Easy ways to burn calories


I'm looking for some easy ways to burn calories through out the day - like, parking the car further from the office so you have to walk further, and taking the stairs. Anything like this? I've got a shoulder injury and no gym pass and I'm looking to just burn the max calories possible during the day. Or anything I can do to make the day time more healthy?

Alexa x


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    I'm looking for some easy ways to burn calories through out the day - like, parking the car further from the office so you have to walk further, and taking the stairs. Anything like this? I've got a shoulder injury and no gym pass and I'm looking to just burn the max calories possible during the day. Or anything I can do to make the day time more healthy?

    Alexa x

    Non stop fidgeting
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    I started fidgeting a lot more and I believe this is a huge contributor to my weight loss

    You can replace "normal" chairs with an exercise ball. This will help strengthen your core and you will constantly have to adjust to keep your balance.

    I spend about 40% of my work week at my desk and I make sure to get up and move every 30 mintues or so. This keeps me more awake and gives me a little bit more exercise. there is two bathrooms close to my desk, I choose the one farther away and go to the farthest bathroom stall. I work in a small office and will usually go talk to a person in person instead of phone or email if it is a quick question.

    A coworker put ankle weights on her legs to make walking a little more calories intensive.
  • maberdine
    maberdine Posts: 8 Member
    Do you have a desk job? If so, try standing at your desk. If that isn't feasible, then sitting on a yoga ball is a good core workout throughout the day.
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    squats and crunches while watching tv. If your shoulder can handle it, round them out with push-ups.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I put a big box on my desk to raise my computer so I can stand part of the day while I work. My coworkers make fun of me a little but meh...I actually feel like I have quite a bit more energy throughout the day when I do this.