Advice please - why am I struggling to lose weight?



  • cherriegh
    cherriegh Posts: 196 Member
    I would suggest you add more strength training 3X a week, lift heavy and you will shred the body fat. Don't concentrate too much on the scale now coz ur close to goal weight but concentrate on how you look, dress size and inches lost.

    Fat takes up more space in your body than muscle thats why a 60kg person weighlifting looks much leaner than a 60kg non lifting person....been there!

    You will add more definition, loose the jelly body and firm up....Try stronglifts 5X5 it has helped me big time and i dont worry about the scale coz i look more sexier than what i weigh!

    Just my 2cents :flowerforyou:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sorry if I am being duplicative here but here are my suggestions as you are near goal weight

    - eat at a small calorie deficit (250- 350 a day)
    - strength train 3 x a week - full body workout (these are not the DVDs - look into Starting Strength and Stronglifts)
    - cardio up to 3 x a week if you want
    - measure, weigh and accurately log all foods/drinks
    - use other progress tools than the scale - measurements, fit of clothes, the mirror.
    - get your macros right (1g protein per lb of LBM, 0.35 of fat per lb of total body weight and fit the rest in where you wish)
    - do not worry about how your calories or macros are spread - hit the daily target and spread whichever way allows easier adherence and helps energy levels
  • ines25
    ines25 Posts: 107 Member
    You. Are doing fine you just started a new routine p90x you are gaining muscle don't change anything just don't weight your self for the next couple of weeks just take measurements DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING what u doing is working. I always gain 3lb when I change routine but after a couple of week I end up losing up to 4lb suddenly and after that the way continues droping don't go crazy
  • TJbubbles23
    TJbubbles23 Posts: 22 Member
    I would suggest you add more strength training 3X a week, lift heavy and you will shred the body fat. Don't concentrate too much on the scale now coz ur close to goal weight but concentrate on how you look, dress size and inches lost.

    Fat takes up more space in your body than muscle thats why a 60kg person weighlifting looks much leaner than a 60kg non lifting person....been there!

    You will add more definition, loose the jelly body and firm up....Try stronglifts 5X5 it has helped me big time and i dont worry about the scale coz i look more sexier than what i weigh!

    Just my 2cents :flowerforyou:

    Thanks - I just looked at the stronglifts 5x5, but I'm not sure that I will be able to do it... I don't have access to a gym because I live somewhere fairly remote... I have dumb bells up to 5kg at home and would be happy to buy some heavier dumb bells, but don't have space for a bench or "proper" weights.

    Do you think that I could do some kind of modification using dumb bells?

    Will P90X help me if I focus on cherry picking the strength based ones? You can see the exercise overviews here -
  • TJbubbles23
    TJbubbles23 Posts: 22 Member
    Sorry if I am being duplicative here but here are my suggestions as you are near goal weight

    - eat at a small calorie deficit (250- 350 a day)
    - strength train 3 x a week - full body workout (these are not the DVDs - look into Starting Strength and Stronglifts)
    - cardio up to 3 x a week if you want
    - measure, weigh and accurately log all foods/drinks
    - use other progress tools than the scale - measurements, fit of clothes, the mirror.
    - get your macros right (1g protein per lb of LBM, 0.35 of fat per lb of total body weight and fit the rest in where you wish)
    - do not worry about how your calories or macros are spread - hit the daily target and spread whichever way allows easier adherence and helps energy levels

    Thanks so much - I love having easy to follow dot points :o)
    On the strength training, as per my previous comment I don't have access to proper weights, just small dumb bells - do you think I can get the results I want still?

    With the macros, I should be having 100g or protein and 47g of fat...

    Wow - I just realized I have been so dumb because I thought chicken was a protein so if I ate 100g of chicken I was eating 100g of protein so I thought I was eating too much - ok, I'm so so so stupid, it's out there!

    Now I know how to use the reports I can see I have been a little light on the protein and quite low on the fat. Is it ok to be lower on the fat.
  • TJbubbles23
    TJbubbles23 Posts: 22 Member
    You. Are doing fine you just started a new routine p90x you are gaining muscle don't change anything just don't weight your self for the next couple of weeks just take measurements DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING what u doing is working. I always gain 3lb when I change routine but after a couple of week I end up losing up to 4lb suddenly and after that the way continues droping don't go crazy

    I doubt I can stop weighing myself, only but I can try to be more patient :o)

    I really hope this turns around soon like it did for you!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sorry if I am being duplicative here but here are my suggestions as you are near goal weight

    - eat at a small calorie deficit (250- 350 a day)
    - strength train 3 x a week - full body workout (these are not the DVDs - look into Starting Strength and Stronglifts)
    - cardio up to 3 x a week if you want
    - measure, weigh and accurately log all foods/drinks
    - use other progress tools than the scale - measurements, fit of clothes, the mirror.
    - get your macros right (1g protein per lb of LBM, 0.35 of fat per lb of total body weight and fit the rest in where you wish)
    - do not worry about how your calories or macros are spread - hit the daily target and spread whichever way allows easier adherence and helps energy levels

    Thanks so much - I love having easy to follow dot points :o)
    On the strength training, as per my previous comment I don't have access to proper weights, just small dumb bells - do you think I can get the results I want still?

    With the macros, I should be having 100g or protein and 47g of fat...

    Wow - I just realized I have been so dumb because I thought chicken was a protein so if I ate 100g of chicken I was eating 100g of protein so I thought I was eating too much - ok, I'm so so so stupid, it's out there!

    Now I know how to use the reports I can see I have been a little light on the protein and quite low on the fat. Is it ok to be lower on the fat.

    There are some good programs that incorporate dumbbells. I need to find the links but will come back to include them.

    Those g of fat and protein and fat sound about right (protein has 4 cals per g and fat 9 cals per g)

    The protein and fat should be a minimum. Fats are good for healthy body functions like hair, nails, skin, eyesight and regularity. However fats can be looked at over a slightly longer term and as long as you average out for the week its not a bit deal to be under a few days. Also, if you are a little under, don't sweat it - these are all estimates.
  • TJbubbles23
    TJbubbles23 Posts: 22 Member
    Sorry if I am being duplicative here but here are my suggestions as you are near goal weight

    - eat at a small calorie deficit (250- 350 a day)
    - strength train 3 x a week - full body workout (these are not the DVDs - look into Starting Strength and Stronglifts)
    - cardio up to 3 x a week if you want
    - measure, weigh and accurately log all foods/drinks
    - use other progress tools than the scale - measurements, fit of clothes, the mirror.
    - get your macros right (1g protein per lb of LBM, 0.35 of fat per lb of total body weight and fit the rest in where you wish)
    - do not worry about how your calories or macros are spread - hit the daily target and spread whichever way allows easier adherence and helps energy levels

    Thanks so much - I love having easy to follow dot points :o)
    On the strength training, as per my previous comment I don't have access to proper weights, just small dumb bells - do you think I can get the results I want still?

    With the macros, I should be having 100g or protein and 47g of fat...

    Wow - I just realized I have been so dumb because I thought chicken was a protein so if I ate 100g of chicken I was eating 100g of protein so I thought I was eating too much - ok, I'm so so so stupid, it's out there!

    Now I know how to use the reports I can see I have been a little light on the protein and quite low on the fat. Is it ok to be lower on the fat.

    There are some good programs that incorporate dumbbells. I need to find the links but will come back to include them.

    Those g of fat and protein and fat sound about right (protein has 4 cals per g and fat 9 cals per g)

    The protein and fat should be a minimum. Fats are good for healthy body functions like hair, nails, skin, eyesight and regularity. However fats can be looked at over a slightly longer term and as long as you average out for the week its not a bit deal to be under a few days. Also, if you are a little under, don't sweat it - these are all estimates.

    Awesome - thank you so so much! This is super helpful!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I found this - it actually does not look too bad. Eventually you will want to do a more intensive program, but these look pretty decent for a beginner with no equipment.
  • TJbubbles23
    TJbubbles23 Posts: 22 Member
    I found this - it actually does not look too bad. Eventually you will want to do a more intensive program, but these look pretty decent for a beginner with no equipment.

    I just had a quick read and I think that this will be very useful. Thank you - I REALLY appreciate it!
  • TJbubbles23
    TJbubbles23 Posts: 22 Member
    I found my old measurements this morning... I had the similar goals last year and I hit them!

    As at Christmas last year I was at my weight goal of 57.5kg...

    I was also 0.5cm smaller in the bust, 2.5cm smaller in the waist, 5cm smaller in the hips, 1.5cm smaller in each arm and 2.5cm smaller in each thigh. I am gutted! I can't believe how much I have let myself go - why obtain a goal and then lose it?

    Actually I know the answer to that - stressful year - moving countries, changing jobs, relationship fun - you know, all that stuff that makes you forget to make time for yourself and your health and fitness?

    I would love to lose 5cm+ off my waist, 8cm+ off my hips, gain 5cm+ on my bust (ok I know this is impossible, but a girl has to dream!)... I'm not sure about arms and thighs, they need to shrink, but I'm not sure by how much...
  • TJbubbles23
    TJbubbles23 Posts: 22 Member
    My weight was up all week... And I mean REALLY up - I was gutted! Officially weighed in this morning and I had lost 1.1kg... I nearly fell off the scales - very unexpected.

    I had no idea how I lost... If anyone can see my diary and let me know what you think that would be great!

    I tried to up my calories, but struggled to eat enough. I also had Friday where I skipped dinner (wasn't feeling well) and then Saturday where I pigged out at a Thanksgiving dinner...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member

    I second the woosh. It can be pushed by alcohol consumption which I see you enjoyed :-) I love that side affect!
  • TJbubbles23
    TJbubbles23 Posts: 22 Member
    Update on my numbers:

    My numbers are:

    Weight - 61kgs (134lbs) now 58.6kgs (129lbs)
    Height - 173cm (68.1 inches)
    Age - 31
    Sex - female
    Neck - 12.5 inches now 12 inches
    Waist - 27.5 inches now 26.75 inches
    Hips - 39 inches now 38.58 inches
    Activity level - day job sedentary
    Exercise - aiming for minimum 5 days/week. Most days are 60 minutes. I haven't been wearing my HRM (will start soon) but I think MFP is overestimating calories burnt. Have confirmed that MFP is actually fairly accurate

    Goal weight - 125lb
    Goal body fat - 18%

    I got...
    Body fat - 25.3% now 24.5%
    BMR - 1352 now 1322 (Katch McArdle)
    TDEE - 1695 (sedentary) now 1668
    TDEE - 2189 (includes 5 days exercise) now 2155

    I'm still afraid to eat too much, but I've been exercising more.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Update on my numbers:

    My numbers are:

    Weight - 61kgs (134lbs) now 58.6kgs (129lbs)
    Height - 173cm (68.1 inches)
    Age - 31
    Sex - female
    Neck - 12.5 inches now 12 inches
    Waist - 27.5 inches now 26.75 inches
    Hips - 39 inches now 38.58 inches
    Activity level - day job sedentary
    Exercise - aiming for minimum 5 days/week. Most days are 60 minutes. I haven't been wearing my HRM (will start soon) but I think MFP is overestimating calories burnt. Have confirmed that MFP is actually fairly accurate

    Goal weight - 125lb
    Goal body fat - 18%

    I got...
    Body fat - 25.3% now 24.5%
    BMR - 1352 now 1322 (Katch McArdle)
    TDEE - 1695 (sedentary) now 1668
    TDEE - 2189 (includes 5 days exercise) now 2155

    I'm still afraid to eat too much, but I've been exercising more.

    What is the period from one data point to the other? i.e. over how many weeks did you see the 5lb loss?
  • If your hormones are out of balance you can have problems losing weight. Your hormones also help your thyroid function which can cause your metabolism to slow down in turn not allow you to burn fat metabolism or any amount of calories in the day. You would literally be consuming more calories than what you are burning because your hormones are not working.

    Also if you have an overgrowth of yeast known as Candida that can cause you not to lose weight either. I know it doesn't sound fun but there are ways of getting you back on track. :D
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If your hormones are out of balance you can have problems losing weight. Your hormones also help your thyroid function which can cause your metabolism to slow down in turn not allow you to burn fat metabolism or any amount of calories in the day. You would literally be consuming more calories than what you are burning because your hormones are not working.

    Also if you have an overgrowth of yeast known as Candida that can cause you not to lose weight either. I know it doesn't sound fun but there are ways of getting you back on track. :D

    Nothing will impact you to a degree where you burn no calories in a day...well, except death.