Hi there, new here :)

I just wanted to briefly introduce myself. I'm Angela, and I am happy and excited to be here. Stumbled upon this site by accident, and am glad to have found such a neat tool to assist in my goals. Looking forward to taking back control of my life, and reaching for a happier and healthier future. Thank you.


  • lippymac
    lippymac Posts: 10 Member
    I've been using this app for a couple of months and have lost 37 pounds. Let me know if you need friends to give encouragement because I'm willing.
  • Thank you very much :D and congrats on your weight loss! That is fantastic :) I would also like to extend my friendship and encouragement to you also. Thank you again!
  • Hello
    I have been using MFP for around 4 months and it is the best weight loss site I have ever used. I love logging my food and exercise and have met some great supportive friends on here. Good luck and please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like some more support and encouragement.
  • Cowboyzfan82288
    Cowboyzfan82288 Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome to MFP Angela. I'm Mark. You'll find alot of support here. Best wishes on your journey achieving your goals! If I can be of any help to you, please let me know. :)
  • jeanineolson
    jeanineolson Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! I have been on here for little under a month. I am still figuring every thing out, but feel free to add me as a friend. I think I could use all the help I can get!

    Stay positive!!
  • Jennikatt
    Jennikatt Posts: 1 Member
    Hey! I'm somewhat new here as well :) I had created an account a time ago and guess I didn't realise what a gem I had discovered, and then whilest searching for an online accountability partner I decided to sign up (again) and it informed me someone with the email address already had an account x) Hah!
  • Thank you all so much :D
  • I also just discovered this website. Love the people here and how supportive they are!
    Feel free to add me as a friend, sweetie. =D
  • Glad we have each other as a support system! What a great website this seems to be! I need all the support I can get so everyone feel free to add me as a friend as well :)

  • Thank you both very much :D
  • I haven't been on here that long but can't go a day without logging on, it makes you more aware of whats going in your mouth when people can see your diary. I will use this app for life even when my goal is reached. Good Luck to you and I hope you have the same success as me. Feel free to add me if you like. Friends really help. :smile:
  • Thank you :D
  • you are going to love it here :-) Do add me!
  • Thank you :) I am already very much enjoying this site, and all of the wonderful support :D
  • lilmissymoo90
    lilmissymoo90 Posts: 324 Member
    defo a great place to be if you wanna loose some weight =D ive lost 70lb from febuary and still wanna loose about 40-50lbs
  • Congrats! :D That is fantastic!
  • ilovegym
    ilovegym Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am new here as well. Just wanted to say Hi.
    I used to use other sites but this has the largest food database ive seen!! and the barcode scanner on the iphone app actually works!
    love it!
  • Hi there, and welcome :)