work out buddy.

my name is Isabel,
I live in chicago Ill I am looking for work out friends that want to do this with me . I had been on my fitness pal for about a year last time i did this and i had lost 30 pounds I was so excited . Then i fell of the wheel.. I need Help! I gained back 20 pounds and if it wasnt for my pants not fitting like that used to i would have gained the 30 back.. I need HELP. I dont want to be unhealthy any more . I lost the weight before by just changing the way I ate , but this time i want to change the way i live . I want to go to the gym and i want to become a healthier individual. so please if you are looking for the same thing let me know because i know we all need support . and if you are willing to help me i am willing to help you !
hope to hear from people soon! even if you dont live in chicago i am also looking for people to talk to sometimes to keep my spirits up.


  • HRSNelson
    HRSNelson Posts: 10 Member
    Hello My name is Heather and I live in Idaho I am looking for people on here for support too :)