Anyone needing to lose 50+?

I'm new to the site, but not to losing weight and counting cals.. would love to meet some new friends to chat with, get tips from, support each other etc. I have a lot to lose and am so extremely dedicated to reaching my goal.


  • Weeellllccooommmmeeee!

    I've dieted plenty but never counted calories! It's quite fun really :)

    Edit: Also! I'm looking to drop 70-80 pounds! So thats 50+, right?
  • I am fairly goal is right at 80 lbs. to lose..I have only been dieting and exercising for about a few weeks and I am down 9 lbs. This site has helped alot and I actual get excited to put in everything and see where I am at and now even get happy when its time to weigh in...I don't dread it anymore.
  • Clemsonmom
    Clemsonmom Posts: 92 Member
    Please add me. Need to lose around 60 pounds.
  • Hi everyone - im sending requests to all of you :) Excited to get to know you all.
  • octii
    octii Posts: 12
    Overall I need to lose about 60-70 lbs, but I'm making myself take it slow and doing 10-20 lbs increment goals. I think that helps more because you feel less pressure of "Oh my god I have that much more to go."
  • I totally agree!! I'm a big visual person so if I set small goals and hit them then I'm that more motivated.
  • SteveK279
    SteveK279 Posts: 134 Member
    I'd guess I probably need to drop 100, but I'd be happy reaching the first goal and taking it from there - was still 50+lbs, but not as daunting as 100!
  • mrsburghart
    mrsburghart Posts: 166 Member
    Welcome :)

    Feel free to add me. I have about another 60 or so to lose!
  • djc315
    djc315 Posts: 585 Member
    I'm almost at 20 pounds loss but want to lose a total of at least 75. Once I get to that I will re-evaluate.

    If you have an open diary (to friends, doesn't have to be open to public), feel free to add me :)
  • janbez
    janbez Posts: 37 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm down 23 but stell have 50+ to go.
  • I'm looking to lose 55 pounds, and it's kind of challenging! I never counted calories before, but when I started it really opened up my eyes to my eating habits. With the counting, though, I feel a lot more confident and I think that I'll be able to really accomplish my goals. I'm trying to have a lifestyle change more than a diet, so I'm really trying to find things that I really like to eat and do, so I'd be happy to share and hear things from other people about that!
    Feel free to add me or I can add you or whatever. I really try to be super supportive and encouraging because I know that's what works for me and helps me to succeed. I try to keep in touch with everyone I'm friends with and try to share advice, tips, stories and all of that, because it really helps me and is super encouraging and motivating to me!
    So, yeah! That's basically it.
  • Scotslass1973
    Scotslass1973 Posts: 6 Member
    I have around 100 to lose, day 1 today. Add me as a friend if you wish as we are all in this together
  • welcome only join myseft need to lose 3 stone
  • I just started today and I need to loose 31.5 kg (70 lbs). Like the idea of this online and would be happy to be part of a support team and vice versa
  • I need to lose 60 lbs, gained 5 years ago while pregnant. Yep, that long! Also, I am new here. Had signed up but didn't do anything at all. So, is this a group for a people in need of losing more than 50 lbs? If so, please add me. Thank you.
  • Kaoticma07
    Kaoticma07 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone im new to this well like alot of you in here to lose 50-55 pounds many of us with different numbers but with the same objective to lose weight...This time i have put my mind to it and do this for me....I plan to give it my all and do this right this time
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    Hullo ^^ Welcome :) I'm looking to lose about 50 - 55 lbs :) 13 down so far ... ^^ Feel free to add if you need more support ;)
  • richard3263
    richard3263 Posts: 15 Member
    Believe me you're not alone!

    I have about 45 to go but when I started this journey prior to joining MFP I had 100+ to lose so it can be done.
  • Hi All,
    Im Back here and sticking to it this time - my initial goal is to loose 50lb by Oct 2013! :)
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    I want to lose 90pounds, which is roughly 40kgs.

    Basically, I'm 20, almost 21, and classified overweight, I want to become healthy and leaner so that I can feel better about my self and feel more confident.

    Feel free to add me :)