did that happen


Why after about 7 months of BEAST I so lazy, have any of you experienced a spurt of lazy-ness. I mean is it the weather or because you get burned out? I mean I dont understand how I got here or why I feel like this, but Im just not even trying anymore. I dont understand and Im really irritated. I cant seem to get the fire back and what do I got to do to get it back. seriously how many of you experience this and how hard is it to get back in gear and get your gym on and eat right again.

I use to gym about 4 times a week and look forward to it
and make all my food and I mean healthy. WTH:mad:


  • nphect
    nphect Posts: 474
    your not having fun with it anymore. maybe set a new better goal or just play around with some stuff. fitness really isn't supposed to be how you look, but more about how you feel. If you would feel better not doing it, then don't do it. if your in the gym you could always troll the guys if your bord. bend over in front of a guy and smile at him, then when he comes over , tell him to go away. lol
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I get burned out occasionally too and switch my focus over to work or other projects for a month and I usually miss the hell out if it within 3 weeks and go nuts and then dive back in with new love.
  • What I find that helps a ton is 5 htp supplement. It is a natural occurring amino acid which in better words gives you the chemical serotonin which puts you in a good mood. Every morning I make a smoothie with half a banana, hand full of baby spinach, carrots, blueberries, raspberries, almond milk, flax seed meal, greek yogurt, wheat germ, spirulina and lastly I take a coconut and use my wine opener and drain the milk into the blender and that gives you natural electrolytes that is pure energy. It is easier for me to do that every morning that way when I start to feel that energy I will then be able to get throw a good workout. Hope this helped.
  • dlg1467
    dlg1467 Posts: 68 Member
    Winter is coming. You are probably low on your Vitamin D. I always feel like hibernating at this time of year. staying focused and adding Vitamin D helps.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    There are a million things that can cause a lazy spurt... For me, it is usually either burn out, or it is something to do with another aspect of my life that I feel needs attention for whatever reason.

    So, I'll get lazy because I just got too tired from working out and restricting calories...

    or I'll get lazy, because I want to spend more time on something other than working out, like my job, cleaning my house, etc, and eating out and skipping a few workouts here and there gets really tempting.

    I feel like the best way to prevent burn out is to ease into your workouts and calorie restrictions. Rather than jumping to 1200 net calories and running on a treadmill for two hours a day, I think it's better to slowly adjust to your calorie goals and slowly increase your amount of time exercising. Just do a little more today than you did yesterday, and you'll reach your goals a lot easier than if you just dive in head first.

    Now, as far as how to get out of your lazy streak... just put your workout clothes on and see what happens. Personally, I will at least start a workout once I'm dressed. Even if I don't finish it, doing some of a workout is better than vegging out on the computer all evening.
  • The seasons have a lot to do with the lazy issue. When it is cold out it can be discouraging. Also since we are getting less sunlight it can affect people, some pretty severely (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

    Increase your Omega 3s...low #s can affect mood and energy.

    Increase your water. Often as it gets cooler we tend to drink less water than we had been previously. Dehydration can affect mood.

    Look at your overall nutrition. Are you getting enough calories to maintain your activity?

    As long as you are not already on any prescribed anti-anxiety or mood stim or stabilizer it can be help to supplement with 5-HTP, St Johns Wart or Ginseng can help to stabilize Mood and provide a better sense of well-being. These are not noticed over night and require regular intake for at least 1 month. [Women many of these also can improve PMS symptoms too]

    Just my 2 cents.