College and weight loss



  • thebutteredtoast
    Hey there! I'm a college student as well (finishing up my sophomore year this semester) and I'm trying to lose some weight as well. It's difficult and I would love to have more friends who are going through the same things I am.
  • fishifishy
    I'm a 19 year old Education student, trying to lose around 50-60 pounds. Feel free to add me! :)

    (I need a swift kick in the butt somedays, so having people to motivate me would help!)
  • jlkarnes
    jlkarnes Posts: 9 Member
    Hey! I'm Jessica, I'm 20. College sophomore, looking to drop some weight and get healthy!
    I'd love to make some friends on here to encourage and support one another! :)
  • purpl3monk3y
    Hey im jessica, 23 and looking to lose 15 lbs and tone up
    i dont do alot of exercise because i dont have the time. just the basi up and down the stairs, walking to school (10min) and i try to get in some sit ups. I also have physio once a week and do some exercises to stengthen my legs but thats about it. Hoping to join the gym in january
    so for the next 2 weeks im spennding most of my nights at my school woring in the computer lab, and i get a bit hungry.
    I make dinner and bring it but when it comes to snack foods thats where i make my mistake
    any ideas for those late night cravings?
    I had a plan to not eat after 9 (im usualy up till late) and not that im up till at least 5am doing homework, 9pm doesnt work
    also some quick, inexpensive heathy dinner ideas might be helpful
    thanks :)