Exercise suggestions for a fitness newbie!

So I have decided that I do not want to be the girl that people think 'Wow, She's so skinny' at the end of my journey. I want people to look at me and think 'Wow, She's so fit!'. I want to be smooth and toned and shapely.


I have never done a days exercise in my life other than casually walking my parents dogs. I didn't even play sports as a kid so I would list my fitness as a big fat 0.

What exercise DVD's, routines, exercises or plans would you recommend for a complete exercise newbie? Preferably as guided as possible as I have no idea what I am doing



  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Any Leslie Sansone Walk at home or Biggest Loser DVDs.....DO NOT START WITH Jillian Michaels....you will die. :) I started with Zumba on the PS3...that's a good one too!
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    Kettlebells are a lot of fun.

    I've heard good things about this kit: http://www.amazon.com/The-Firm-5-Pound-Kettle-Trouble/dp/B006OA1TA0
  • What in the heck is a kettlebell? What do I do with them? :)
  • Here are some exercises I do all the time with my trainer :)

    Jumping Jacks- do these for 1 minute to get your heart rate up

    Squats- 3 sets of 20. Make sure you are doing them properly. As my trainer always says..stick your butt out! haha

    Squat Jumps- when standing up from a squat you want to jump up from a squat position. Do 3 sets of 15. So, it’s basically jumping up and down but incorporating squats. It’s fun and gets your heart rate up!

    Lunges- 3 sets of 12. You can incorporate weights with these. Lunge-bicep curl- overhead, repeat.

    Lunge Jumps- this can be tricky… You do a lunge and then basically jump into a lunge with the opposite leg. You will stay in same spot while doing these.3 sets of 12.

    Rows with Band- if you have a resistance band you can tie it to a door knob of wrap it around something steady that you have. In squat position pull band back like you are rowing. Do 3 sets of 12.

    Inch Worms- bend down keeping your arms and legs straight. Walk out your hands until you are in push up position. Slowly walk your legs in then your hands back out…repeat. Do 3 sets of 5. Once you get used to this you can incorporate a push up when you are in push up position.

    Leg lifts- if you have a stability ball lay on the ground with the ball between your ankles. You will grip the ball with your legs/feet and lift up. This is a tough exercise but works the lower ab muscles. Do 3 sets of 5.

    Stability ball exercises- stability ball is great for doing sit ups/crunches. Also, if you sit is ab position on the stability ball and hold a weighted ball or 10lb weight and move from side to side this helps work the oblique muscles. Another is to Lay on your stomach on the ball with the ball under your knees. Pull the ball toward your chest using your legs and then roll it back out again…this works your core.
    Step ups- using a step (I use a stair, haha) step up using your right leg. Lift left leg and bend your knee. Repeat 10 times. Switch legs and repeat. You can do these using a weighted ball, too. Hold ball above your head, arms straight. When you bring your knee up bring the ball down to touch your knee keeping your arms straight.
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    <3 Leslie Sansone Started with the 1 Mile Video and now can do the 4 Mile plus!!
  • shlobiwan
    shlobiwan Posts: 109 Member
    I consider this to be a great place to start, as you don't require any equipment and can be done in your home:

  • Thanks everyone! I love all your ideas and they actually look achievable! YAY! :D
  • melissarina
    melissarina Posts: 113 Member
    When I began, I started with seeing a PT 3x a week (had to reduce it to 2x a week after 2 months because it was getting expensive) so that I'd know what I was doing. I love it, so I spend my money on that instead of buying shoes all the time :) I also had really bad balance when I started, so bodyweight exercises have been great (squats, lunges, etc), and best of all, they're free and you can do them anywhere! You can also add it weights if balance isn't an issue :)

    You could start with some classes at a gym, if you have a gym membership. I do pilates twice a week, and I love it. It's great, because I can really notice the improvement (I can stand on one leg now for >30seconds, whereas I couldn't do it for more than 5 seconds when I started). This has really helped my core, which helps in my workouts.

    C25K (Couch to 5km) is another great program you could look at - I got up to week 3, and I was really enjoying it. I rolled my ankle in a completely non-fitness incident (I was walking to work from the carpark) and haven't been able to run for 2 weeks. Hopefully next week I'll be back into it. If you're interested, google C25K

    I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred on Sunday. I love it, and I know quite a few people that have started it when they haven't done any exercise and survived (I think they hated Jillian by the end of it thou) - that might be a bit hardcore to start with thou.

    Hope this helps!
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    If you have never done exercise before you might want to try power walking. That can get your heart rate up for a start until you are ready to move on to something else.
  • MeganRhea_x
    MeganRhea_x Posts: 57 Member
    If you can afford it.. Look at beachbody.com and check out their DVDs! They have all types from beginners to advanced, and I've loved every kind I've tried! I'm addicted to at home workout programs now :)
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    What in the heck is a kettlebell? What do I do with them? :)
    It's a little lead ball with a handle on it. You can do a whole routine just doing exercises with that one tool. That DVD kit I linked to above comes with a 5lb one. You can find example moves on youtube.

    Another idea is a yoga class, and I see melissarina mentioned Pilates. That's actually how I started out. And I agree that it feels really great to see that you can reach another inch further, or balance a little better than before.
  • Check Pinterest for some good workout ideas too.
    http://www.self.com/fitness/workouts/2006/10/work-out-while-watching-tv-slideshow#slide=1 GREAT for beginners- you can do it while watching TV! :)

    http://soon2befit.tumblr.com/post/6805414737 - I LOVE doing this one. It kicks your butt but you feel awesome after because your pulse is going and its a quick energy boost

    http://onlinefitnesstrainingprogram.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/116178865357007573_eWGQPKkh_f.jpg Looks pretty good too :) I've done all of them and they are fairly easy.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    <3 Leslie Sansone Started with the 1 Mile Video and now can do the 4 Mile plus!!
    This. I started with the one mile. I just found her 5 mile DVD and it burns lots of calories and is very easy!
  • If you're able to find Tae Bo videos anywhere, I'd say those are your best bet. They're good calorie burners and they're kinda fun. c: Along with Just Dance.