Grey Cup (CFL)

foxro Posts: 793 Member
So what are your predictions ?


  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    Argos 33 - Stamps 27 in a thriller.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Thanks Billy - judging by the response, the term "Grey Cup" is not a well known subject for folks on MFP.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Even though I now live in the west, Toronto will always be my home so, GO Argos!
  • Brelynn
    Brelynn Posts: 105 Member
    Cheering for the Argos - I would like Ricky Rae to be the winning quarterback after being traded by Edmonton.
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    foxro I'm a Toronto boy living in the UK. Nobody here has any idea what the CFL is. The game is televised over here on ESPN America, but it's not part of my satellite package. I'll be listening live on TSN radio, and I have a friend recording the game to see tomorrow evening. Tonight will be a late night!

    As for the game, both teams peaked late in the season, so it should be an outstanding game.

    Go Argos!!
  • spinedocmfp
    spinedocmfp Posts: 109 Member
    Since it is half time I won't predict..... but I hope Calgary gets their *kitten* in gear and makes a game of it.
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    No prediction, but watching Justin Bieber lip synching in hammer pants seems like the ideal time to do a few sit ups.
  • BlackStarDeceiver
    BlackStarDeceiver Posts: 590 Member
    I'm not sure what this is, is this anything like those two girls I saw sharing a cup on the interwebs?
  • Dan112358
    Dan112358 Posts: 525 Member
    What about the 50 Shades of Grey Cup?
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    Not a football fan..........but goooo Calgary!:drinker:
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    The Argos are smoking them. Makes me happy.

    24-9 at the moment.
  • Calgary isn't making it much of a game yet, unfortunately. As for the entertainment, I preferred Burton and Gordon to the Biebs. Turned it down after Gordon was done his thing, he's still got a great voice.
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    Fantastic effort by the Argonauts. WooHoo!
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Good job Argos...Lightfoot was awesome, my early influence to play guitar...the mayor of Toronto just got fired due to conflict of interest and the Argos parade is tomorrow !!
  • BillyC96
    BillyC96 Posts: 7,560 Member
    Bye bye Rob Ford.

    Hello Chad Owens.
  • stomachflu
    stomachflu Posts: 134 Member
    GO ARGOS (has the game been played?)

    When I lived in Toronto back in the 80's, the Argos won the Grey Cup for the first time in like forever! I don't remember much of the few days after that amazing win *LOL*