Weekends are my enemy.

My routine is usually walking 4 miles M,T,W/3 miles T,F. It has been working pretty well, but the messed up part is that the weight I lose during the week comes back by the end of the weekend... and then some. For instance: I weighed 277 Friday afternoon and today I weight 282. That's a five pound gain!

I don't understand how it happens... I do eat a little more during the weekend, but still under my daily goal. I'm starting to wonder if I should start walking at least 30 mins on Saturdays and Sundays to keep the weight down.

I'm also prone to constipation... but I don't think I have that much food still blocked up inside.

*shrugs* Meh. I'm not giving in. I'm gonna keep pushing myself... I just wish I could figure this out. The last time I lost of a bunch of weight (90 lbs) it was so easy!


  • samanthasimps0n
    samanthasimps0n Posts: 88 Member
    Hi there! I'm right there with you on the weight loss coming back after a weekend. A few things I've found to help are:

    1. Move atleast 1 of your workouts during the week to the weekend. So rather than working out M-F, maybe rest on Wednesday and move that workout to Saturday or Sunday.
    2. Always be mindful of what you eat on the weekends
    3. Take digestive enzymes or flaxseed for better digestion. www.foyorganics.com is a great site that offers lots of supplements and vitamins.

    I'm still fighting the battle of the weekend but those things have all helped me get over my hump.

    Good luck!
  • Weekends are always an issue.

    My issue is normally that come the weekend I break all my routines: gym, diet and social situations. I'm more social on the weekend, which often accounts for far more eating out, and drinks.

    A few years ago I did what Samantha said; I always had my work outs through the week but moved one of them to the weekend. But now I try to have one on either saturday or sunday, and I also try to put it in the morning ( as much as I hate it ) because I know I normally have the time in the AM, and it gives my metabolism a good kick in the *kitten* to start the day, because as I get closer to 30, metabolism seems to be taking it's time doing any work to help me out.

    I also spend my weekend with my water bottle non stop in an attempt to alleviate my snacking, every time I want a snack I empty about a liter of water into me. If I still want a snack after fine, I will eat less of whatever I snack on. Makes bathroom trips a nuisance but I'm normally home anyways.

    Best of luck :)
  • Thanks for the replies, guys! I might end up doing that. Or I'll just do that 30 min walks on the weekend. Dunno. We'll see. I think my biggest problem is that I work most of the week... and that's on my feet the whole time, so it helps. But weekends are just lounging around and hanging out. I still want the weekends to be my rest days, but I don't want to bloat up by Sunday either. We'll see how it goes this coming weekend!
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    i still do a lite workout on the weekends because my dog refuses to not have her daily walk. I suggest you take care of the active stuff first thing in the morning, you can still rest, lounge and chill for the rest of the day. It's harder for me to be motivated the later in the day it gets.
  • That's what I'm planning on doing. I typically get up around 10 AM to go for my walks. This weekend might be a little tough though... gonna be going spend the weekend with my family.
  • ToshaRozema
    ToshaRozema Posts: 30 Member
    What I do is workout mon-sat and give myself sundays off! that way on sat evening when I would do something bad (food or drink) I think to myself..dont waste that workout you just did this morning!! :)