Never feel full

It doesn't seem to matter what I eat or how much, I never seem to feel full for long. I constantly want to eat, whether it be healthy or not.

Does anyone else have this problem, or has anyone got any tips in how to overcome this? I would like to learn how to live my life not spending every single minute thinking about food!


  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Maybe you could try more protein and less carbs to feel full
  • kate216
    i have this same problem!! i always joke that i don't know what full feels like, but I really dont!
  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    I feel the same way, it's incredibly frustrating. The best thing I've found is eating a lot of protein things, such as peanut butter, holds me over for longer. Avoid things that burn quickly like white breads and carbs in general. Sorry I couldn't be more help!
  • Kejlina
    Kejlina Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! I'm typing on my phone so I apologise for the Wall of Text. Are you hitting your targets for calories and macronutrients? You might need to increase something. I'm a big eater too and I've been serving my meals on two cups of lettuce to make them ookbigger and feel more filling at only 30 extra calories. I also try to drinkall my water, and I take a fibre supplement to help me feel fuller. I'm no expert because I'm at thebeginning of this journey, but this is ehat's working so far to keep me from gnawing off a limb. ;)
  • Kejlina
    Kejlina Posts: 31 Member
    Ookbigger = look bigger
    (Amongst other typos) sorry :)
  • rubyjune27
    rubyjune27 Posts: 87 Member
    Sorry not going to be much help either. I try to eat a lot of protein but I still feel hungry. I am just as hungry at a lunchtime if I have had a big breakfast, than if I haven't eaten anything. I couldn't cope with 1200 a day but ate 1500. However 2 days a week I do 5:2 fasting so although this means I am very hungry on those days, one I know I can survive being hungry, it's just something I have to live with. Secondly I can eat more calories on the other 5 days which helps me feel satisfied.

    I am so amazed when people here say they can not eat 1200 cals as they are full!, I just don't know how they got fat in the first place. Me I could eat 1200 at a sitting!
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    When I'm really hungry I try to drink a 24oz bottle of water before my meal. I learned it helps me avoid over-eating during the meal itself but won't necessarily hold me till the next meal. I do find that eating lots of vegetables (I go for a really good mix of romaine, spinach, peppers, onions, tomatoes and cucumbers in a salad) and top it with 1/4 cup of cottage cheese and a Healthy Choice frozen meal or a small sandwich wrap keeps me going for hours. I love loading up on proteins and veggies for dinner. I use about 1 cup of baked sweet potato in place of a starchy pasta, rice or white potato side.
  • juliesjuke
    juliesjuke Posts: 93 Member
    I am doing NS and i eat 6 times a day.Mid morning i have a protein snack(string cheese/yogurt/p-nuts/etc) then in the afternoon i have a carb(small bagel/pop corn/etc) With portion control,veggies and fruits it is doable.I usually have a huge salad for lunch with 2 ounces of protein in it. Hope this helps.:wink:
  • fishifishy
    I find that drinking a lot of water helps keep me feel fuller for longer.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    How many pounds are you trying to lose a week? You don't have much to lose at all so you really should only be set to .5 or 1 at the most. I just am wondering where you are getting your 1300 calorie goal on your non-workout days. That honestly might not be enough for you.

    Also, I would look into increasing the amount of fats and protein you are consuming as opposed to carbs. While I am not one of those anti carb people, I have found that healthy fats and good protein keep me fuller longer.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    It doesn't seem to matter what I eat or how much, I never seem to feel full for long. I constantly want to eat, whether it be healthy or not.

    Does anyone else have this problem, or has anyone got any tips in how to overcome this? I would like to learn how to live my life not spending every single minute thinking about food!

    I have this problem. I need to eat about every two hours. I usually do small meals as meal size seems to have zero effect on how long I stay full. My understanding is that this is pretty common when you start to reach a low bodyfat % for your gender. With males this usually happens at around the 8-12% range and with females around 15-20%.

    I read an article that inspired me to eat my meals as late in the day as possible as I find that as soon as I eat breakfast that's when the cycle starts. I'll post a link below that you might find helpful.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    Try intermittent fasting, eating nothing or very little through out the day and then eating the majority of your calories in a time frame that suits you. I do later in the evening so I go to bed satisfied.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    You are either not eating enough for your body's needs, or you are not getting the right balance to fill you up. I found I need fat to keep me full as well as the protein and some carbs. I also have to mostly avoid bread products as those leave me starving hungry for more. Sometimes also, the feeling of hunger is actually coming from a buildup of acid, and indigestion remedies can help, a personal trainer told me that. I personally don't find water remotely helpful for feeling fuller, it is a liquid, not a food, and seems to be a myth that is thrown around too often here.

    Edit to add - try snacking on hard boiled eggs, chicken or duck, but duck eggs are amazing as a snack, keep you full for a few hours, so imagine if you add an egg to your main meal.
  • BossyAngel
    yes, I too am never full. It is frustrating. More protein - well I don't really like meat - I eat it but just don't like the taste. So it's a problem to eat more protein. Good luck! I will read what others say hopefully might find something to help me as well. Thanks for the post.
  • BossyAngel
    I will try this
  • IndigoFlowers
    IndigoFlowers Posts: 221 Member
    I find that if I don't eat fiber in the morning I feel starved all day long for some reason. Fiber for breakfast helps me tremendously.
  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    Drink a glass of water before you eat and take a sip between most bites. Take a fiber supplement, and add a small salad (with a vinegar based dressing) vineger and cinnemon make you feel fuller and it helps regulate blood sugar, White potatos and sweet potatos make you feel fuller longer (they have a specific kind of starch that makes you feel fuller) Omega-3's(fish), oats, nuts, green/yellow veggies, and beans help a LOT. You will even eat less at the next meal because of some of the good things in these foods.

    Small tips, but helpful. Oh and almost all of these things can cause gas, BEANO IS YOUR FRIEND HERE!.. just an fyi
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    My brain hardly ever tells me I am full but I know that I am. I just have to fight hard to ignore my brain when I KNOW I have eaten enough I AM actually full.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    Lots of helpful advice. For me, one of the biggest things was to not eat when I'm not actually hungry, just because people told me I'm supposed to. If I don't get hungry till two or three or even five pm, then I just dont eat till then. Also, I played with my macronutrient ratios and eventually upped my fat intake. A tablespoon of olive oil (on my salad or drizzled on meat), an ounce of pecans, a half ounce of super dark chocolate. All of those things satisfy me for much longer than an equivalent amount of calories from carbsor protein. Also, water in and of itself, while making me feel "full", never made me feel satiated. However a hot beverage actually does, so I prefer to drink green tea.
  • kaervaak
    kaervaak Posts: 274 Member
    Water, black coffee, lots of leafy veggies