
I am trying to lose approximately 60 pounds. Heard about this website ...hope to get inspired .


  • StephG1130
    StephG1130 Posts: 99 Member
    Welcome to the site! I hope you find the inspiration you are looking for! Look around on here, lots and lots of inspiring people with such great stories! Good luck losing the weight! Dont give up!
  • welcome to your new family
  • ManEnMotion
    ManEnMotion Posts: 73 Member
    Welcome. The website is only part of it.... start using the ap and stick to healthy eating and healthy living

    I've used the Ap for about 3 months now and have lost almost 50 lbs.
  • poleydog
    poleydog Posts: 37 Member

    You will find this site excellent. Alot of really useful information. You can add me as a friend if you wish
  • Hello,

    I joined yesterday, feel free to add me.

    Gem x