Late night munchies & slow metabolism..need tips!

I wouldn't be surprised if this has been asked already but I will ask for advice anyway.

Let me begin by providing my info.

I'm 23..weigh 248 and I'm 5 foot 2.

I have a tendency to get really hungry late at night..anywhere from 10 pm up to 2 am unless I'm already asleep. I try my best to ignore my stomach but it really starts to get uncomfortable.

If anybody here has any helpful tips that worked for you or someone you know..please let me know and I will try these things. I guess I should also add that when I get these munchies or hunger, I feel so bloated afterward and I become disappointed because I can't exercise a while after since it's so late.

Now as far as metabolism..mine is very there anything I can do to boost it?

I know cinnamon and spice foods help..and coffee too..but I'm not sure what else could help. Please share your experiences. I just want to get past these problems because I feel like they are holding me back.


  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    I just ate about 395 calories in Hummus, carrots, cheerios, and milk. I was hungry and it was damn good. I was still 349 calories under my daily goal. That's because I know I like to eat at night, so I save myself some calories for it.

    To your other question: the only substances that have been known to increase metabolic rate are caffeine and nicotine. However, the more lean muscle mass to build, the more your body burns at rest.
  • I have heard if you are hungry, have protein, even a protein shake would help and won't cause much harm. Good Luck :smile:
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    Whenever I get hungry late at night I will eat an apple or banana. An apple is high in fiber and will keep you full longer.And a banana is not only a good source of fiber, but also aids in falling asleep. I also drink warm water at night and that helps. Warm water stays in your body longer and can also give you the feeling of being full. Plain Greek yogurt with some fresh fruit is another good option. Protein keeps you satisfied longer, but may interrupt your sleeping(especially if you're already dealing with insomnia), because your body is working harder to digest it. But I read if you combine it with some carbs, like fruit, it will be easier on your digestive system. If late night-eating is something you do quite often, you may want to allot some calories like your first "responder" suggested.
  • Try eating kiwi fruit... It's proven to help you fall asleep faster. 10 almonds are a good one too! Both healthy and delicious!
  • Thank you to everyone for your advice! I will save some of my calories for the evening. I will also try the Greek yogurt with fruit, bananas, kiwi and warm water. Thank you again.

    Oh and I didn't know that nicotine boosted metabolism..that's funny cause I've been smoking a pack a day for 2 years. I do want to quit in the future though. =-O