What type of scale/non-scale goals do you set for yourself?

I just weighed myself yesterday even though I've been an active MFP user for a few weeks now, because I figured it was important to get a starting weight, even though I have a love/hate relationship with the scale. I also took some starting body measurements (bust, waist, hips, thigh).

What goals have you set for yourself in weight loss? Do you just set scale goals, or are there non-scale goals, as well? Some of my goals I have include the obvious scale goals, but I also want to be able to be more active, like jogging nonstop for 15 minutes without huffing and puffing. Another goal is to get to smaller pants sizes, because no girl wants to say they're a size 16, like I am right now (and it's snug :( ). Anybody else have goals like these, or other weight loss goals?


  • lrob100
    lrob100 Posts: 122 Member
    My scale goal is 145-149 (I'm 5'9"). Non scale goals are a size 8 and to have a bikini body.
  • I'm setting teeny tiny, less than 5 pounds at a time goals. My next goal is 117 which I am 3 pounds away from. Next goal will be 115 and I'll re-evaluate there. I like instant gratification and I don't have much to lose so it works for me. I also don't have much to lose so it goes more slowly. My non-scale goal is just to look thinner. 5'9 f, CW: 120
  • Vizhen
    Vizhen Posts: 10 Member
    scale goal 145. Non-scale goal get rid of the flab. fit in a size 14 than my next goal size is 12. slimmer more muscular frame = legs, abs, thighs. If 145 isn't for me than i'm good as long as i'm toned and muscular. Major priority = bat arms! OMG! These things are freakin huge!
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    My scale goal was to get from morbidly obese into the normal weight range. I hit that at 164 lbs.

    My non-scale goals were:
    *To be able to hike
    *To not be afraid to try things because of my weight
    *To fit better in space (chairs, plane seats, turnstiles, just everywhere really)
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    My non-scale goal primarily is to get within a "normal" BMI range. On my way! Started at a 36.6 BMI, now at 28.2. Going by that alone, I technically only "have" to lose 20 more pounds. However, I know I won't be satisfied only 20 pounds lighter.

    I am not sure about the actual final target for weight. At 5'2", I'm aiming for 120, which is what I put in as my MFP goal. I used to be 105 at that height, but I really am aiming for muscle tone, not just bones. My next big goal is to hit a 50-pound loss by Christmas. At this point, I'm on my way to achieve that!

    If you need any support/encouragement, feel free to add me! I don't always add comments at the close of every calorie intake day, but I do try to offer support when you post and have successes!