simple carbs, I do not lable it with negatives....

    p.s. the fact that you over exercise to compensate is ringing some really loud alarm bells, you are only 20 as well, I have seen many many young girls with this type of, over exersizing, undereating are all signs of an ED. You look very slim to thin as it is, being strict and punishing yourself is not going to do you, your mind or your body any good. I suggest you get some help, if this is a common occurence for your own good.
  • dez_yaoichan
    really, what are your goals that you are at 1200 cals/day?

    I would think at your size, and your workouts, that you would be at the point of watching inches not weight.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I should be eating 1200 cals a day, today I ate 1419..however I also burnt 1442 cals off in the gym which gave me an end of the day net of -80 (Gym was crazy I know..I had a really bad day so decided to burn off some stress and ended up just staying there for nearly 3 was my way of releasing some upset and anger!)
    anyway so obviously I burnt a lot but my concern is what I was all fine until the evening!! Breakfast was protein cookies and pancakes, lunch turkey sausage with loads of veggies..I had 2 egg whites and an apple as snacks throughout the day...the bad side came with dinner. By the time I had finished working out I was staaaaaaaarving but knew I had no food in the house so i went to the grocery store and ended up buying an Hplc chocolate protein bar that has 380 cals in it! I also got a "low fat" blueberry yogurt (80cals) and a pot of berries. But then I walk out the grocey store..past the healthstore and see they're doing a deal on Atkins bars...yep a chocolate decadence bar for just $1. I caved in..and also bought that (another 252 cals)...I've been SO strict with my diet recently and was craving candy soooooo bad so thought I'd get my "sweet tooth" kick throgh protein bars but ended up eating 632cals worth of them! Although my "net" is actually a minus number..I still feel terrible like I ate too much. And for breakfast my friend had made these apple/cinnamon healthy cookies and protein pancakes so my breakfast was 373 cals but again it was all "protein" stuff..the only veggies I really had all day was at lunch...what do people think of my little situation? Can i put it as a slip up and just try and forget about it?

    Ummm. the goal is to have a net that equals your goal for the day.


    if your goal is 1200 calories and you exercise and burn off 1400, you really need to eat 2600 calories for the day!! Unless you are under a doctors supervision, and s/he has given you permission to eat less than 1200 calories a day you should be thinking (total food) minus (exercise) equals 1200 calories.

    my original goal for the day is just over 1400 calories. On wednesday I ate breakfast--340 calories, lunch--700 calories, dinner--550 calories, snacks--660 calories. a total intake of just over 2200 calories, but my net was just barely 1200. I just could not possibly stuff any more food in my face.
  • hitstuff
    hitstuff Posts: 40 Member
    OMG....a resounding no to potentially feel guilty. You worked out like a demon, made essentially decent choices food wise, and still remained below TDEE.(I'm presuming) Read this back to yourself and answer your own question hun.
    I understand that lengthy periods of strict/'good behavior' can cause you to lose perspective on the days that might deviate from that slightly. I think you know that this is not your undoing. You might be surprised to find that your favorite jeans that fit yesterday- they still fit today... :-)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The only thing you should feel bad about is that you're harming your body by eating so little and exercising so much. It's not healthy and will hurt you in the long run. Please see a medical professional about your food and exercise habits. Please.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You shouldnt be eating 1200 just by looking at your photos.
    you are already too lean.

    In my experience most women burn at least 1800cals a day and I have ladies losing fat at 2500cals a day.
    Whats your TDEE?
    Whats Body Fat%?

    Or do this and PM me if you have any Qs:
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Classify it as a 'maintenance day" and move on, get back on track. Spread your meals out to three meals and a must have snacks between breakfast and lunch. You put your body into stravation mode and burned muscle instead of fat.

    Are you nuts?? Maintenance day at a MIMUS 80 calories? What is she trying to maintain, and eating disorder?:angry:
    To the OP, either eat more, or get help very fast.......
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I agree that you need to talk to a doctor .
  • soulfulsally
    I don't get this. You're 20 yrs old, exercising like a maniac, and bugged by a 1,400 calorie intake? When I was your age, going to the gym to lift weights and running daily, I was effortlessly maintaining a size 2 while steadily eating around 3,000 cals a day. Do you really need to eat so little? Have you tried slowly upping the calories? i hate to think of someone so young and active having to survive on so little for the rest of their life. Don't feel guilty for eating 1,400. Think of it as fuel for your body.
  • FitnessBree__
    Hi Sally,

    Thanks so much for your answer. I know I don't allow myself enough but I've lost 40pounds so think I have developed a bit of a "fear of food"..I'm so scared I will gain back what I lost. Also its more WHAT I ate rather than the was 4 portions of protein type things so although they're good for you its because they tasted so chocolatey and "cheaty"! I Think thats what was bugging me the most. I think what I need is a diet plan, or to get someone who I Think looks amazing to give me a couple of examples of what they eat each day..
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    The only thing you should feel bad about is that you're harming your body by eating so little and exercising so much. It's not healthy and will hurt you in the long run...
    ^ This. Rather than feeling guilty about eating too much, you should feel guilty about depriving your body of the nutrients it needs by eating so little and exercising so much.

    Weight loss doesn't have to be about torturing and depriving yourself - a reasonable deficit from combined diet and exercise is all it takes. I never cease to be amazed at the unhealthy things people will do to their bodies in the name of "health".
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    I agree with the other posters. If anything, you need to increase your caloric intake. You're wrecking your metabolism right now, and that's just going to make it much easier to gain weight in the long run. If you need help figuring out what to eat, feel free to add me. I make a lot of my own foods and work out 6 days a week. If you're uncomfortable with that, I would suggest going to and at least having him set up your macros.
  • cindl24
    cindl24 Posts: 178
    @FitnessBree Please don't waste any of your time feeling guilty. When you are working out very hard, as you appear to be doing, your body needs more protein. That's why there are so many protein bars and powders around.

    As someone else said, it is not too surprising that you were starving after your workout and craving food. If you have a net negative for calories for the day, it would probably do you some good to eat a bit more.

    Not every day is perfect. Go with the flow and don't fret too much.

    Good job on losing the 40 pounds and expending your frustration energy on a something positive in the form of a workout.

    All that being said, if it is possible, it probably would not hurt to see a doctor or nutrition specialist to get you on a plan that is appropriate for you with your weight goals and exercise routine. I have a doctor giving me advice on what to follow and it has helped me a lot.
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    You should have eaten more like 2600 calories. Eating too little will make you muscle weight.

    As for your food choices, it's very natural for your body to crave fat and sugar when you're starving...It's also really normal for your body to 'take over' when you're starving. It's called self-preservation.

    A few red flags here making me wondering if you have anorexia.
  • skittles1928
    skittles1928 Posts: 57 Member
    You should be eating a lot more. No one should be netting -80 calories. You're well on your way to an eating disorder if you think eating is bad.