Busy Mom needs help with how to make it all happen



  • chatipati1
    chatipati1 Posts: 211 Member
    What you need to do is make time for you. Jillian Michaels dvd's 30 day shred ..level one takes 20 min. It's a start. When you have kids, you think, I am so busy with kids..but let me tell you, it never gets less expensive. Once your kids get school aged, join a martial art with them. That way you get to be with them, exercise and learn self defense.
  • aadutton
    I'm struggling with how to make this work for me. For budget reasons, we cancelled our gym membership a few months ago. Now that it gets dark so early, there's not time to get outside during the week. I have a young daughter and it's hard to see how I have time to exercise, and some days even cook between work and picking her up from daycare and getting shopping/cleaning done. I have a supportive husband who needs to lose weight too, but we usually don't have time to even sit down until after 8 pm each night.
    We need to find good work outs that can be done at home, inside for the winter... any ideas? How do you all make it work?

    I have 16 month old twins, commute 2 hours per day, and work full time. I know it's not easy. Instead of the gym, my husband and I recently found a deal on a quality treadmill on Craigslist, and decided that in the long run a big purchase like this would be worth it for our health. This will be our Christmas present to each other (to help with the budget concerns). We take turns on the treadmill in the evening, and I sometimes try to get up and do it in the morning (4:30, but sometimes that's the only option). DVD's work too. And when the week is too busy to work out much, I MAKE SURE I do it both days on the weekend. As for food, good or bad, I eat frozen Healthy Choice/Lean Cuisine, etc. meals when I just don't have time to cook (plus, hubby is picky).

    I guess for me the answer is that sure, not doing these things was easier, but that's why I'm fat. And I don't want to be this fat anymore, so that means doing things that aren't easy...even when I don't want to or it seems like there just aren't enough hours in the day.

    Good luck :)
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I feel like I talk to mute brick walls all day ♥
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    I'm a mom of 2 kids (ages 3 and 2) and I work more than full time. I wake up between 4 and 4:30 everyday to workout, then I bathe, then I get the kids up and ready and we're out the door by around 7 am. My morning workouts are currently INSANITY workouts; I think we'll try p90x next. However, I'm also going to begin training for a marathon in January and I'll be running outside in the dark a lot. Personally, I'm better off trying to get to bed early and working out in the morning - when I try to workout at night, I have zero energy and motivation!

    I do as much as I can the night before - like pack my lunch for work, pick out clothes for everyone to wear, etc.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    You need to make time for yourself.
    I work out in the mornings after breakfast, I put my 3m old in the swing or under a jungle gym toy and I work our when my 2 yr olds favorite TV show on because I know she won't leave the room. I sometimes sneak in another workout during nap times or when everyone else has gone to bed at night.
  • SlimmingSarah2012
    Jillian Michaels...she means business! I recommend her work out videos, they are pretty cheap on Amazon but I've heard a few people on here say she's on you tube too.

    Good luck, you can do it!
  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    bumping so I can read later!
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    I'm struggling with how to make this work for me. For budget reasons, we cancelled our gym membership a few months ago. Now that it gets dark so early, there's not time to get outside during the week. I have a young daughter and it's hard to see how I have time to exercise, and some days even cook between work and picking her up from daycare and getting shopping/cleaning done. I have a supportive husband who needs to lose weight too, but we usually don't have time to even sit down until after 8 pm each night.
    We need to find good work outs that can be done at home, inside for the winter... any ideas? How do you all make it work?

    "but we usually don't have time to even sit down until after 8 pm each night."

    Work out after 8pm. That's usually what my husband and I do. What we use:

    Elliptical (in the living room, picked up on Craigslist for $20)
    Weights (bench & bar, in the dining room, picked up out of the PennySaver for $75)
    Workout videos (On Demand, Netflix, Bodyrock.tv, elsewhere on the web)
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    I am a Mom of three very active boys ages 11 - 15. In some ways it was definitely harder when they were small, because I can go for a walk or a run, and leave them at home. I also can have them come with and workout, too. But, my schedule wasn't as full then as it is now. I am very involved with their sports teams (team Mom); and do other volunteer work. I work full-time and then some.

    I work out at lunch time most days. (Walk/ run near your office, if you have a shower available.) I am lucky that we do have a showers in our building, and a small exercise room that has a couple of treadmills, a couple of ellipticals, and a cycle. We did buy a treadmill to have at home, and have some free weights at home, too. Days that I don't workout at lunch, I use the high school weight room during my boys' wrestling practice time. Or, I use our treadmill at home before bed if I haven't gotten my time in.

    Squats, lunges, wall sits, push-ups, crunches, steps (on your stairs, or a step up somewhere in your home) are all great things you can do several times a day, or try and carve out 20 - 25 minutes and create a circuit or two of 3 - 4 exercises each and do three sets of one or two circuits.

    For me, I enjoy fitness classes, but don't have as much success with videos. However, they are great tools. (I find I am more embarrassed to do those by myself at home, than I am in a fitness class. The kids have friends around, etc.)

    Just know that you are teaching by example. If you take them out on walks, they will learn to love to be outside. You would be surprised how many kids these days don't want to go out and play.

    Good luck!!
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    You have to first ban ALL EXCUSES! If you believe that your body deserves the time and effort you put into everything else in your lfie than you will find the time. Working out at home is simple, try and find a routine that you and your husband can do together - makes it a lot more motivating and can be really fun! If you've got a laptop simply do a youtube search for whatever your in the mood for and bam I'm sure you could find an quick & easy workout then find a bit of space in your house, set your laptop where you can see and have at er!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • moontyrant
    moontyrant Posts: 160 Member
    circuit training. it's the frankenstein's monster of the fitness world where you put together ten or so different exercises and do them all in quick succession. it's supposed to speed up your metabolism and increase muscle strength. It's quick and indoors and, best of all, free. a google search will give you even more information.
    good luck!
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I get up at 5:00 am. I first started out doing exercising 15 minutes in the morning. I have a Wii Fit but I also like the other sport games on it. If you can go to a second hand store or the local thrift store you will be surprised on how many exercise DVD you will find there as well as equipment (hand weights, bands and exercise ball) yoga mat. Most personal trainers will tell you it is the core that will keep you balanced. Try doing a plank every day. I started out I could only hold the plank position for less than a minute. Now I can do hold it for 5 minutes! It is the bay steps that lead to bigger and better steps. Just think of when you babies were learning to walk. They did not do it all at once. The first rocked on the hands and knees. Crawled then took their first steps. Now, I bet you cannot keep up with them... Make you goals manageable. I am going to walk in place for 5 minutes today. Then increase it each time. It may sound funny but all you got to do is move.

    Diet is key. Keeping track on MFP is a must for me. Today I was hungry because I waited too long to have a snack. I thought about those peanut M & M’s but ended up with an apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter. So I really had to make a choice. If you want to be friends let me know.
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    I agree with everything that has been said so far!!

    I also think that you have to decide to make exercise time a priority and look at things you can get rid of to fit it in. i obviously don't know you, or what your housework habits are, but i decided a long time ago that my health and fitness were more important than vacuuming every day or ironing the duvet cover etc etc. I know you need to keep your house clean and tidy with kids, but sometimes, you'll realise there are jobs you do that the world won't end if you don't do them......if that makes sense!!

    And my biggest time saver? Plan every meal for the week in advance, make a shopping list and internet shop - get it all delivered to your door! :smile:
  • kdzi
    kdzi Posts: 78 Member
    Single mom who works 50-60 hours/week here. No dad in the picture, or family nearby. Here's my advice:

    Tell the whole family that you want to make your body healthier, and that means there may be changes in what you will eat, what kinds of foods you can have around the house, and changes in what you will do--and that you want their help to keep you "honest" and on track (there is NOTHING more motivating than the support and encouragement I am getting from my son).

    Do each one of these things until it becomes a habit, and then add the next thing on the list. It's hard to make big changes all at once.

    1. Cook healthier meals--the whole family will benefit. It doesn't have to be expensive or time-consuming. You don't have to put everyone "on a diet," either. Check out some cookbooks from the library to get some ideas, or seach on-line (or in the forums here).

    2. Practice portion control and stick to your MFP nutritional goals. Take a multi-vitamin to make sure you're getting it all in.

    3. Add activity in your normal daily activities (park far away from the door, use the stairs, you know the drill).

    4. Exercise. 20 minutes a day is good to start. There were lots of great ideas in the earlier posts for DVDs, improvised weights, craigslist fitness equipment). I started out with EA Sports Active for the wii (20 minutes/day), and burned about 200 cals/day. My kid either exercises with me, or runs around me cheering "go mommy!" You don't need a gym, or any special gadget or programs--you just need to move and sweat. If your income is limited, most Y's have scholarship/financial aid AND on-site childcare...if you really DO prefer to work out in the gym.
  • Nana920
    Nana920 Posts: 51 Member