I said I'd never be here again...

And yet here I am. I could sit here and make up excuses why I gained back 23 pounds, but the sad truth of it is that after getting myself into shape I just slipped back into old habits.

I often hear people say, "The _______ diet never worked for me, I gained all the weight back.". The fact is, if you lost the weight, the diet worked. I don't care how you do it. If your weight came back, it's because YOU didn't work for YOU.

This is my story. I stopped working for me.

At my absolute best about 5 years ago I was 165 pounds. I felt comfortable there, more comfortable than I had felt about myself in my entire adult life. Before that my max. weight was 210 pounds. I was inactive and ate whatever I wanted. I decided to try the Atkins diet with my girlfriend at the time and lost 45 pounds and she lost around the same.

So what happened? I went back to my old ways. Eating sugar, candy, high fat and carb takeout meals.

I tell people I don't have an addictive personality. I quit smoking after 15 years just by throwing the cigarettes away. I drink socially, but sometimes go months without having a drop. I don't do any drugs.

So why is food so different? What keeps me coming back to this?

I stepped on the scale this morning (Which happens to be my birthday) to see 198.8 pounds staring back at me from the digital display. So once again I start looking for solutions. I started by eating a healthy low carb breakfast and pondering my return to the gym tomorrow. I took photos of myself (which I'm posting here, much to my horror) as s reminder of where I really can't afford to be again at 46 years old.

I've come to understand that apparently, food is my addiction. I have found myself at night snacking while thinking to myself, "Why am I eating this?" but I continue anyway. I've put up signs on my refrigerator which I ignore. I eat when I'm not hungry, just because I like the taste.

I need to reprogram myself. This is why I'm here.

My goal is to get down to 165 again. This past year I ran two obstacle races, one of them being the Spartan Race. I finished, but as I stood at the finish line beaten and winded, I realized that I had no business running such a race in the shape I was in.

So, here's my birthday present to myself. I'm back again, hopefully for the last time. Wish me luck.



  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    Good luck...and your not alone! This is my second time around as well. I was 220 most of my life...after a very abusive relationship I decided to never let anyone treat me that way again...of course his main target of mental abuse was my weight and how im so fat nobody would ever want me but him. At 21 I took charge of my diet and in a year I lost 105 lbs! I felt amazing...I kept it off for 3 years or so...then met my husband. And like you I got too comfortable. Started eating unhealthy again...gained 40 lbs back. Then when we tried for a baby and I had 3 miscarriages...I gained 20 more lbs...then when I finally stayed pregnant I gained almost 70 lbs during my pregnancy! Lost 30 right away...And have since lost another 23...

    Im on the second journey of weight loss right with you...and I WILL NOT do this again! EVER. This is a lifestyle change for me now...not just a diet! Good luck...we have done it before and we will do it again!
  • PibblesRun
    PibblesRun Posts: 236 Member
    and happy birthday by the way! My 30th is dec 2nd! Oye...
  • skindethehutt
    Thanks for the birthday wishes, and good luck to you. Congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    Great job on coming back...when u get to your goal weight stay on here so you dont gain it back again....happy birthday enjoy the weekend and then start on Monday logging in and exercising and you will see results soon.
  • queenb113
    queenb113 Posts: 9 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Food has just gotten way too accessible in today's society. Never in the history of mankind has it been so easy to get food. It's no wonder obesity is the epidemic that it is. It shouldn't be so easy to get food, but it is, and you have to have tremendous will power to resist it. You are right to be concerned and vigilant about your weight, but don't hate yourself for gaining it back. You are still the same person on the inside.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Maybe part of the key to this is to incorporate those foods you went back to, in limited quantities, and making this a lifestyle change, that is gradual, rather than viewing it as any kind of diet or weight loss plan.
  • mommieoftwingirls12
    Happy Birthday and welcome back!!
  • maggiewithfins
    maggiewithfins Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome back.
    A bunch of us here have been using a book called "the Beck Diet Solution". It basically answers those questions you had above, and helps you to make lasting behavioural and thinking changes that help you to maintain your weight loss for life. It helped me to keep on track. I am in the "welcome back " category too, a depressive episode contributed to me losing a lot of weight and then not caring enough to start eating again in a healthy way. If it wasn't for that, I think I would be at my goal weight now.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Welcome back!

    You'll find a way that works for you. You seem determined. For me: an 80/20 approach and aiming sorta "low glycemic" in the big picture seems to work for me. If I have snacks in the house you can bet they are lower on the glycemic index. I know myself too well!

  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    Welcome back and good luck. I am in the same boat. I am struggling to get back down to pre-baby size and I got close to it and then 3 surgeries later I am still over 40lbs away from where I was before having my daughter.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Good luck, you can do it!!
  • Mitzimum
    Mitzimum Posts: 163 Member
    Hi, first of all, good luck! Joining mfp is the best decision i've made for myself in a long time. I've only been on one week but I've been doing a very limited 1200 calorie diet and have already lost 2kg's. Food is only an addiction because it is too available (as mentioned above) humans are supposed to work for their food not just have it on tap. Also our bodies are programed to crave fat and sugar as it is a way of storing energy for harder times. I have been eating a ridiculously healthy diet and have an open diary so if you need meal ideas etc feel free to add me :) Take care!