Ready to finally do this!!

I've come to a point where I'm just fed up with missing out on life and putting it on hold for weightloss. I'm tired of hating how I look in clothes. I'm ready to make a healthy lifestyle. I've only ever been on diets, I've done them all!! Please any tips on how to make this stick and be healthier? Thanks and feel free to friend me


  • rede2go
    rede2go Posts: 82 Member
    We all hate how we look from time to time.... we all have to work at it. You are not alone and you have come to the right place! we are all here for the same thing and we all need support and we all have questions. For me tracking my calories made a huge difference, portion control and quite honestly avoiding fast food. Sticking to a healthy diet. I have lost weight but would gain it right back. You really have to look at this as a life change. Everything in moderation. Enter it in your food log, what ever it is, a candy bar, a beer what ever is, be honest with yourself and move. Eat as healthy as you can and move. Walk, run, jumping jacks walk up and down the stairs. You dont need a gym you can do it at home just find what works for you and be kind to your body! You can do this. You are beautiful right now the way you are if you loose weight its just a bonus. Do yourself a favor and track inches not just that number on the scale. We all look at that number and just dread it.... you can do this there are a lot of amazing people with so much knowledge.... we arent all right just find what works for you! Good luck and please feel free to add me and if there is anything I can do just let me know....

  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    It all starts in the kitchen! Watch what you put in your mouth; log it before you eat it and think "is there a healthier alternative out there?"

    A lifestyle change is whats going to do it for you! Pay attention to the foods you eat, and exercise. Take it step by step one day at a time. Instead of parking as close as you can to work, school, store etc: park a little further back and walk. It doesn't have to be something major little by little and with a little patience you'll see all your hard work pay off!

    Don't worry about that number on the scale. Thismonth I have only lost about 1-2 lbs but I have lost about 3-4 inches on my waist, hips, arms and thighs. So weigh yourself but don't base everything on that number. Take some measurements and go by those because you might begaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat!

    There are tons of at home workouts that you can do that are just as successful as going to the gym. There's all kinds from P90x, to Insanity you just have to find something that works for you!!

    One last thing MAKE time for yourself. Schedule it into your day everyday and 9 times out of 10 you'll get that work out in! Find someone who is just as passionate about this as you are and help each other out!!!
  • cvillneauve
    Good advice on the "log it before you eat". I may just carry that reminder around with me.