Looking for a diet!!!

I've been working out for about 6 weeks now and trying to watch what I eat but I'm not seeing any results! Please Help and let me know of any type of diet that works!! Thank you!!!:smile:


  • SailorMoon007
    SailorMoon007 Posts: 93 Member
    Of course, to each their own, but I'm using the Curves diet and I'm loving it! There is a carbohydrate sensitive version and a calorie sensitive version, (I'm on the carb version) so you have to figure out which one would work best for you. It's a safe way to adjust your metabolism and put you in the right direction for healthy eating for the future. I've been doing it since Janaury 25th, and along with exercise, I've lost 25 lbs to date, and I have no intention of stopping. Hope this helps on your diet search. :wink:
    i am taking trim spa engery and it is working greeat no side effects and cuts your appiate
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Be sure you are eating ENOUGH calories with your work-outs. Measure your food to be sure you are getting the Portion Sizes correct. Are you using the Nutrition Tracker? It will make it SO much easier to maintain your calorie limits.
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    I am following Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet.

    Can't beat it.
  • AnnieeR
    AnnieeR Posts: 229
    Low GI/GL - cutting out sugars and simple carbs really works well for me.
  • kfsooner
    kfsooner Posts: 40
    I am trying to stay on a vegan diet. I also try to eat mainly raw, with only cooked at dinnertime. I know this is not for everyone, but it works!!
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    I have not tried the raw food diet, but I just watched Dr. Oz and it featured the 28 day raw food diet that jumps starts weight loss by eating foods that are not processed or are not cooked to death (eliminating the nutrition altogether). He probably has information on his website. I have been thinking about checking it out as I struggle with the same thing. I log my food every day and workout 6 days a week for at least 50 minutes. I get frustrated with the scale and have actually gained a pound or two. HOWEVER, I've seen results from putting my clothes on, so I'm opting to "NOT" weight myself for the next month and see what happends. I think I get discouraged from seeing no results and I'm sabatoging (sp?) myself. I eat healthy and work out -- I think that's all you can expect from a person right ?

    I dont want to resort to weight loss pills as I've been down that road before and all of us that are going through this know that there is no quick fix. We didn't get to where we are over night, we shouldn't expect it's going to just fall off as were walking down the street... darnit, I sure wish it did :) Good luck to you.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I took this test (http://caloriecount.about.com/metabolic-types-eating-ft93247) and then set my goals accordingly and just stay within what MFP tells me too otherwise watching my sodium and potassium. :flowerforyou:
  • mariena
    mariena Posts: 39 Member
    Eating clean is an excellent way to jump-start weight loss. Get rid of ALL prepackaged foods with chemicals and additives and only eat fresh harvest-able foods. I have also done a vegan raw foods diet, but I don't recommend that for a long period since it is hard to meet your protein minimums. But really in the long scheme of things, portion control is key and you MUST log every single bite, lick, sip etc. on MFP. Every little bite counts.
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    Can't think of it as a "diet" as to me, means something short lived and rapid. Eating clean and healthy is a way of life. YOu just need to re-evaluate what you put into your mouth each day, as much like many posted here, it's about cleaning up your nutrition, riding your meals of processed foods, diet pops, starchy carbs and sugars.

    I think Tosca Reno has a great book about Eating Clean. Don't think of it as a "diet", think of it as a new way of life and as NUTRITION. Your body needs NUTRITION to stay healthy and continue to metabolize a be a fat burning machine. Processed foods only diminish that.

    Good luck.
  • empiremom
    empiremom Posts: 52
    diet means you will start it then finish it! dont look for a "diet".

    i do not eat anything with a label on it...that means if they have to explain to you in chemical terms what's in it...you dont need it! you are NOT a lab rat!

    and the raw-er the better...dont kill the enzymes naturally in your food...get the most bang for your buck.

    and log EVERY thing you eat. you will be surprised how much you eat absent mindedly. I sure was!

    i wish you the best...