Question regarding sit ups and push ups.

Heya! So, my primary focus at the moment is mainly my diet. It's important for me personally to get that under control for a while before I incorporate daily exercise. I'm still getting in the occasional walks though.

My question is regarding my two favorite exercises to do indoors: sit ups and push ups. Just now I did 25 sit ups before having to stop. Really felt it in my abs area - great feeling! I was trying to see how many I could do. But as much as I want to consider making at the very least sit ups part of my daily routine (They're so much fun!) , my concern is that that alone (however many I do - not to imply it would only be 25 each day) won't make ANY difference in my overall anything.

Am I sorely mistaken, or spot on? Either way, how CAN I incorporate these to an effective degree, preferably by themselves at first? I don't own any weights to add, etc. Poor as all hell, haha.

Thanks in advance! I've been posting my bum off around the forums recently asking all sorts of questions, but it's helping and I'm learning so I'll assume it's all good. ;)

P.S. Are these things even considered real strength training?


  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    Sorry but, sit-ups alone wont do much. However, you could try adding a body weight routine to your day. All you need is your body and some room to move! If you have any questions, or want to know more about it, I would hit up . These guys know what they're talking about more than me (I lift heavy), and could get you started on a good workout. There's even a link that helps you set up your own routine!
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Great to add some strength exercises to your walking routine!! Try mixing it up with various body weight exercises (there's a ton on YouTube) completed one after the other with some cardio in between to keep your heart rate up (think high knees, jumping jacks or running on the spot). Do 30 sec of cardio followed by a few difference exercises at 15-20 reps and you will see a difference! I love doing Tricep dips off the couch,push ups, planks, sit-ups, squats, lunges, etc. Good luck!
  • murphyraven
    murphyraven Posts: 163 Member
    Hi there.

    There are lots of strength exercises you can do without any special equipment. While diet will be the main way to lose weight having muscle will help the weight come off easier and for your body to be more toned. I am not a big fan of sit ups just because they hurt my back. I prefer to do different planks for my core stomach exercises. Push ups are a great home exercise for strength as well.

    here's a video example of planks.
  • Ashonym
    Ashonym Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks everyone so far! Didn't expect there to be 3 replies already... Damn. Anywho. I definitely want to fit in as much as I can, but I also know that I need to take baby steps. I'll give serious consideration to r/bodyweightfitness since I am a frequent (DAILY) redditor. :P Also subbed to r/loseit!

    I will also look into bodyweight exercises and planks. There's about 4 or 5 nights out of the week when I actually have the house pretty much to myself and could get in whatever exercises I needed to at that time.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Bodyweight exercises are great once you get into them and you can do them pretty much anywhere.

    A great book and website: "You are your own gym" - worth a visit.

    All the best on your fitness path.
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    Another one to check out if you like - no gym or equipment required.

    From personal experience I can promise that you won't regret incorporating some squats and lunges into your routine. I can't actually believe the difference they've made to my bum (: