trying to lose weight in time for uni

hi guys,
I'd just like to introduce myself - krissy,
I'm trying to lose 22 pounds in time for march next yea, and I'm really just looking for any tips/ideas - I just don't feel comfortable in my skin, you know?


  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    My tip is to start by feeling comfortable in your own skin. :wink: Then do active things that you ENJOY! :drinker:
  • lavenderfilly
    lavenderfilly Posts: 3 Member
    I say just eat healthy and find sports/active things you like to do. And do them
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    My tip is to start by feeling comfortable in your own skin. :wink: Then do active things that you ENJOY! :drinker:

    I'm sure you mean well, but I don't think that's fair. If the OP could simply feel good s/he would. Sometimes concrete, mundane things can help to raise one's spirits. A good haircut can do more than a month of therapy (This is NOT an invitation to become a pawn of the fashion and beauty industries, merely an acknowledgment that superficial things do play a role).

    The only suggestion I would make is for the OP to set a longer time frame: Four months is really not much much time in which to transform oneself, assuming that's even required. Just pick a couple of goals, such as including fitness and good diet and stick with them for a while. To matriculate at a university is a very stressful experience.