Starving all day after morning workout

Hello everyone, my name is Ada and I'm new to the site. So far I love all the info and cool tracking. I recently started working out in the early morning. Ever since, I've been feeling hungry all day. My meals only hold me over for about an hour and a half. So I'm finding it hard to stay within my calories. I've managed but I'm struggling. This is the same amount of food I was eating before when I was working out in the evenings. It was plenty then so what gives. I know my metabolism is in high gear but how can I stay in my calorie range? Any ideas on how to control my hunger? I feel like all I want to do is eat!


  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Do you eat a little protein after your workout? Running makes me hungry but I find that about an ounce of chicken takes care of that for me. Otherwise, you may have to go back to exercising at night.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Morning workouts boost metabolism which will make you hungrier throughout the day
  • adac1977
    adac1977 Posts: 14 Member
    After my workout I have a bowl of plain oatmeal with Protein powder and dried fruit. Thats very satisfying and fills me up. The thing is the REST of the day im in high gear looking for food. Thank goodness I plan ahead and have lots of healthy options. I would hate for evening workouts to be my only other option. :(
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Make sure you are eating every 2 hours. I have to bring lots of little snacks to work with me to keep my hunger satisfied all day. Since I am eating more snacks my lunch & dinner meals are slightly smaller than they were in the past when I was only eating 3 meals a day. Now I eat like 3 "mini meals" a day (each meal about 400 cals), and have about 5 snacks. If I exercise more that day...I can eat more. Working out is definitely helping boost your metabolism...and you need to keep fueling your body throughout the day! You'll see fantastic results as long as you aren't "starving" yourself ...and by "starving" I simply mean those moments when your stomach starts to rumble and you think to yourself "Oh my word, I am starving"..haha.... Good luck!
  • adac1977
    adac1977 Posts: 14 Member
    I love food to much to starve myself. lol I am eating smaller meals and more snacks but I'm finding it hard to stay within my calorie range. Maybe I just need to allow my body to adjust.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    if u unlock ur food diary perhaps we can take a look at your snack choices.

    some low cal ideas that really work for me are: broccoli or carrot sticks with some hummus
    protein bar in the afternoon: zone perfect chocolate almond crunch only 210 cals and keeps me full all afternoon until dinner
    I'm not working out in the morning so I only have small snacks in the am. like yogurt, banana, etc.
  • kimhurt
    kimhurt Posts: 313 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories too? How many calories do you get a day (I can't see your food log so I don't know). I think you are suppose to eat most of your exercise calories too!

    Good Luck to you!
  • adac1977
    adac1977 Posts: 14 Member
    Will do as soon as I figure out how.......
  • adac1977
    adac1977 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok its set to public.......Oh man, here goes.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'd say one thing that you could definitely change to cut out calories is switching from whole milk to skim. Whole milk has alot more calories than skim or 1% or 2%. That would open up more calories for filling snacks during the day. It doesn't look like what you're eating is particularly unhealthy, aside from the milk. But if you want to be able to add in a fiber or protein bar to fill you up after your workout, then try changing the milk.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ok so everything looks pretty good but i'd definately change to skim or 2% milk. I realy ccannot taste the difference and now I can't even swallow whole milk. the one I use is walmart great value and its only 90 calories a cup! u cud be saving a lot of calories there.

    also I notice your snacks seem to be high in carbs but low in protein: for example
    General Mills - Nature Valley Crunch Granola Bar - Oats 'n Honey, 1 bars 95 cals 15carbs 3fat and only 2g of protein

    here is the bar that I use (its delicious and healthy)
    Zone Perfect - Chocolate Almond Raisin, 1 bar 210cals 23carbs 7fat ****15g protein***

    so that cud be a difference too.

    also if u can sub out those dried fruits for 23 carbs and only 1g of protein for some greek yogurt: I eat this:

    Dannon - Greek Non Fat Yogurt 5.3 oz (150g) 140cals 23g carbs 0fat ***12gprotein**

    same amt of carbs but lots more protein.

    also u may want to add foods high in fiber (accompanied by lots of water) such as broccoli, hummus, etc
    and eat complex carbs (wheat pasta, wheat bread, etc)

    hope this helps. my diary is public if u wanna get some snack ideas. my eating has been kind bad all week tho.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Ok its set to public.......Oh man, here goes.

    adac-- I opened mine public a while back to get some feedback too...its kinda scary- but try to keep in mind that although some people come across mean and judging (not saying that anyone is doing that) but a lot of people just mean well. So, know that I mean well! :)
    First, what do you have your goals set at? Are you trying to lose 2 pounds per week? That can be very daunting and cause you to be a lot hungrier, especially with the amount of exercise you are getting. I noticed your daily goal is set at 1200, and then increases with exercise, which you are getting a lot of! If you are set at 2 pounds, you might want to try 1 pound so you can eat more to satisfy your hunger. Also, did you just recently start your weightloss plan? I noticed you joined in March 2010.... if you are in the first 1-3 weeks of your program...these are the hardest days!!!! Your body was probably used to consuming a lot more food before, and now you have decreased that food consumption. Fill up on raw veggies if you feel hungry, as they are low in calories, and typically higher in fiber...that may help! Also, I do agree with what someone said about maybe switching to 1% milk or something less than whole milk. Although, you may have your reasons and I respect that. Its just that lower fat content will mean lower calories, and therefore you can get more food in! If you find that you are meeting your protein goals with natural sources (cheese, meat, etc) you may not even need that scoop of protein shake. Or, you could reduce it to 1/2 a scoop (thats what I do, with skim milk occasionally--only on days I don't feel I can meet my protein goals, or if I worked out a ton and need something to quickly refuel).

    And finally-- you rock girl! As you keep doing those exercises you will get stronger and your metabolism will increase sufficiently! And incorporate strength training! Eat those exercise calories, your body needs that fuel! The weight may come off slow...but the success will last much much longer!! You are in this for the long run!!! :) If you have any questions or anything, feel free to PM me!
  • enicole331
    I have the same exact problem because I go to the gym at dawn. A friend of mine was a college athlete and suggested I do this: eat before you workout. I eat a Kashi bar before the gym (5am) then Greek yogurt (more protein than regular yogurt) and granola when I get home. About 2 hours later I have a snack (apple and almond butter) and then about an hour before lunch a Larabar (only 2 ingredients, dates and nuts...and taste so good). So I basically eat 4 times before "lunch" and am usually ok for the rest of the day.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    On work out days, I go over on my protein and under on my carbs. The more carbs I eat, the more hungry I feel. You might try substituting some of the carbs for egg, cheese, peanut butter, or yogurt. I find these things more filling than carbs.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I go to the gym in the morning (though I usually also go in the evening for classes too). I always eat breakfast before I go,and then usually have a banana afterwards, or some kind of fruit smoothie. I also switch my meals around, so I eat a more carb-rich lunch, like salmon stir fry with brown rice, or a wholemeal sandwich, and stick to eating lean protein and veg in the evenings. I tend to feel fuller alot longer, as before I used to have, say pasta for my evening meal and feel hungry an hour later, now I tend to have stir fry, or fish with roasted vegetables.
  • adac1977
    adac1977 Posts: 14 Member
    Ok, thank you all for your advise! I went out and bought fat free milk and some greek yogurt. This morning I had my oatmeal with the fat free milk and blueberries instead of the dried fruit. That cut out about 230 calories! Sweet, I get to eat those later!!!!! hahahaha I also brought veggies, fruit, and the greek yogurt for my other snacks. I appreciate all the advice and I'm sure this will help. Thanks!!!!!!!!!! I will let you guys know how it goes. :flowerforyou:
  • adac1977
    adac1977 Posts: 14 Member
    Today was much better. Having those extra calories just from the milk alone really helped. Also, choosing foods that are filling and lower in calories like bananas and yogurt really made a difference. I got hungry but had the calories there to EAT. :blushing: :blushing:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Today was much better. Having those extra calories just from the milk alone really helped. Also, choosing foods that are filling and lower in calories like bananas and yogurt really made a difference. I got hungry but had the calories there to EAT. :blushing: :blushing:

    YAY! Thats great! Glad its working out!
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Hi adac1977. At first glance of your diary, I see a lot of high-calorie meats (beefs, pork, sausage). This is one area where you could make some substitutions and save tons of calories. Basically...chicken instead of beef or veggies only, no meat. I rarely eat beef (not really on purpose) and try to stick to about 300-400 calories per meal, with anything leftover going towards snacks (or the occasional margarita!). I've posted this before, but one hearty, easy lunch is a sandwich with 2 slices whole grain bread, sliced deli turkey, thick slices of tomato (a whole roma), sliced pickles, and mustard. If you want, you could add a little guacamole. This baby (believe it or not) is only around 325 calories! Or, I make a HUGE salad from a salad bar with tons of veggies (no cheese or croutons and easy on the dressing) for around 425 calories. I'm stuffed after either of these meals.

    Good luck to you.
  • inspiration78
    Are you eating your exercise calories too? How many calories do you get a day (I can't see your food log so I don't know). I think you are suppose to eat most of your exercise calories too!

    Good Luck to you!

    Really? Are you really supposed to eat those exercise cals because I definitely don't!