Advice Needed Please

deedun Posts: 361 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I tried on my wedding dress for the first time today since it came in and thank God it fits to a certain extent!

I'm getting married at the end of May so I have a bit of time to tone up.

At the moment I'm doing 3 classes a week; Aerobics, Step & TRX and I go the gym 2 - 3 time a week.

I badly need to burn fat from my chest, back and bust area and belly. I know I can't physically spot reduce but does anyone have any advice or pointers on how this might be possible?

When I tried the dress on this morning, It took two people to close it at the back and it was quite tight and I also had back cleavage :noway: which is not pretty!!

So please help me! The actual dress fittings will begin mid April.



  • cardio cardio cardio! It will help you lose the fat and then all the toning you have been doing will start to show through since muscles are under fat it doesn't matter how much you try to tone them up until the fat over top of them is gone... Just try to do whatever you can to get your heart pumping and you, bike, speed walk..whatever works :) Good luck and congratulations on your wedding!
  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Looks as if you're already working hard but I can't see if you're doing any strength training in there - it could give you a boost. And maybe shifting your balance of carbs and protein towards a bit more protein might help too. Everybody is different but those things worked for me to fit into some of my favourite clothes again :happy:

    Congratulations on your wedding - I hope you can reach your goal but if not, get the dress altered and don't let it spoil your day. :flowerforyou:
  • Barrie
    Barrie Posts: 3 Member
    First, how exciting for you! As for losing the weight, there is no question that a combination of exercise and diet is the way to go but, unfortunately, the bigger weight loss will always come from the diet. The fewer calories you take in, the more weight you will lose - just dont go to a ridiculous (and dangerous) extreme with that, especially just before your wedding. The exercise is great and I am not being negative about it. Just recognize its relative contribuition!
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Hey girlie, I know what worked for me- I've never had results like I did doing this. Instead of getting on a cardio machine for 30 minutes straight- do high intensity intervals on several machines rotating I would start with 10 min on elliptical changing the level of intensity every minute or two, then move on to the next machine ( no rest in between) the stair climber is amazing and do the same thing and you alternate the levels, like start at 5, then 7, 10, 5 and so on to keep your heart pumping but not intense the whole time. If you do this 30 minutes a few times a week while watching what you eat, I think you'd be happy
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Ok so do more interval training and work some weights in with my w/outs.

    Thanks everyone for your replies

    :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Make sure you keep your heart pumping when doing the weight training too. The best way to do this is to do some type of circuit training where you work a muscle group (or multiple muscle groups) for 30-45 seconds at max effort and then move very quickly to another exercise with no more than 15 seconds of rest in between. I find that bodyweight exercises (think pushups, squats, burpees) and dumbbells are the best for this so I don't have to wait for someone to get off of a machine and I can move really quickly between exercises.
  • polyesterchesters
    polyesterchesters Posts: 81 Member
    I use the work out tapes called The Firm. They are about 45 minutes and they promise results in 10 workouts. I have used them for a long time and just picked them back up realizing I needed some toning. It has been about two weeks and I can really see a difference. The combine cardio and weights, and if you can handle squeaky perfect body southern girls, you will like the dvds. I get mine at borders for about $14.99 they have all sorts. I use the yoga, boot camp and get chiseled.
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Dara honey I am SOO excited for you! The dress is beautiful and I'm sure you look absolutely amazing in it. You have a little over a month until the actual fittings and I KNOW that you can lose some weight in that time. You are not a newbie to the food and exercise thing so you know what you need to do. Are you still meeting with the trainer? Are you watching your food intake? In the past what has your body responded well too? Do you see a difference with low carb eating plans? Have you tried a clean eating plan? I know you are staying away from the ale and such so I'm hoping your are drinking a lot more water. You are making great progress!!

    Stay focused on your diet and exercise for the next month and I know you will see results the next time you put on your dress. If you need encouragement or a kick in the *kitten* you know where to find me :)
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind help and advice! Very much appreciated :drinker:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
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