The New Girl!

I'm Kate. And I've always been bigger. Even as a child, I was chubby. And it just escalated from there. When I was 20 I became very good about keeping my weight loss and lost close to 40 pounds. I felt great, and I looked better than I ever had (though not quite where I wanted to be.)

But 2011 was a year of BIG change for me. I moved out of my parent's house to Las Vegas. The change was stressful enough, but I struggled to find a job. The stress led to over eating and I slowly began to gain weight again. And then the stress of having a job added to it. I ate out more because I was exhausted after work.

Recently my boyfriend of two years moved in with me. (We'd been long distance that whole time.) Now we go out to eat and it feels like all of our activities are focused around food and laziness.

I have now gained back all but three pounds that I had lost when I was 20 and I want to see it gone plus some. It's my turn to be the skinny girl.

I'd love to have some support buddies! It definitely helps! So glad to be on this site about to start!


  • hi new too i am completely opposite..I was the smallest always and now I am the 2nd biggest in my family...This site will help a lot.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    I've been here a week, feel free to add me if you like!
  • Hey I live in Las Vegas to! And i am pretty new to all of this but if you would like add me :)
  • Cervantest
    Cervantest Posts: 31 Member
    Hi! Been here since July. Lost 20 lbs but have hit a big, brick wall. Trying to get back into the groove and put this journey into full gear. Please feel free to add me! teresa
  • Day one begins tomorrow! Bring it on! Add me ! I'm a great support system(:
  • LosingWeightKate
    LosingWeightKate Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks for the welcome and support everyone! I'm having a lot of success and fun so far! Feeling great!
  • Not many friends here... Add me!
  • AliciaIManiotis
    AliciaIManiotis Posts: 8 Member
    Jumpin back on the wagon...I've been a little off lately! Add me and we can keep each other encouraged!!
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    Add me. Been on this journey for about 2 years & although I've been at goal awhile, I struggle every single day. You can do this.. one day, one meal, one bite at a time. Whatever it takes to be a better you.