

Hi everyone,

I joined this site today after a friend recommended it to me.
I'm 34, a mum of 4 lovely boys and have a great husband, my reason for being here is to lose weight, get my confidence back and to improve my health.
I've used one excuse after another for my weight gain but now its time to crack on and do something about it.

I have suffered from depression since losing a baby in 2008, I quickly fell pregnant soon after and now have baby George who is almost 7 months old and is gorgeous! Although I love all my children, I don't feel I gave myself time to grieve for my baby and started comfort eating, thinking this was making me happy but it was actually making me alot worse which in turn made my depression worse, viscous circle!!!

Something has finally kicked in and I am determined to change my life around, I have so much to look forward to and am actually excited about losing weight (never thought I'd hear myself say that!!!)

Good luck to everyone xxx


  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320
    Hi there and welcome to a great and useful site.
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Good luck with it! This is a great site and I hope you find it useful and the other MFPers as supportive as I do! :bigsmile:
  • weidner
    weidner Posts: 127
    Welcome - you have joined a wonderful site here; the members are all great and very helpful as well.

    I'm the mom of three boys myself - all now in college (wow how times flies!)

    Good luck!
  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    Welcome! The folks here are great motivation and I find this a wonderful tool to aid in my weight loss program...good luck to you!
  • RMariaT
    RMariaT Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome! this is your turning point where you made the decision to change! Congratulations! You made it through the first step.

    Now move on to number 2.; Start tracking your food then add #3. Excersice.

    All it takes is determination to do something for yourself because you are worth it.
    Also, we are role models for our children. They learn from our actions not our directions.

    Congrats on your new baby! Enjoy him, grow with him and love life.

    When we feel good we anc accomplish anything

    Happy Journey!
  • keeno67
    keeno67 Posts: 20 Member