Need help to start again!

Hi friends!

Between September 2011-August 2012 I went from 195lbs to 155lbs. Since my birthday this year, I've gained 5lbs to put me back at 160lbs. I feel like this might have also kickstarted my PCOS into overdrive... I've started a new job recently and have a heavy workload at school so I'm slightly stressed, and on top of this I've gotten sick (pneumonia, bronchitis, etc) three times and so my psoriasis has also gotten much worse.

Just feeling a little down! I need some help to get me back on track :( Can anyone give me any tips? Blah! :P


  • gil_u
    gil_u Posts: 165 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on here daily, and I'm all about motivation. This buddy system is great. 5lbs isn't too bad though, you will get there in no time.
  • nursedonnaj
    nursedonnaj Posts: 57 Member
    First of all, congrats on your amazing weight loss. That is awesome. Stress and anxiety can do horrid things to your body. Including bump up the scales a bit. Just stay positive, keep eating right and doing whatever you have done to lose so much in the first place. Water!! Fiber!! Protein!! Exercise!! Positive attitude and prayer don't hurt either! :)
    Hugz! You got this!!
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    take it one day at a time...literally set a goal for each day no matter how small to kick start the routine. Don't let it get you down, allow the set back to get you refocused. :smile:

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  • StrawberryThief
    You can do it! You've come so amazingly far and even with that little bit of weight gain recently, just look at how much you've lost! You should feel good about that, rather than be beating yourself up for being human! Just get back on the wagon and you'll feel great again in no time.