Workout DVDs

What is everyone's favorite workout DVDs you use at home?


  • mamtz26
    mamtz26 Posts: 22
    Well if you have a Wii you'll love JUST DANCE
    I just burnt 800 calories effortlessly ....and had so much fun doing it didn't even seem like a workout!
    When first starting to get back into a routine I like the :Walk a mile" dvd's...
  • indy2bird
    indy2bird Posts: 13
    I have been using Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds DVD's. She has several and I use them everyday. They are low impact aerobics and she has a 10 minute ab buster too! I
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    I've been using Beachbody's Slim in Six series.
    Was not able to to stick to the schedule they suggest, so I will NOT be slim in 6 but I am seeing results.
    Been doing the phase 2 "Ramp it up" for about 3 weeks,you will definately get results if you do it every day.
    Good Luck, I'm sure you will get many good suggestions.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Jillian Michaels' DVDs for me. I rotate between her 30 Day Shred (on level 2 right now), No More Trouble Zones, Banish Fat/Burn Metabolism, and Yoga Meltdown. Come 7 Apr, I'll be doing P90X.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    I have alwaaaaaaaays hated workout Dvd's but I always try diff ones....and I've got to say that I absolutely love Power 90.....Even tho right now Tony Horton and my arms and legs are in a love hate relationship right now...
  • ashley_alm
    ashley_alm Posts: 32 Member
    i just recently started the biggest loser cardio max workout. at first it is hard (i really haven't done much exercise aside from taking care of kids for 2 years) but i really like it. i just started a few days ago and am not yet seeing results but i can sure feel it!

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I agree with the Let's Dance for the Wii. It is awesome!

    Low Impact I like leslie sansone. Hip Hop Abs is fun to do. I like The Firm 500 Calorie burn and Taebo for a harder/longer workout.
  • rtrautmann
    I just bought a Bollywood Dance dvd and it's fun, but you do know you're working the whole time. I worked up a great sweat and can't wait to do it again, some of those moves are just so fun to do!
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I love ZUMBA makes you dance and its fun!
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I love ZUMBA makes you dance and its fun!
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    I love ZUMBA makes you dance and its fun!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    I love the beachbody dvds, and am currently doing Insanity. After that I'll do P90X and I'll look into Chalean Extreme.

    In the beginning I was doing Jillian DVDS which I love: Banish fat boost metabolism and the 30 day shred.

    And when I was really starting out my workouts I did Biggest Loser work outs.
  • nikolax
    nikolax Posts: 13
    Lets dance all the way its fun and the whole family even join in...i must say my six year old son is the best at it hel oves wigglein those hips......the wii fit Plus is also a must....more activities to do plus i love the little piggyu bank that tells you how may calories you have burnt after each activity.....
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    i just recently started the biggest loser cardio max workout. at first it is hard (i really haven't done much exercise aside from taking care of kids for 2 years) but i really like it. i just started a few days ago and am not yet seeing results but i can sure feel it!


    I just started the same dvd a couple of days ago.. I took my "before" pictures today and I can't wait to take my "after" pictures in 6 weeks. My legs have been killing me since I started the work out.. I'm fighting through the pain though. I wanna see results!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Tony Hortons Power 90 is amazing! Halfway through and have seen great results!
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    All the Beachbody programs--especially Turbo Jam!
  • Porsha1Love
    Porsha1Love Posts: 18 Member
    I like doing the Slim in 6 vids, hip hop abs, turbo jam, and bollywood vids. I love the insanity vids for those "way over the calorie limit" days lol.

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  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I did a great 40-minute circuit training workout today following a free video that I accessed on

    They have a lot of ones that look good. Check it out if you are looking for variety (and free!).
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    I LOVE Jillian Michaels DVDs. I started off using them from OnDemand and then finally bought 30 Day Shred. I lost 5" and 5 lbs within two weeks when I moved from level one to level two.
    I also do her Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD. It's a great workout, but I don't enjoy it as much as 30 Day Shred. 30DS is only 30 min and I feel really strong after I do and from doing it. BFBM burns a ton of calories because it's 40 min of straight cardio.
  • ashley_alm
    ashley_alm Posts: 32 Member
    i just recently started the biggest loser cardio max workout. at first it is hard (i really haven't done much exercise aside from taking care of kids for 2 years) but i really like it. i just started a few days ago and am not yet seeing results but i can sure feel it!


    I just started the same dvd a couple of days ago.. I took my "before" pictures today and I can't wait to take my "after" pictures in 6 weeks. My legs have been killing me since I started the work out.. I'm fighting through the pain though. I wanna see results!

    I know, i hate the pain especially havint to take care of 3 kids during the day lol...but after a few days the pain starts to feel good. like i'm finally accomplishing something!!